Lord Shadow

Chapter 1415 Blessing From Heaven

The dragon in the sky, the scene is very shocking, the titanic body of this dragon block the sun

Raymond and Sofia look at this dragon; they both are frowning.

This dragon appearance is more like a dragon in the Chinese mythology than the one in the Western ones.

It is long and large looking like a fierce snake but have four legs. Clouds swirled around its feet and thunder and lightning seems to surround this dragon.

The clouds that have been repelled before is now being attracted toward the dragon, dark clouds gather above the head of the dragon

there are two horns on its head where one could see arcs of electricity shooting of. On its body, silver reddish blood is dripping down, each drip of blood is like a mass blob of liquid.

This is Kaiju true form.

A gigantic dragon that could control the weather, wielding the power of the wind, the clouds, rain and thunder

Right now the wind around the entire island seems to be affected by Kaiju transformation. Kaiju pressure become stronger and it reaches the clouds and seem to cover the entire island

Sofia frown become deeper and she gulped in fear. Kaiju even before he transforms into a dragon, is a very formidable enemy.

Now, that he had transformed into a dragon, he is surely becoming more dangerous.

But when she looks to her side and look at Raymond, the expected expression of despair or fear did not fill his face expression

Instead, Raymond is smiling.

He looks at Kaiju and then he looked at the sky and he seems to be waiting for something. And then he felt it.

He felt a blessing of luck towards him. And Sofia also feel it. She looks at Raymond with puzzling expression.

'The Heavenly Will does not like intruders. This place isolates the Heavenly Will before. But now, it's different. The Heavenly Will might close his eyes on certain things but when there is truly an intruder it would fight back. This is the bottom line that Kaiju had crossed.'

When Kaiju turns into a dragon, it basically put a target on his back. Raymond knows from the very beginning that this might happen.

Because he knows more things than Sofia.

Raymond look at the sky, and he smiles

'Even though I know you are reluctant; I guess we share a common interest right now. Maybe, because you emulate him, you also share a certain trait of his, that domineering part of him'

Sofia felt weird looking at Raymond talking to himself. But, then she understood who he is talking to

He is not speaking to himself. He is speaking to that entity, that is everywhere, all at once.

The Heavenly Will.

And when he spoke of that domineering part, Sofia understood.

The Heavenly Will was locked in a conflict with Death Monarch from the moment he usurped the authority of the Heavenly Will

and from what she knows, the heavenly Will even uses Azief face as the face of his avatar.

But Sofia did not have time to think about that right now.

Before she could focus, once again her focus is broken. She felt a surge of energy entering her body and she could not help but look at the sky

The blessing of the sky, the blessing of the will of the world. The elements of the world, the tangible and the intangible, all of it would help her and Raymond.

This is the meaning of the blessing of luck by the Heaney Will. Right now, what they needed is energy to fight and so the energy descended down upon them

Sofia could even feel an illusory feeling of being lucky. This is only her premonition but she felt that all favorable situation would side towards her.

Sofia felt that her energy is stabilized and Raymond body is also healing at an unprecedented rate.

Raymond crack his neck and his knuckles, a smile of confidence on his face

'The moment Kaiju turns into a dragon; he broke a line. And that is a big mistake. After all, this is his world' Raymond laugh.

He made the right bet.

Raymond from the very beginning could always tries to run away from Kaiju.

But he was sure that if he forces Kaiju to be desperate and reveal his true form, then the Heavenly Will would interfere.

That is why he did not hesitate to uses up all of his energy to make sure that they have a fighting chance.

It is a bet. A gamble. And it worked

Kaiju saw all this with his large eyes. His breath produces white mist that creates clouds. And that breath is getting faster like he is anxious.

And he could see the blessing of the Heavenly Will descend down on these two people

And he could not let this continue


he rushes down toward the ground, bringing rain, thunder, lightning and sharp winds with him


A shocking explosion sounded that shock the entire area of the island. Even the people outside of the island could feel it, the vibration of the battle.

The ripples of the battle between these three people on that island ripples outwards.

The wind barrier still stands, but now it becomes a bit thinner. At least that is the feeling of everyone around the barrier.

The moment that kaiju turns into a dragon, he seems to break some kind of restriction around the island.

That restriction is broken and the Heavenly Will finally gazes from its heavenly throne and look at this place.

Everyone who have reached Disk Formation could feel it deep in their heart.

They felt the vibration of the sea and their ship quickly move away from the barrier of the wind

Whether it be the Crime Alliance or the pirate crews, they all took swift measure, quickly distancing themselves from the area of the island.

All of these ships are all powerful and fast ship. Some even have the ability to sail toward the sky.

And their decision proved correct this time as the vibration spreads out even more. And the water area closest to the barrier of wind seem to be boiling.

The heat seems to spread out, the coldness of the wind blowing could not dissipate the heat

Jets of water flew upwards like there is some powerful force pushing them and it blast upwards and downward at the same time. There is an energy that pushes this blocks of water.

Bloody Mary is on her ship, beside her is Gray Becker.

A ten-foot tsunami suddenly erupted out of nowhere and is about to swallowed all of the ship near the wind barrier

Mary simply raise her hands; a saber flew out from her cabin.

She waves her saber gently; a powerful saber intent flew out.


The entire trail of this saber intent ripples through space.

Swift and fast, it collided with the tsunami.

It looks more like a thin light has swiped toward the tsunami

Sizzling sound could be heard and a large mass of gas seems to appear

The tsunami disintegrated leaving only a mass of gas that quickly evaporated or being suck into the whirlpool of wind barrier that revolved around the island.

'What happened in the island?' Gray Becker seems to be asking no one. He is just shocked at the current situation

he knows that this must be the aftershocks of some great battle. He did not know what is happening on the island right now.

He did not know that Kaiju, Raymond and Sofia is the only survivor in that island and that Kaiju is being gaged up by Raymond and Sofia.

Neither did he knows that the aftershock of this battle occurred from these two forces duking it out

He was shocked because he just didn't think that a battle could affect the area of this island like this.

That the power cold surpasses the protective ability of the wind barrier and spread outside. If it could, then the people they sent before would already have been able to send a message.

His eyebrows furrow even harder.

'Who is fighting? Kaiju and the Earthshaker? Or those other people?' but then he shook his head.

He knew the quality of people that the pirates send. And he also knew the kind of quality the person that the Crime Alliance had sent

None of them would be able to explode with this much power.

The answer is clear. It is Kaiju fighting either Earthshaker or the Divine Archer. Or he might even be fighting those two together.

The conclusion that Gray Becker had reached is also the conclusion that Mary had arrived on

'Is it the Earthshaker? Or is it the Divine Archer?' Mary seems to be talking to himself

Gray Becker simply said

'Maybe, both of them'

Mary takes a deep breath and could not help but say

'Kaiju is really powerful' she always mentioned this. But she keeps repeating herself. It is like just when she thought she knew the limit of Kaiju, he continues to surprise her

She always knew that Kaiju is a very powerful person.

After all, she once fought him. She always had a temper.

So, it is not surprising at all that she would clash with Kaiju.

It is during that clash; she acknowledges how powerful Kaiju really is. And in that clash she also learns that Kaiju did not use all of his power.

That even when she has pushed herself to her limit, her limit is only the beginning for him

The fact that the battle could reach to this kind of level, could only mean that Kaiju is taking this seriously

Bloody Mary and Gray Becker knows what is happening on the island. But for the others, they did not know much.


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