Lord Shadow

Chapter 1414 Dragon In The Sky

The sound of the arrow echoes all over the island, a wave ripples of energy spreads out, the ground was blasted off, the wind was repelled, the thunder and lightning in the sky pales in comparison

A golden light that shines like a holy light that would ward off all evil.

The sound of the arrow being released from the bowstring lingers and all living creatures in the island could hear it.

Sofia rarely shot with her full strength but if she did and given the time to charge the energy, the effect is very disastrous.

'One point short' she seems to be muttering

The only reason she could not get the title the strongest woman in the world is because of this limitation.

She had to concentrate to create such a powerful strike.

Unless she has a protector or someone to back her up when she is preparing, she could easily be defeated by someone with the equal strength.

That is the weakness.

She needs time on her side.

Of course, there is always the arrow that is given to her when she got the bow.

She rarely uses these special arrows because she always believes that she would only uses it when her life is truly in danger or when her friends are in danger.

The kind of arrow that could blow up the sun.

And before the Multiversal Convergence, that arrow could also blow up the Earth

Right now, even with all these thoughts in her mind, she still managed to focus on Kaiju. The focus that she put on Kaiju made her see everything about him

Only when she is sure, she releases her arrow.

The arrow comes closer and closer, the howling of the wind echoes and lingers, but the arrow that created this sound had already passes these area of sound, leaving only an afterimage.

To other people the speed of the arrow might not seem as fast as one would imagine. But fast has nothing to do with whether the attack could hit the target or not

For a moment, it was like the time on the island stopped.

This arrow in Kaiju eyes is not that fast. But even though it is not fast, it is simply something that Kaiju could not dodge away.

Instead, the slower it is, the more momentum it accumulated

The arrow that was shot by Sofia is a lone arrow. A gigantic arrow that refines itself as it flies across half the island distance to reach Kaiju.

This arrow has no concept of speed. This arrow is simply an arrow that is out of this world. There is traces of Time and Space in its tip.

When it pierces the wind, it separated time and time dilation occurred around both sides of the arrow.

Like the Red Sea parted, Time and Space seems to be cut into two separate things, so the Space and Time is not in sync with each other

This kind of weird phenomenon could only be seen in Dark Space, in the void of the universe, in some places where human physic began to crumble down

But an arrow from Sofia had managed to do this kind of thing

But the changes are too subtle that nobody could notice it.

The only one who knows the secret of this arrow is Sofia, the one who release the arrow and the target of the arrow that feels the suppression of time and space.

Ignoring time and distance, this kind of otherworldly arrow…. who else could shoot it other than the Divine Archer in this world?

It is truly a divine arrow and only a Divine Archer could have shot such an arrow

Raymond saw the arrow, but since he is not the target, he could not see the mystical effect of this arrow.

what he sees is different from what Kaiju sees.

What kaiju sees is an arrow that came a hundred feet forward, draining all the life force of everything it passes.

But to Raymond what he sees was a golden arrow that appears and the suddenly it disappeared.

To his eyes, the golden arrow left the bowstring and the next moment it already penetrated Kaiju skin

'Argh!!' Kaiju could only screams in pain.


His scream parted the winds and disperse the storms. A shockwave blast exploded with Kaiju as the epicenter

Even though the force coming out of him is very terrifying, Raymond could not help but see how weird it is.

Kaiju could only wait for the arrow to come to him.

And he could see like in slow motion how the arrow slowly pierces his skin, feeling pain in every second that arrow pierces his skin

Then it penetrated and passes through his body, each second is a torture, the pain reverberated across all of his body, feeling it coursing through his every vein, a sharp and heaven shattering pain that wrecked his body.


The arrow passes and the pain finally dissipated, leaving his veins but then as quickly as that pain goes, another bout of pain assaulted his nerves again.

There is a hole on Kaiju chest, silver reddish blood flows down from that hole. Raymond saw this and smile

'What a beautiful arrow.' He thought to himself as he could finally let himself falls down to the ground


Lying there on the ground, he laughs

His entire body is exhausted but he felt accomplished.

The battle is not over but at least he now has some hope of defeating Kaiju.

'Kaiju is not Death Monarch' Raymond thought to himself.

In the distance, Kaiju is there standing, his face expression shows his pain. Gritting his teeth, yet his body could not move from that spot.

It wasn't until that arrow pierce through his right chest that he could move again.

Blood keep dripping from his chest and his face is pale.

'I fought Earthshaker and he did not even hurt me to this extent. But one arrow pierces my chest and give me such an injury. Who would have thought that the Divine Archer is this strong?'  he said it even as blood comes out of his mouth.

There is no longer that arrogant attitude. There is only dust in front of him and he could not see Sofia in the distance.

Normally, he could see it with his eyes but with such injury certain senses does not work as well.  But he knew Sofia could listen.

Three hundred miles from Kaiju Sofia is coughing blood. Such powerful arrow, how could it not have any price.

Her realm quickly dropped to Energy Disperse Stage. Some of her Disk had cracked and her Seed wilted.

It would take a few days or weeks for her to get back to shape.

Kaiju might be surprised that his body was pierced by that arrow. But Sofia was surprised that Kaiju was not annihilated into dust.

'Shit. What does his body is made from?' she thought to herself.

Sofia and Raymond is beat. Raymond has uses almost all of his power. Sofia is now too weak to defend himself

Kaiju had a hole on his chest. The trident is still in the middle of the island. The entire island is in a mess.

Who would win such battle?

The blood drips from the air, and then Kaiju falls down to the ground, his knees hitting the scorched earth.

A booming sound echoes, a shockwave exploded, the dust rises up and the wind were pushed away by the blast.

A deep crater was formed, and in the middle of that crater is Kaiju, kneeling. His condition right now is really pathetic.

But he is not yet dead.

Blood is spurting out from that hole in his chest…..but he is still breathing.

He is panting and his chest is heaving up and down.

he could feel that there is an invasive energy that is preventing his body from healing. Even though he tries to absorb the energy around him to heal his injury, none of that seems to work.

Anyone else would have die if they have suffered such injury.

But, Kaiju is not done. He looks at the sky and try to see something

'I hope this Heaven of the world would not punish me' The moment he said this, Kaiju aura suddenly rises up tenfold.

'Shit' Raymond curses as he saw this. Even in his lying position, he still pays attention to Kaiju. He musters the last bit of strength he has in his body to get up

Sofia shakes her head.

'I thought something like this would happen' she brought out something from her storage bag. It is a pill.

She throws it to her mouth and her energy once again rises up but it only rises up until Disk Formation lower realm.

Even though the energy is restored, the injury she had still lingers in her body. When the injury involves law and unusual magic, a pill is not a heal-all, cure-all panacea.

Sofia eyes turns determined and the energy around her seems to change. Raymond face changes.

Kaiju energy exploded tenfold, and Sofia is ready to engage with Kaiju. She kicks her feet forward, the space and time around her seems to be pull over and in what seems to be almost an instant, she appears beside Raymond.


She did not say anything.,

She simply takes Raymond by his shoulder and takes a step backward.

She travels backward a few hundred feet, the space around her seems to bend and time seems to stand still

Sofia did not know what Kaiju is doing but the force that is coming out of him is not something that she could ignore


The moment she takes a step backward, a powerful explosion erupted with Kaiju as the center of this explosion

Rushing wind sweeps everything around him, the scorched earth broke down, collapsed into itself and some of them exploded and the force made this soil to travel upwards to the sky

Sofia narrowed her eyes and Raymond also look toward that area. But then their gaze turns toward the sky

'Shit' both of them said in unison

In the sky there is a titanic monster, the clouds were pushed away, the wind were repelled

In the sky, there is a dragon!


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