Lord Shadow

Chapter 1416 Fog Descend Upon The Sea

The Soaring Sun Pirate also knows that their captain is there so they could guess a bit of what had happened.

But for the other pirates, they did not know. All they know is that a powerful force seems to have exploded out of nowhere.

So, they look at the wind barrier, trying to see through it, trying to understand what is happening right now

Unfortunately, they could not hear anything or see anything because of the sound of the wind around the island.

On another ship, there is Golden Face standing on the helm of the ship also looking at the wind barrier, trying to peek through the wind barrier and see what is happening on the island

'Kaiju…is he really that powerful?' he thought to himself. But that is not the only thing he is thinking about

Looking at the wind barrier, he notices something after that burst of energy leaks out from the barrier

The barrier has become longer, wider and thicker.

'A countermeasure of sorts?' he speculated in his mind. All kinds of weird phenomenon could be felt, seen and heard after that blast

Even though the barrier seems to be longer, wider and thicker, Golden Face felt like the barrier is getting weaker.

Things that happens in the island now seems to leak out to the outside. He could hear thunder and see a few flashes of lightning streaking the sky.

It was so blurry, so faint that Golden Face even thought that he imagines some of it. But he is really sure of this

And his heart is also moved after feeling this wave of power.

'Kaiju is really powerful. Maybe, I could recruit him later for the Crime Alliance. Wasting his talent in the pirate world' he thought to himself.

He did not stay in the cabin where it is safe.

But instead, he went to the deck. The face of the mask did not change. It masked the feeling on his real face, this feeling of anxiousness that is spreading all over

the reason why he is on the deck instead in the cabin is because he is waiting for someone.  And his wait does not take long.

A fog suddenly shrouded the area.

This alarms many people. First, there comes the tsunami.

Now, there is this fog.

What is happening here? This is the thought of those pirate crews and the crew members of the Crime Alliance.

Bloody Mary in her ship and some other pirates are also suddenly feel antsy. She was about to fly out of her ship and investigate when a ship that is near her simply said

'It's the Trickster. He's here' Mary look toward that person.

It is another pirate lord. There is not many pirate lord that participated in this matter today but those who come are welcomed by Mary.

Mary frowned and simply said to herself

'Even he is here. I guess he is not afraid that the world power would capture him right now.' But then she understood why the Trickster dares appear here at this time

It is precisely because there is the World Council that he could appear here.

They are too busy right now. And even the whole world eyes are focused on the World Council.

Not here. Not in this place and certainly not on this unknown island.

The wind barrier might make this place is a little bit unique but it is no more abnormal than many other places in the world.

If everything is abnormal, then everything is actually normal.

Her eyes narrowed toward the fog.

She knows that things are getting bigger.

There is more anxiousness in her heart right now and her mind is actively thinking right now. Even though she looks like someone who is ruled by her emotion, she is also quite clever when she needs to be

If not, she would have already died many times. Guts, bravery is not enough to survive in the troubled times.

'Loki the Trickster. Another troublesome person appears here' Gray Becker words is overheard by Mary.

And she nodded.

Loki is also quite the heavyweights in the world and there are many rumors that he possessed the Book of Secrets.

After all, he is the one that killed the Broker. The feat of killing the Broker is an amazing feat because the Broker was under witness protection by pandemonium.

This act alone had increased fear and prestige for the Crime Alliance.

Because Loki had joined the Crime Alliance.

And with the Book of Secrets in his hand, even though the Crime Alliance was weakened severely after repeated attack, with Loki joining them, they are still surviving and thriving in this new world

And because of the Broker death, many people would think twice now to become a snitch since Loki could still kill such a person and remain unscathed.

Gray Becker who was standing beside Mary sighed

'It is better not to get involved with him. Those who did, did not have any good end' Mary nodded.

But she said

'We might not have a choice'

Her focus right now is only the trident. But, Loki coming here? Does it have nothing to do with the trident?

That is why she believe that she might not have a choice.

'Did he want to interfere?' she asks. Gray Becker think for a few seconds before saying

'Probably. That is the only reason why he would come here at this time' Mary frowned.

She really didn't want to cross path with the Trickster if she could help it

She felt that there is a conspiracy here.

If the Crime Alliance had sent Loki from the start, why would Golden Face be worried that the trident would fall into Raymond hands? There would be no need to ask for Kaiju help

She thinks deeper and she believe she knows why. There must be some kind of agreement between the Trickster and the Red Table.

The Red table probably could not have expected that anyone would know of the true power of the Trident.

But the World Government knew and Raymond is here.

'The informant is Loki' she thought to herself.

This is her current speculation.

How did the Crime Alliance know that the trident is the real trident of Poseidon? Who gave them this information?

Mary find it hard to believe that the Crime Alliance is the one that knows about this form the begging. If they did know, they would have already tries to grab it at all cost.

They only know because someone told them.

Loki is the best candidate. It is known that he has the Book of Secrets and some rumors said that he has a weapon that told him the locations of Divine Artifacts.

Mary feel uncomfortable right now.

It is like she is missing something. She doesn't know what it is but she feels quiet uncomfortable at this thought. Gray Becker also frowns.

He also understood that something is very wrong

He then asks

'Do you want me to join?' Mary frowns become even deeper. She looks at the wind barrier and clench her fist.

'If I do not know the trident true power, I might not be this obsessive. Kaiju …. I am confident of him'

Gray Becker nodded

He also is very confident of Kaiju.

Even though they did not know that monster for long, that monster strength is acknowledge by both of them

But if Loki also muddled the waters, then they did not have much confidence.

Loki himself is a Disk Formation leveler and who knows what tricks he have. Not to mention, even if he does not use any tricks, Loki is not a soft persimmon that could be pinched and crushed

This is one of the powerful figure in the world. He might not have the same influence like Death Monarch, but that is relative to Death Monarch

To the rest of the world, he is a figure that could cover up the clouds and block the heavens

Loki could command a lot of people. And his scheme is always multi-layered. Not to mention he holds many people weaknesses.

Kaiju is powerful. But he is not Death Monarch, invincible in the world.  Mary seems to be thinking of something

No doubt, that she is thinking of what she would do if Loki went into the island.

'I will enter if Loki enters. And Marco would also join' Gray Becker said. Gray could see that Mary is conflicted on how to deal with this matter.

If they won, it is good. But if they lose, not only the power of the sea would be transferred to someone else, they would also make enemy with Loki.

The pirates are allied with the Crime Alliance, thus one might think why would disobeying Loki will make them enemies?

Because Loki is also in the Crime Alliance, they should not be a problem.

After all, Golden Face and Bloody Mary negotiation is very peaceful, and they compete fairly even among criminals and outlaws.

But Loki…...Loki is different

It is very different

Even though Loki joins the Crime Alliance, he usually acts alone and even the Red Table couldn't control him that much.

Mary does not know much about the internal problem of the Crime Alliance but she knows this.

The Red Table is very wary of Loki. Even though he had joined the Crime Alliance, he rarely targeted Death Monarch

Not to mention even though Loki is now a member of the Crime Alliance, he still is very chummy with Death Monarch

'They could not trust him. And that is why he was not sent. Then does this mean Loki come to this place without any directive from the Crime Alliance?' she thought to herself and nodded at her conclusion

She then looks at Gray Becker and then said

'Call Marco. Arrange things. But do not enter the island unless Loki enters the island. Be cautious but try not to provoke him that much' Gray Becker nodded and he quickly goes out of the ship flying toward another ship

Mary could only sigh. She already made preparations so now the only thing she could do is to respond to the situation that might arise

she stands there looking at the fog

'I really hope you don't meddle in this matter. The control of the sea could fall to the Crime Alliance but it surely must not fall into your hands' she mutters to herself.


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