Lord Shadow

Chapter 1398: African Alliance

Chapter 1398: African Alliance

The Dome structure is very large. It is one hundred feet high and from afar it looks like a golden egg.         


The front is very open.      

There are robot guards stationed near the outside gate.      

Jean and Hirate shows their pass, a runic formation that give them access to almost all of the rooms inside the dome structure     

There are four doors around the dome.      

It is on the four cardinal direction.      

They come from the south area so they are going inside the dome through the south door.      

There are many people on the open yard.      

Some of them are people who have connections with the people coming here today, some who came here are the reporters of the White Owl.      

White Owl methods of getting news have always been mysterious.      

But in the past couple of months while the great powers were making their moves and trying to stabilizes their dominion, this mysterious faction that spreads news all over the world also make their own moves.     

They hire reporters and pay them with energy stones. Low level people usually take on this job as the job is very flexible.      

There is dangerous reporting work but most news is not that dangerous.      

As long as they could give a good news, they could earn a few energy stones and strengthened themselves.      

Who would reject such a good offer? Hirate did not see the other world leaders. And the reporters did not see them     

Jean and Hirate walks freely. Even though they walk beside these reporters, these reporters could not see them     

For Hirate he changes what the other people see.      

This kind of trick would not work against people of the same or more powerful realm than him or people who have powerful sensitivity     

But it is enough to deals with these reporters who is mostly in the Energy Disperse stage or below.      

With one glance Hirate could tell that most of the reporters are around the Pillar Forming or Orb Condensing realm     

To people like Hirate, messing with their mind is as easy as breathing.      

As for Jean, he created time difference lag in the surrounding.     

In a way it is like taking a timestamp of a certain space and area and making sure that when eh passes that area, the timestamp of the unmoving scenery is shown.     

It is like someone had tampered with a security camera. When the guards look at the security camera, he sees nothing is wrong, there is no one while in actuality, there is a person there walking around.      

'I don't see the others'     

'Maybe they are already inside' Hirate nodded and they walk through the many halls. Most of the halls is not completed yet.         


There is flying robots and drones all over the place. These drones seem to be ordering the robots where to put bricks and where to carve and chiseled.      

Most of the materials building this dome could not easily be shaped according to one will using normal tools. And while robots nowadays built buildings, in the end, it still needed human touch because it needed magic.      

And robots could not perform magic. If its technology they could still provide. But the development of technology is not as fast as magic     

The world right now is a mix of technological civilization and magicle civilization. These robots are very helpful when constructing a city residence.      

But, if you want to build something that endures in this new world many things need to be done manually like putting the appropriate protection array and many people needs to be hired.      

And then before they knew it, they were in front of the door already.      

Just one look at the door and one could tell that this door is not ordinary. There are many kinds of carving here, of dragons and tigers, of phoenix and turtle snake.     

It might seem like an Eastern oriental drawing but there is also symbols of alchemy and runes all interspersed in the painting     

Such a mess of theme in painting should make the door design look messy but the door looks like a bizarre duality of magical truths.      

The door itself seems to emanate with power. Jean could already feel the fluctuation of time and space energy around the door     

'Huh. Interesting' he thought to himself as he pushes the door and he instantly disappeared. The door did not open but Jean had disappeared.     

Hirate look at this door and he raised his eyebrows.     

'I guess Arturo must have learned this from Death Monarch' this kind of technology must be something that Pandemonium possess. No wonder, they wanted all of their magical energy frequency yesterday.     

Or, it might be built by Pandemonium building team. Maybe, after he got back to his own Island, he would send some spies to check out the matter.      

Hirate was not panicked. He could guess what happened. Jean put his hand on the door, the door recognizes him and he disappeared into the room     

Even though he could not sense it as acutely as Jean, Hirate also felt the existence of the space and time energy around the door     

It must be some kind of space manipulating magic.      

So, Hirate also did the same and the moment he puts his hand on the door, he feels the space and time around him to contort and compressed before he suddenly felt like he is on hard ground again.      

It took him a second for him to regain back his balance. But he finds that he is no longer standing but he is now sitting on a throne.     

His Mind Force quickly spread out and he could see that all of the thrones are very generic.      

It is gray in color. And Hirate finally could see where he is now. He is in a circular room. Only this circumference of the room is truly large.      

They are twenty feet away from each other in a circle.      

It reminded Hirate of the Colosseum in Rome. Hirate could see that Jean is on the opposite side of his, twenty feet away. And in the middle is empty space.     

He could tell that this could only be achieved by using space magic. It seems everyone is already here.      

There is the representative of the Order of Thinker. It is a woman wearing white robe with the symbolism of truths sewn onto her shirt.          


A young woman with long flowing hair and a diadem on her head.      

There is Lee Sangmin sitting on his throne, a staff floating beside him representing the Lotus Order     

He saw Narleod. He no longer wears bandages around his face. Instead, he wears a crimson mask.      

He wears a red robe. And he sat there looking at everyone. Then Hirate look at the other side, and saw Kairu.     

The African Alliance. Kairu is the leader, mediator. He is serving his second term as the leader of the African Alliance.     

Out of the many world powers, African Alliance is the most complicated as there is too many factions.      

Even Hirate did not pretend to understand the intricacies of balancing the needs and interests of its fifty-four members.      

Hirate had a bit of love and hate relationship with Kairu. World Government have always thought of pulling Africa to their powers.     

In the beginning this method is about to succeed. If African powers fall under the influence of the World Government, Hirate ambition to create a true World Government might not be as far as it is today.     

But before that could happen, Death Monarch separate and distinguished seven powers. It broke all the calculations and all the plans that Hirate had put in Africa     

Hirate saw Kairu.      

Kairu is a middle age man, a six feet two man. He is lean but he had bulk up following the years.     

So when he stands, he stands with an imposing force. He has an authoritative voice and a calm demeanor, and it is this commanding presence that make him respected in the African Alliance.     

But since it is fifty-four interest tied to one place, there is people that love him, like him and hate him and want to kill him.      

But he must do something right for him to be elected for the second term.      

The election of the leader of the African Alliance is very complicated business. From what he heard, there were many times, the criteria and the methods of voting had changed.     

There is a reason why the African Alliance does not seem to have too much influence in the world stage     

It is because they usually kept to themselves.      

Hirate could not help but sigh     

'Kairu jobs are very much harder than mine' he thought to himself.      

Africa is a huge continent and after the Multiversal Convergence it became even huger and full of resources.     

There is no need to rely on others and one must thought with that many resources at their disposal, they would prosper. Well, some part of Africa is very prosperous but some are still very war-torn.     

There is fifty-four power and faction in this large continent. One voice could not down fifty-four other voices.     

They lack a unifying voice. That does not occur anywhere else in the Seven Great Power.      

At most, the power is only divided by a few people and a certain job and objective could still be accomplished.          


But African Alliance had fifty-four people and they all have their own thoughts and desire. So, their participation in the world is low and they have almost to none in terms of their presence to the world.     

Even in some part of Africa, most of its people wanted to be included in the World Government.      

So, African Alliance is rarely cared about by the other world powers. Even after its creation, many of the world powers simply ignore them because they are not optimistic about the African Alliance     

Even though, they maintained peace by creating the alliance, this peace is traded off with the ability to make a sweeping reform.     

Since everyone does not want to enrich the others, they could not pool their resources.     

There are benefits of centralization of power and there is also a con. But, to African Alliance, nobody wanted centralization of power because that means someone would be their leader and they do not like other putting their feet above their heads.      

Not all are selfish. Some could see that if they keep going in these trends, of decentralization while the other world powers are centralizing their powers, they would be left behind.     

But among the fifty-four alliance member, there are more that wanted to keep their interest, not wanting to listen to anyone.      

For example, there is Somalia. Before the Fall, it is a country that is on the brink of collapse and there is no central government.     

And there are warlords all over the land. After the Fall, it is more of the same. Only there is a difference.     

A man rose amidst the chaos and destroy the other warlords, uniting back the country under one rule.     

A monarchy is formed.      

That man is called Musa Abdullah.      

He was a man trying to survive before the Fall. A displaced civilian amidst the ongoing armed conflict between the warring factions in the land.     

The Fall came and this man, Musa fought monsters and rise in power. He was the first person in Somalia to reach Disk Formation. And when he did, he initiates contact with the World Government.      

At that time, Hirate wanted to expand the influence of the World Government to Africa and Somalia is one of the World Government point of entry     

The World Government lend Musa an army and Musa take control of Somalia. This person is unlike any other warlords in the world     

Maybe, it is because his background, he never wanted to expand.      

He rid of the warlords, and began stabilizing the country, once again creating the country of Somalia and then after the formation of the Seven Great Powers, Somalia was invited into the African Alliance     

Musa accepted.      

In the years that have passed, there was only one time when Somalia prosperity was cut and halted and that was during the Weronian Invasion, where that barbarian alien race rules the world for a brief period of time.      

But, most of the years under his rule has been peaceful and prosperous as their country seems to be blessed with all kinds of minerals and energy stone mines all over.     

When the African Alliance propose to the leaders and warlords that they should listen to one central power, Musa was the first one that rejected it.      

And when he rejected it, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania rose with him and objected.     

Somalia just stabilized and it did not want anybody interfering with it         


They understood what the African Alliance wanted to do was why some nation on West Africa wanted to centralize the power.     

But they could not trust them. And this is the attitude of many of the leaders in the African Alliance.      

there is more disadvantage than there is advantage when they do not centralize their power     

They could not afford to create a powerful weapon since that requires enormous resources.     

And this is only a few of the things that they could not do. Because of their disunity, they were many things that they could not implement effectively      

Even if one nation wanted to create a weapon for the African Alliance, their neighbors could not trust that the weapon is not made to attack them.     

What the rulers in the African Alliance fear was the emergence of a force powerful enough to control the entire continent of Africa.     

But the most pressing problem of the African Alliance is their lack of any powerful weapon that they could use other than the artifact that they have.      

Other world powers is innovating and creating new weapons and they could do it the moment they wanted to     

For example, if World Government is pouring resources to create weapons, no country in North America would be alarmed.      

It is the same when the Republic made a weapon.      

Nobody in Europe is worried that the Senate would use that weapons against them because they are under the umbrella of that world power.     

The weapon would undoubtedly be used against other world powers or other threats.      

Such thing however could not be seen in African Alliance; everyone is wary against each other.      

Any news of some country in Africa creating weapons, no matter how pure the intention is, they would be investigated and obstructed by the neighbor of that country for fear that the country is trying to create a weapon to fight against them and annexing them      

Every world power other than African alliance could quickly pool their resources to create something or do something     

Hirate could only sigh.      

Unless Kairu could solve this during his time as the leader of the African Alliance, sooner or later, this alliance would fell behind from other world powers.     

And at that time, the African Alliance would usher in a new force that would replace them.      

Even though it might seem that the world power is already determined, it is not so easy to say that. Pandemonium created the world power but he also stipulated the concept of the survival of the strongest.     

But Death Monarch limited it to the forces and not involve the people that much.      

They were given the responsibility of a warden, to rule and to protect the people under their rule. If they proved to be useless, and harmful to the world, and humanity, then the other world power would not hesitate to support the force that bring them down.     

Hirate had all of this thoughts because he has been getting reports that Kairu is planning something.     

He nodded towards Kairu and Kairu nodded back. These two rulers have smiles on their face but who knows what their thought are     



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