Lord Shadow

Chapter 1397: The Rule of the World

Chapter 1397: The Rule of the World

The world powers rarely enter the Turbulent Sea because it is hard to maintain control here. There is too many force here to pacify.          


There are the warlords. Then there are also the pirates and the Crime Alliance and a dozen more outlaw organization that fled to sea after the Multiversal Convergence.     

Most of them fled to this sea because the eyes of heaven could not see through it.      

The warlords, the pirates, these outlaws and criminals are all unruly and hard to control.     

To many of the Great Powers, they simply do not represent profitable investment. And there is a lot on the plate of the Great Powers     

It is hard to say whether Death Monarch was unlucky or lucky when he came out of the portal and end up in the Turbulent Sea.     

In hindsight now, Death Monarch was lucky. Arthur submit to him and now Pandemonium has a force in one of the Ten Seas.      

And while it is hard for others to keep an overseas colony like this, Death Monarch had created the Sword of Humanity.      

That sword ability is not yet revealed to the world but the fact that Death Monarch is confident in Arthur ability to keep this place for Pandemonium is telling enough.      

Hirate mind is full of these thoughts     

Jean look at him and he had a smile on his face. It was like a teasing smile. Hirate do not look at Jean face all the time but he could tell     

Step after step and finally Jean said     

'You must have something to say if you even waited for me in front of the door'     

Hirate simply said     

'Katarina' one word but this word is very heavy.      

Hirate expected Jean to halt in his step or the word might wipe out the smile on his face but Jean step is as stable as ever, walking step by step.     

Instead, it was Hirate that stop in anticipation of Jena stopping his feet. But Jean did not, so he has to follow Jean step     

'You don't seem…flustered'     

Jean said     

'Why should I?'     

'You don't think it would create a civil war in the Republic? You don't fear that her return would change the dynamic of power? What do you think she would do to the people that did that to his brother? Katarina is called the Ice Queen for a reason. She could be very cold to people' Jean did not answer immediately     

They keep walking. Hirate did not push an answer. He waited. And Jean finally spoke.     

'People are sick of war. It's time for the world to usher a peaceful moment. If its something that we have to do, I don't think the people would not fight. But civil war?' he shakes his head.     

Hirate simply said     

'Your people. Her people. Boris people. They would just accept it?' At this Jean chuckles.     

'I have a fist'         


'And that fist is enough?' Hirate asked     

'My fist is big enough'     

There is now silence.      

'Death Monarch'      

Hirate said another word. Just like the word before, this word is also very heavy. The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.     

'He will not interfere as long as I work along a certain line'     

'Why are you so sure?'     

Jean smiles and said     

'He owes me'     

There comes another silence. Their feet move forward, once again walking in silence. Jean waited. He knows Hirate had more question.      

And then the question came.      

'I didn't think you are like Death Monarch' the implication is very clear.      

The meaning is that Death Monarch govern Pandemonium, not through the virtue of his character, not through some kind of persuasion power but through his fist.     

Yes, Death Monarch deeds …. some of them are virtuous. But he did not establish Pandemonium relying on his virtue.     

His fist solves everything. Every problem is a nail because his fist is the hammer that could smash everything, nails and whatnot      

The Republic had a lofty goal and because of that goal people joined them and not Pandemonium.     

To the common people, Pandemonium is a place where they don't have to fear the powerful.     

  Because no matter how powerful the people there, is there anyone who is more powerful than the strongest person in the world?     

But, it is not particularly good for some powerful people. And not everyone could accept being under such a person whose mood is as stormy as the sea.     

In pandemonium, you are under the eyes of Heaven, and that means you are under the sight of Death Monarch.      

Jean shakes his head at Hirate insinuation     

'I'm not. If I do raise my fist, people would be happy. Because what I am doing, is what they wanted. As for the matter of Katarina, I have never wanted the High Chancellor post. The Republic is not like Pandemonium. It is not a place where one person voice trumps the other. Neither do I wanted it to be like that'     

Hirate scoffed.     

'I never thought that you are a proponent of democracy      

Jean shakes his head.         


'No. the Republic is not a democracy. No matter how much it pretends to be. But, the circumstances is different from Pandemonium. You know what I mean.'     

Then he added     

'Every ruler wanted to be like Death Monarch ruling Pandemonium, but if they do try, they would find themselves in a great danger and in great crisis'     

He paused before chuckles     

'Not everyone is Death Monarch'     

At this Hirate had to acknowledge Jean words. Pandemonium is a force that is founded by Death Monarch from scratch. The so called Pandemonium is the continent of Australia.     

That continent was filled with monsters after the Fall and the surrounding was completely transformed after the Fall     

There was no civilization there since it is been wiped out by the horde of monsters. Any modern buildings there were long destroyed when these titanic monster appears.      

the sea is also surrounded by titanic sea creatures that sunk off ships and swallow anyone coming near it.     

Australia continent in the past is one of the forbidden places in the world because of how many monsters in that continent.     

That continent was desolate and destroyed, wrecked so much so that no trace of human civilization could be seen     

Death Monarch chooses that dangerous place to train himself and he clears that continent by the power of one person.     

He claims that continent for himself and no one dares to counter claim that declaration.     

Those who came afterwards had to know that the land they stepped on is a land that was fought by the power of one person. There are only monsters before.     

But now, after years had passed, Pandemonium is the greatest power in the world.      

There is large vast of land, magical and mystical flora and fauna, all kinds of monsters and dungeons for people to train.     

All kinds of cities popped up all over the four corners of Pandemonium.      

And after the Multiversal Convergence, there is even more city state that formed all inside the Pandemonium continent     

This behemoth rarely enters into the conflict of the world but stay aloof, looking at the world conflict like it had nothing to do with them     

They play the part of peacemaker, of mediators, of arbiters and judges when the conflict would affect the world too much     

They make laws that other world powers had to listen to. Because, nobody wanted to readily offered the one sitting on that throne.     

It is not simply pandemonium they fear. They fear the one sitting on the throne protecting Pandemonium.      

This is all fought by one person. So, when "that person" speaks, the whole Pandemonium listens and obeys.     

Living under other people roof, learn to be grateful. It is not the same for the other world powers.      

The Republic is in charge of Europe. When they have to expand their powers, they have to clash with other established forces.          


And these forces are not weak either.      

So, the Senator system was established.     

It is the same for World Government who control North America and the other world powers. The only ones that did not need to fight battles against other foreign forces is Pandemonium and Order of Thinkers      

Hirate sigh. There is another silence.      

They walk in silence again and not before long they are now in the front door.      

The servants open the gates and they walk out. They could see the dome in the distance.      

'It would be a little late if we keep walking like this' Hirate nodded but then he looks back toward the palace.     

'Narleod…did he reside in the same palace as we did?'     

Arthur probably settled him in some other residence. The whole world knows that you and him are like oil and fire. Meeting together is like waiting for an explosion.'     

He nodded     

'The representative of Order of Thinkers….is it someone we know? Or someone new?'     

'I have not seen the representative yet. But from what I heard, it is someone new.' In the beginning, it is thought that the Order of Thinkers would join the meeting remotely because of the problem in the Blood Sea     

But, a day before, the Order of Thinkers notified the others that they have someone near the Turbulent Sea and this person would be the representative of the Order     

Hirate did not ask about the others because he know who is coming from the other world powers.      

'lead the way' Hirate said.      

A force suddenly enveloped Hirate. Hirate did not resist this force because he could tell that this is Jean Time Force.      

He looks around him and it was like the surrounding become blurry.      

He saw a dust that is floating in the air suddenly flows back down, saw a blooming flower on the roadside slowly return to the non-blooming state.      

Time and Space is distorted. Jean takes a step forward and the surrounding seems to change. It was like Jean had compressed the surrounding     

One step and they travelled a few dozen kilometers. Jean took another step and this time a few dozen kilometers is traversed again     

In what felt like second, they finally arrived in front of the gate.      


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