Lord Shadow

Chapter 1399: The World Waited

Chapter 1399: The World Waited

Hirate once again look around. It seems even though his Mind Force could act like his Divine Sense, like most of his psionic power, it is scrambled a bit.         


Hirate does not know if this has something to do with the structure of the Dome itself or maybe because this is inside the Turbulent Sea     

He looks at the throne.      

Most of the thrones inside this room are generic throne.      

But, there is one throne that is different than the other.      

A black throne. There is no decoration on this throne. Only a black seat. But, everyone knows whose throne this is.      

Even if that throne is not made by some powerful minerals, just looking at that empty throne, one could feel the pressure oozing from it.     

It is because they know who is going to sit there and thinking of it, they imagine the coercive power of that person.     

And Hirate also notices something else. This room is supposed to be a place where the seven world leaders gathered.     

But there are other seats.      

Then Hirate avert his gaze and instead look at the people inside the room     

They all looked toward each other, politely raising their hands or bowing slightly to acknowledge your presence.     

But then more people appears. Hirate saw one of the seat is now occupied and when he looks at who occupied the seat, his face expression shows a bit of schadenfreude.      

It is Hikigaya.      

Hikigaya took a glance, his face cold and expressionless.      

His gaze halted for a moment when he saw Hirate before Hikigaya close his eyes and just sit there straight.      

Nobody seem to be bothered that Hikigaya is also in this room. The matter that they would discuss today would decide the matter of the world.     

Hikigaya, Jean and Death Monarch is the only three Divine Comprehension leveler in this world. Each and every move any one of these beings made would create waves.      

Because they are big like a giant, and the world is like a lake. When these gains make a move, the waves they create could make the water on the lake overflowed.      

A few famous people in the world also appears but they are seated on the back and far away from the eight thrones.     

In a way, the world power also understands that a person who had already reached Divine Comprehension realms could be said to be equivalent to the force of a world power.     

This is simply the importance that was given to such a being.      

That is why even though Hikigaya had seceded from the World Government and no longer have anything to do with the World Government, there is a throne for him     

He did not come here to present the Empire of Japan. He came to represent himself as one of the top three powerful beings on Earth     

A few moments passed and there is silence in the room.      

It is not easy to talk when you are twenty feet apart. Of course, there is other ways of communicating like telepathy or using Divine Sense.         


It seems in this room, there is no such restriction of not using Divine Sense.     

But, nobody had anything to talk about.      

At least not in this juncture. The silence is pressuring but some people thrive in such environment.      

Jean sat on his throne and simply close his eyes, who knows what he is thinking. It is the same for Hikigaya     

Then a sound startles some people. There is the sound of a door creaking and it startles some of those who were closing their eyes.      

But Hikigaya and Jean is still closing their eyes. But, the others are not so calm. Some people creased their forehead. And some wipe nonexistent sweat on their forehead.      

Some people tap their feet anxiously. Some people tries to appear calms. The world leaders most of them tries to appear calm but many of them are actually very anxious.      

Unlike them who were transported directly inside the room, there is a door behind the black throne.      

And this door could only be open manually and there is only one person that could go through that door.     

This place might be the meeting place for the world leaders, but this is still Pandemonium turf. It is a place claimed by Death Monarch.     

This entire city is Death Monarch territory. How could people not be anxious?      

This door opens and everyone stand up. They did not see the silhouette of that person but they still got up first.      

Then the sound of footsteps echoes in the room. That person did not yet arrive at the room. The door was already open, but the shadow of that person has not yet been seen     

Instead, the echoing of his footsteps sounded inside the room. As that person stepped closer to the door, some people gulped.      

Some people here have met that person many times. But even they did meet him many times, this does not mean that they are comfortable with that person     

To many people here, meeting that person is very uncomfortable. There is this aura around that person that made people feel like they are being stared down by a predator.      

No eloquences could stand under the scrutiny of that gaze. Many people do not understand the fear one would feel when meeting with that person.     

Some people worship him and some people hated him. But, in actuality, not many people have talked and meet with him personally and those who did, all felt fear.     

Of course, if you ask such question to his friend, the answer you would get would be very different     

Some people here have long become powerful people in the world. But hearing that footsteps, they all remember the scenes from the past and these scenes rushed into their heart     

Their complex feeling and fear for that person rose up in their hearts once more. Another step echoes and one could feel a powerful energy shrouding the entire room.      

Then another few steps echoes and echoes and echoes.      

With each step, the momentum seems to gather and gather and the pressure increased. But this kind of pressure is not an oppressing pressure.      

It was like, it is there floating in the air, like gravity made to be heavy.      

Like having oxygen slowly sucked out from the room. Then they saw that silhouette and the black robe fluttering and they quickly greeted that person         


'I have seen Death Monarch'     

'It's an honor'     

'Greetings, Death Monarch' all of those people in the room all said this kind of words. Even Hirate had to say a few words of greeting     

The only one who is sitting on their thrones is Hikigaya and Jean.      

He saw Hikigaya and Jean not standing up but he didn't mind.      

They are equal in power and it is something that Azief never had cared about. Azief owes Jean and Hikigaya a lot in the days he was absent from Earth     

Azief saw the respect given to him. But his eyes like always is cold and unfeeling. It is like he is a piece of never melting ice.      

This is the demeanor of the strongest person in the world. It is not a face and persona that he shows to people he loves and knows     

He looks at all the leaders of the world and his cold eyes seems like an eye that could see all truth.      

Not many could look Death Monarch in the eyes. The feeling of having everything about you being stripped through is not a pleasant feeling.      

Everyone is still standing. Death Monarch stands in front of his throne. He looks left and right like a king looking at his subjects.      

The world powers in the minds of the common people, are equal to other in terms of power and influence.      

But there is always exception to this perception.     

Everyone knows that Pandemonium is the strongest of the world powers and that is why they made the rules.      

And the reason has always been Death Monarch.      

Now, his action shows that even after six months of absence, the presence of the strongest man in the world could not be ignored.      

His eyes are cold, sometime stopping at a certain person, like he was scrutinizing them.      

What does he say with that cold eyes?      

Nobody knows.      

But everyone had heard that when one reaches Divine Comprehension level, the laws of the world is at the fingertips of such beings.     

Jean could reverse, accelerate and even pause time to a certain degree. He could see one past, present and a bit of their future.      

Though, he still could not surpass the uncanny ability of the Great Oracle, everyone knows that it is very hard to lie in front of such beings who controlled the very fabric of reality that they are living in.     

And what about Death Monarch? What did he see? Could he also see their thoughts and actions?      

That is why nobody dares to raise their head too high and look at that eye. He did not say anything. He just stands there and a powerful pressure seem to descend inside the room     

It did not matter that they were separated twenty feet apart. This feeling is the feeling of everyone in the room         


The funny thing is that Death Monarch did not release any energy but all of this comes from their own mind     

In other words, they are scaring themselves.      

'Hmm' he said and the aura around him become stronger with just this word. He then nodded like he was satisfied with something as he sat down on his throne     

The pressure before suddenly dissipated. Some people even heaved a sigh of relief.      

Azief sat down and everyone sat down.      

'It seems everyone is here'     

The other nodded     

There was sideline for a while before Azief once again opens his mouth and speak     

'I have summoned you all todays for us to decide the matters of the world. I guess all of you have speculated this before'      

The people inside the room nodded, paying attention to Death Monarch words     

Since he is the one that proposes this meeting, he must have a plan. Nobody wanted to upstage the host.      

'I met some of you yesterday and we talk in depth of what needs to be done'     

He paused for a second. His eye glance to a few people, one of them is Hirate. Hirate saw the glance and he nodded     

Some people saw this and they all have the same thoughts.     

In this world, there is no permanent enemies and no everlasting friendship. Especially when it is regarding the matters of the world.      

The world powers are like great nations. The barrier of nation had been torn down but replacing nations was these powerful forces ruled by godlike beings.      

Azief then continue saying     

'Earth is now in a precarious position. Up there, beyond the skies, there is gazes looking at us. We have defeated the Weronians and we also were involved in a battle against multiple worlds, our world was the unfortunate site of the Multiversal Convergence'     

He paused for a second and then said     

'That put us on the map'     

Some people face turns solemn.      

'Planet Earth is no longer just a small insignificant rock in the Universe. And that is not exactly a good thing'     

Then he went silent.      

For a moment no one speaks. Everyone had a solemn expression on his face.     

Hirate then said         


'Earth still stands'      

Azief look at Hirate and smiles     


Jean opens his eyes and then said     

'Weronian came to our world and what did we do? We kicked their asses' Hikigaya chuckles and opens his eyes.     

'Like Death Monarch said, we are on the map now. But, that does not mean that those beings would like to come. If they think Earth is a place where they could go rampant, I have something to teach them'     

Jean, Hikigaya and Death Monarch laughed.      

Three of the most powerful beings on Earth laughs together.      

The words that they said, the demeanor in which they said it, is like a roaring declaration.      

But just because they laughed together, did not mean that others could join in and laughed with them     

It took a while for those three to stop laughing. But, then they look at each other eyes and there seems to be some kind understanding between the three of them     

Death Monarch then look around and then with a smile he said     

'Let's begin by talking about those refugees from the Otherworlds' the other nodded and the meeting began     

A meeting which would decide the fate of all living beings on Earth started. Outside of the dome, there is reporters siting on the staircase of the dome.      

Some of them is recording things using some devices that looks like a recording device. There are seagulls that flies in the clouds that delivers news to the world.     

These seagulls are not normal seagulls. It delivers news for the White Owl organization. In the squares of the Dome, the reporters stand in front of a floating shining rectangular tube.     

Broadcasting the meeting and what they know of what is being discussed which is not much. These reports might not be able to go inside the dome and hear the discussion.     

But the topic is given to the reporters by the workers inside the dome. The World Powers wanted the world to know what they are discussing today.      

The broadcasting and the recording would probably reach the other side of the Sea slowly as this is the Turbulent Sea and it is hard to broadcast anything directly.      

So, they could only record their voices, their faces beforehand. One of the reporters working for the White Owl waited in front of the door of the dome.     

That tall door with intricate carving seems to have some kind of power.      

He is busily writing, reporting about the Dome. He wrote that this dome would become one of the most important places in the world after this meeting.     

It is without a doubt, he speculates, that Death Monarch wanted to borrow the meeting to give influence to this dome and it might even be the meeting place for future meetings of the world powers.     

Inside the article, he wrote several benefits of having the meeting on this island, inside the Turbulent Sea.     

But as he writes, he heard the door of the dome opens. Someone came out wearing the outfit of what one expected a butler would wear.         


This reporter run ahead to go to the butler. And he is not the only one. Other reporters from other great powers also run forward. The butler did not say much only that the topic has been decided and he would give the rundown.      

The beginning of the World Council seems to begin with the treatment of the Otherworld refugee.      

The reporters all look at each other and they all nodded. They did not think that the first matter would be about the refugee.      

They wrote what they heard, added some of their own opinion, and insert their own agenda to it.     

News doesn't change that much. Only the White Owl writes only facts and tries to minimize any influence of agenda in their reporting and tries to remove any bias      

It is an impossible task yet it is worth doing.      

An hour passes and the world outside began getting the news. Some read the articles. Some look at the channel where this news is being broadcasted.      

With Zedphone, the phone using the energy stone to operate, some convenience of the life before the Fall had been restored a bit.     

The levelers outside of the Turbulent Sea is watching these reports. Some heard the radio broadcast.     

The whole world is paying attention.      

The World Council has begun and the world waited with bated breath of the decision of the world powers     


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