Lord Shadow

Chapter 1367: Trident of Poseidon I

Chapter 1367: Trident of Poseidon I

Will smiles bitterly and did not continue to push the topic that way. Will is not on the side of the Crime Alliance. He knows exactly the kind of monsters these people are          


But he also knows some people who just like Azief had told him, had no choice. Some have their family was born in it. Or their environment made them that way     

Yes, everyone has a choice. But sometimes even that choice is illusory. People think that with strength, one could choose anything. That is not always the case.     

Sometimes, that strength is the one binding you to that wrong choice. However, Will did not want to debate this right now.      

'Regardless of their hatred and fear of you, I know that they would not use such method. The crime leaders and the crime families that control the Crime Alliance would not resort to such measure'     

'All of them?' Azief ask with a bit of a chuckles as he found it funny that these people would even restrain their hand     

Will simply reply by saying     

'The crazy ones are the upstarts and not the established crime families. But even they would never be allowed to mess the social order in the crime underworld. And as you know- '      

And Will paused for a second before saying     

'Loki is there. I don't think he would allow such thing to happen' Azief frowned for a moment. There is silence again.      

Loki is a sore spot and Will knows it is a sensitive thing. If this was any other person, then they would probably be silenced by Azief stare.     

But because it is Will that said it, Azief only sighed. It is clear that Azief did not yet want to talk about Loki     

The silence lasted only for a few moments before Azief ask     

'Then, this is weird. If they do not use external powers to try to kill me, then how do you think they would be able to kill me? How would they think about even defeating me? They still have to lower down their heads and hide themselves like before'     

Will stop chewing the beans and then he closes his eyes for a second     

There is silence for a few second before Will opens his eyes and then said     

'Please know that what I am about to say is something that is unverified.'     

Azief nodded and smiles     

He knows while Will said that is unverified, it simply means that is not verified yet.      

After all, Will does not like saying things that are not true, and if it's true, Will would not have such an expression on his face.      

'It seems that while they have no confidence to fight you if you are in Pandemonium, or any other places in the world, they are quite confident of taking you down if you are in the Ten Seas or any seas for that matter'     

Azief narrowed his eyebrows.     

He could not understand     

'What does that mean? That they have confidence in defeating me in the seas but not in any other places?'     

'There is a rumor that there is a weapon that appeared after the Multiversal Convergence.      

'A weapon? What kind of a weapon?'         


'To be more precise, a Trident' Will smiles bitterly and did not continue building the suspense as he said     

'The Trident of Poseidon'      

'What?'  Azief hearing this was shocked     

'How did you get this news?' Azief immediately asked.      

'I got this news from Erika'     

The Oracle?' Will nodded.      

'From what she said to me, this trident had many abilities. It is unbreakable and serve as an extension of the real Poseidon     

'Wait? Don't tell me that it is the real Trident of Poseidon?'     

'Erika said it is' Azief frowned a little. There are two things that bother him. It was Erika and the Trident.     

  Azief knows that certain weapon has the appellation of divine weapons     

Case in point the Helmet of Invisibility that Loki wears.      

That is Hades helmet and it is with that helmet Loki could always hides his existence even under the gaze of the Heavenly Will.     

And then he thought about Erika. Erika would not lie.      

'Did she see something else? And that is why she sent Will to him?'     

But if that is the real trident then…     

'Olympus!' he exclaimed. Will nodded, his face is serious     

'Yes. I think it came from Olympus. I don't think Erika would lie about this. This is not some replicated Ancient Artifacts like Athena Sword of Ares. I think this is the real trident of Poseidon.' Will said.      

Then he added     

'If it is, the sea is not a safe place for you. Or for me. Or for anyone that is not of Crime Alliance for that matter'     

Azief did not say anything at this as he closes his eyes. It is clear he is thinking and Will let his brother do his thing.     

Azief and Will once travelled the Multiverse and the dimension and they know that certain gods and goddesses in the myths of humanity is not entirely just stories.      

Some are very real.      

Some have a different name but the mythology of it is present on Earth. But if there is one thing similar about all of these beings, is that each of them is very dangerous      

It is not surprising considering the fact that every nation has different leagues so these godlike being that once descended on Earth had their name distorted.     

However, Olympus mainly took the name that people had given to them.          


And at times, they use other names. These gods and goddesses have thousands of names. Odin himself has many names as the stars.     

Azief believe this has something to do with the power of faith     

He also knows that Olympus is quite real and these gods does not live in mountains, instead their abodes is in the sky, in a star system and the seat of power for these godlike being is Olympus.      

Azief did not know much about the Olympians but they are one of the Seven Intergalactic Great Powers that have great influence in the United Intergalactic Alliance among others like Asgard and the Jade Empire.      

However, he was shocked when he heard that the weapon of Poseidon is on Earth.      

He frowned and then he said     

'Explain to me'     

Will knows Azief is now taking this seriously so he said     

'From what Erika told me, Poseidon had thrown this trident when the Multiversal Convergence happened. It seems that Poseidon had predicted that something would happen on Earth and so waited for the right moment to send his weapon to Earth     

'And how did she explain to you how she knows this? Will lick his lips and he looks down and rub his neck. It seems it is really hard to explain it     

'Just say it'     

'Well…she told me that she saw it'     

'She saw it?'      

'yes, that is what she told me and she told me you would understand'     

Azief smiles and nodded     

He understands why she said that. Because he also has her eyes and he could understand why she could see it.     

But, this opens up a can of question. Erika is good at using her ability. But it also has certain limitations.      

The fact that she saw Poseidon throwing the Trident to Earth, why does he feel like there is a conspiracy here?     

Azief knows better than most that Erika is still in Disk Formation. And even if she uses some forbidden technique, her vision would still be obscured by some forces.     

Poseidon is not your run of the mill villains or some small character in the Universe. This is the God of the Sea, the Earthshaker, commanding the seas and in some stories even the Earth.      

He stomps his feet and the entire world would shake and tremble.      

If Poseidon really wanted to obscure the fate and destiny around him, Azief is quite sure that he is capable of it.     

'There is a conspiracy here. I am sure of it' Azief thought to himself. He has slowly been uncovering things about himself or more accurately things about his future self. He is connecting the dots.      

Loki who came from the future to somehow help him. Erika who sacrifices her eyes to him      

His meeting with Arial in Earth X. Meeting Alsurt, breaking the trial of the Six Lives in the Six Sabers          


Azul giving him three wishes, the Creator making a special exception to meet him.      

all of this meeting and encounters that he had experienced…...none of it was a coincidence.      

And each one is a magical encounter. If he was a teenage boy he might think, he is destined for greatness or some shit like that     

But he is old enough to know that things don't come without a price, that most of the times, the great deeds are always preceded by a great sacrifice.      

Either fate or destiny calculated the path that he is taking to bring him to that conclusion he saw or there is a dark hand behind the scene orchestrating all of this     

'Or it is a bit of both' Azief thought to himself.      

There is a puzzle here and he is determined to solve it.     

'You understand?' Will asked and Azief broke from his contemplation. Azief nodded and said     

'I understand what she is saying'     

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