Lord Shadow

Chapter 1368: Trident of Poseidon II

Chapter 1368: Trident of Poseidon II

  'I don't think she would lie to me but what do you think?' Will ask Azief. Azief shakes his head and said         


'I don't think she would do that either. Not to mention it is easy for us to confirm it'      

Azief knows that one of the price that she had to pay because of her ability of seeing the future was that she could not lie.     

Of course, this also has a loophole. It is not entirely accurate to say she could not lie. The thing is she could not lie about the future she had seen.     

This has something to do with Oracles and Seers that connected with each other over this certain clairvoyance force.     

Like all Speedster are connected to the Speed Source, Oracle, Seers, clairvoyance whatever you want to call them is connected to a source that is present in all realties and in all universe     

And this force imposes rules. There is a reason why Will could easily break through space and time when he is not even Divine Comprehension level.     

This is because he borrows the power of the Speed Source enabling him to do things beyond his level     

This is the advantage of using an external source. But as always, there is also a downside to this. The rule that is decreed by the Source had to be follows.     

You use the source, then there is price to pay.     

And what he knows about Erika was that she could not tell a lie.     

Thus, everyone who have met the Oracle had always trusted her words because everyone knows that she could lie about the vision she saw about other people.      

But Azief knows that if Erika is determined enough she could lie but that would create a terrible backlash to her.     

As far as he knows Erika had never lied afire probably because there is none of the visions she saw is worth lying about.      

Azief is also very curious of Erika ability and there are many question that he has about that ability and the consequences of seeing the future.      

Was she seeing the future, sealed that future?      

Or did she seeing the future make it manifest? Or is it that each time she saw a future a variable then existed changing the future she saw     

What it means to Azief is very important.     

Because he wanted to know is the future fixed or its permutable to changes?      

And if it is permutable to changes….is it the changes simply put him in a different path but still the same destination?     

Or could it be that he could walk in a different road and choose a different destination?      

But, as for this Trident of Poseidon, Azief really don't think she would lie. Because it is a truth that is easily confirmed     

If this Trident exist, sooner or later it would be found. And then Erika words would be proven true.     

There is silence between them. Azief has his own thought and Will also has his. But, clearly they were not thinking the same thing.     

Will saw Erika and he saw her with Antonius. She looks happy and that is what he wanted her to become. But humans have always been contradictory beings.     

He wants her to be happy but at the same time seeing her with him bring some weird jealousy         


Of course, in this timeline, there is nothing between him and her. What he saw and what she saw was possibilities.      

But that possibility haunted him in his waking moment and in his dreams. It is sad. It is tragic. But not all of it is like that     

They were happy moments too. Both of them sighed at the same time for different reason.      

'Why though?' Azief asked himself. This is a question he asked himself to try to find the answer.      

He could not understand why Poseidon would send his weapon to Earth.     

There are still many things that he did not understand     

Will then continue by saying     

'The Crime Alliance in particular but there are other fringe group that wanted to see you die. They are basically lining up to try to kill you'      

'But I must say that they are a bit more cautious than before. They would not come out until they were truly sure that they have a fighting chance. The last time assassins went for you, they were either cut down or being smite by thunderbolts. I think they don't want a repeat of that'     

Azief laughed.     

'What gave them all the courage?'     

Will have the answer to that     

'There were some rumors that you are injured'     


'How did that rumor come about? I thought that they are smarter than this. I could create the Sword of Humanity and they think I am injured? That is a weird leap of logic'     

Azief could not understand these people. He is not looking for them to cause trouble and they should be grateful for that     

Instead, they were the ones eager to find problems with him. Do they think the title he gave himself, Death Monarch is simply an aesthetic choice?     

Will then said     

'People believe what they wanted to believe' he chuckles a bit and said     

'They were suppressed too long by you. Any news that is about you being in an unfortunate situation brings hope to them'     

Will wanted to laugh at this contrasting opinion in the world     

For the common people, even though Death Monarch is a terrifying figure, after years of living with this death god, they also know that Death Monarch had a bottom line.     

As long as you do not bother him or touch his people or hinder his interest, basically Death Monarch would not get up from his throne to settle you.     

And the common people also knows that most of the enemy of Death Monarch is mostly criminals, killers and monsters of the world     

So, most common people kind of approve and after the recent event, Death Monarch reputations is polished even more.         


To the common people if Death Monarch was not present during the Multiversal Convergence, Earth would be enslaved by those Demons.     

So, some people began seeing Death Monarch as guardian and protector of Earth.      

When the whole world learned that Death Monarch is going to the Seresian world to try to fetch back Katarina from the grasp of the Demon King, most of the people were very worried.     

That without Death Monarch in the world, there would be huge threats from otherworldly creatures and from the starry skies above.     

So, the news of his injury would worry the common people.      

The same could not be said for the Crime Alliance which probably pray to whatever gods that they worship for Death Monarch to die.     

Will, himself could not believe what a few years had changed.      

Death Monarch use to be the enemy of the world.      

And now those same people who use to vindicate and put bales on him is the same people who put the title of guardian and protector of Earth     

No wonder, Azief always told him that the common people is fickle and it is not good to bear the title of hero     

They fought for their interest and when their interest is satisfied they praise you and when their interest does not align with you, you are the villain     

Azief had never change in his stance, unwavering. He does not care whether people understand what he did or not and he does not care whether those people mocked or worship him     

He did what he believes is right. And when he found himself in the wrong, he would admit it and change his ways.      

Grappling ahead, trying to find light in this dark world just like anyone else.     

Azief doesn't have all the answers and he doesn't pretend to have it. Yet, the world seems to think that he have      

Will thought of this and then he shakes his head.     

He then said     

'And it also helps that it might be Sasha behind the scene fanning the flames'     

'She did'     

Will only nodded     

'If they believe you to be injured and attack you only to see you in full power, in a way it could clean up some people that is against you'     

Azief nodded.     

That is one of the few things that could explain why the rumors of him injured could spread out so quickly.      

If its Sasha…. she probably wanted him to settle these hidden dangers. But…. are those people so dumb?      

Is it him overestimating these criminals or is it Sasha underestimating them?         


Some of them might be attracted by such bait…. but some fishes are smarter than the other     

They would wait in the dark and observe.      


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