Lord Shadow

Chapter 1366: Normal Conversation

Chapter 1366: Normal Conversation



The whole world knows that Death Monarch Azief is the strongest person in the world and they also know that this Death Monarch rarely interferes in the matters of the world.     

It is like an aloof God, sitting on his Divine Throne overlooking all creation. Surprisingly enough, people find solace in this fact.     

That there is powerful being watching over them. Azief did not kill wantonly and he did not behave like those warlords that started war or bring desolation upon the land.     

Instead, the whole world could rely on him whenever the damage become global. It wasn't until the death of Pandikar that Death Monarch truly meddles with the world order and even then people lauded this as a positive change.     

So, the world had formed an uneasy but familiar feeling to the fact that Death Monarch Azief sat on that highest peak.      

The people in power all understood one thing after almost a decade that Azief occupied that position.     

That if Death Monarch crumbles from that position, removed, or killed when he was still sitting in that seat, then the whole world would fall into chaos.      

Powerful people, good and evil would rise up to fight for that position, for fame, power and influence.     

It would not be an impossibility that it could also trigger a world war between the great powers intending to snatch up that position.      

Azief sitting on that position actually had maintained the peace between the great powers as the Great Powers usually turns to Pandemonium to be an arbiter in any conflict that involves the Great Powers.      

It is the same reason why Hirate, longtime enemies turned rival to Pandemonium even agree with Loki plans and framed Loki as the sole perpetrator of the Multiversal Convergence.     

It is not that he likes Death Monarch. It is not that he wanted Pandemonium influence to become bigger or to hold up Death Monarch on top of a pedestal.     

He simply wanted to keep the peace. It is the same for why Jean close his mouth and why Hikigaya pretends not to see or know anything.     

Will also know that some of the great power does suspect that something else might happened during the Multiversal Convergence and Loki might not be the guilty one…...but they did not dare dig deep.     

Because they might be afraid of what they will find out and how they will react to it.     

Everyone had a tacit understanding.      

That if the perpetrator of the Multiversal Convergence, a phenomenon that had bring about destruction that had never seen before, a battle that had killed tens of thousands of people, changing the geography of the world and its environment is Death Monarch, there would be a war.     

And that war would involve Pandemonium.      

And once Pandemonium enter the war, either the two other great powers the World Government and the Republic stands on pandemonium side or not, it would be a precursor to a world war.     

Will sighed and then said     

'It is ironic that before, the world powers resent the fact that you sat there alone, but now they recognize that if it's not you sitting on that throne, there is a high probability that chaos would erupt. While they may plot against you behind your back, they probably would not scheme for your death'     

Azief nodded. He understood the politics behind it all and because of that he understood why Hirate, Jena and Hikigaya all cover up the matter of the Multiversal Convergence     

For a while there is silence between them as Azief is thinking of something. He then voices his doubt about something     

'Crime Alliance…. do they have the confidence to fight against me? From what I understand, in the sixth months I was gone, nobody had reached the Divine Comprehension realm'     

Azief paused for a second and look in the distance like he was thinking of something probably contemplating on how the hell Crime Alliance could pose a threat to him     

He then said      

'I do understand that there are now more Disk Formation levelers in the world'     

Since the Multiversal Convergence, the energy of the world had skyrocketed and the consequences of this more people could break through to Disk Formation.     

'But from what I understand, there is still three Divine Comprehension levelers in this world. Unless they could convince both Jean and Hikigaya to attack me, in this world I have no rival'     

Then he chuckles a bit as he thinks of another scenario.     

'And in the slight possibility that they managed to unite Jean and Hikigaya, I still have the confidence to beat them both. It might result in a huge damage to my energy but I am quite sure that I would still remain victorious'     

'Jean and H    


ikigaya both cover up the matter of the Multiversal Convergence. This could be seen as them not wanting to incite a war between the world powers. Thus, the possibility of the Crime Alliance provoking a battle between me and those two is almost impossible'     

He chuckles but Will is not smiling.      

Azief thinks for a moment then he frowned. There is another scenario he could think of      

'Unless, they think of bringing external enemy for me to fight'      

And his eyes turn cold.      

When he thought of external enemy what he means is none other than otherworldly creatures of beings from other planets or star system.      

'No, they would not do that'      

Will reply. He saw Azief face and he knows what Azief is thinking.     

'No matter how they wanted to kill you, they also wanted to live to see it. The only reason why they wanted to kill you is because you hinder their plans.'     

Will continue by saying     

'If they dare bring such an external enemy from other dimensions or other planets, there is no certainty that this external help would not conquer Earth after that. These people could not even trust the person closest to them, how could they trust a perfect stranger?'     

Will sighed again, this time he paused for a second looking at the sun setting in the distance.      

He takes some beans that he had plucked when he was running to this hill.     

  He took it put it in his mouth and chew it and a fragrant aroma comes out from his mouth. This kind of beans actually have some hallucinatory properties but it is also good to calm down the nerve.      

Maybe because of the Speed Source, Will found himself always have trouble in pacing himself.      

His heartbeat is also very irregular at times.     

  Though he could probably rectify this problem when he enters Divine Comprehension, right now, he is still in Disk Formation level.      

These beans that he is chewing is very conducive to make him calm. Actually the beans are not native to this planet.     

His teacher said this kind of beans could be found in some other alien civilization. His teacher told him that ancient Savi'krian uses many herbs to control the side effect of harnessing the power of the Speed Source.      

Some calm down their heart, some slow down their thinking process.     

Of course these herbs only work perfectly with Speedster and not with others.      

For example, a concoction of a juice that slow down a Speedster heart would make any other people who drink suffer from a catatonic shock before having a deadly heart attack     

And while for some slowing down their thought process damages the brain and thinking facilities, for Speedsters it is different as their thought if not restrained could think too much, too fast and made a Speedster goes crazy     

That is the eternal weakness of a Speedster…...going crazy.      

The beans that he is chewing could actually be made into a concoction that calms his heart and slows down his thinking and many other benefits.     

It also has the nutrient value conducive to his diet. This is one of the many things that had changed the world     

Even alien plants are sprouting on Earth right now     

Will then continue by saying     

'I know some of the people of the Crime Alliance'     

Azief raised his eyebrows     

'As you know, I know many people. And I did do undercover work for the World Government in the past so I still have my contact'     

Azief nodded as Will continues      

'While they are evil, many of them, they are not stupid. Regardless of their evil, they also know that by inviting an otherworldly creature from other worlds to come to this planet would also put their life in danger'      

'They also experience the Occupation of Weronians and some of them even fought in the side of the resistance. It's not all white and black'     

He paused for a second      

'Maybe it is before. But during the War of Weronians, even criminals knows whose side they are on. Humanity'     

Azief scoffed and said     

'I do not judge them based on their affiliations. I judge them based on what they do' Then he added     

'As for humanity….it seems that they forgot about it really quick once the Weronians is expelled'     

Azief sighed and then said another piece of his mind     

'People think I see the world in white and black. Evil and good. I know not all is as it seems and not everything is white and black. I know that    


most of the lower member of the Crime Alliance is just a pawn of the powerful.'     

'Some people told me that they have no choice. They believe it and they do not fight it. I know that some circumstances forces and make people'     

He became silent for a while     

'But the choice was made. Some chooses evil and some chooses to be noble and good. And when they are in front of me, when I raise my hand to smite them, I judge them only by what they do'     

'To those who have the potential to turn it around, I give them a second chance. But that is the last chance I gave them. After that, no mercy is given'      


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