Lord Shadow

Chapter 1263 - Searching For Him

'What do you mean?' The Creator paused for a second and then he said

'They know that you came from another world' The Creator said and then he continues

'They believe that there is more people like you out there. Harrison, the one you entrusted to look over the new Evols world had kept it in peace. You should be happy to know that he managed to break that chain of hatred'

'He revered you, respected you and at times even fear you. He fears that one day you would come to this world once again. He fears he would disappoint you. It is that fear of disappointment that became his motivation. He rules wisely, benevolently, in the hopes if you do come again to this world, you would look at it, and approve'

Azief shakes his head and said


The Creator only smiles at this. Then Azief ask

'Then what happens since then? What does it have to do with them creating all this kind of structure'

The Creator is silent for a while and then he said

'Before you came to this world, the last true Omega Evolver was someone that have lived tens of thousands of years ago. Then you came. And you show the Evolver that if their power were to be cultivated, they could possess power akin of Gods'

He smirks and then said

'There are Temples dedicated to you. Some sings Hymns for you. Pray to you' Azief hearing this could not help but say

'What did Harrison told them?'

'Harrison did not know what to say to the people asking him where did you go. You could imagine the shock of the generals of the Rebellion Army. You fought for the war and win and then you left, leaving the power to Harrison. Not all were satisfied with how it ended'

Azief snorted.

'Do they dare?' The Creator shakes his head

'They do not. They are very loyal to you. Even though they are dissatisfied with your choice of a successor, they do respect your will. Still, they wanted to know where you go. Harrison not knowing what to say because he really doesn't know where you go, could only say that you have disappeared'

Azief nodded.

'But, when that is circulated among the Evolvers, some believe that you did not disappear in a normal manner.

'What do you mean?

'Some thought you had ascended to Heaven. Some said that you break the Void and return to a heavenly realm'

'Not all people knows about the existence of Multiverse. And because of this many conflicting views of where you go, your images were deified in certain parts of the world. In a way, it is a way for them to show their gratitude to you for releasing them from their bondage'

'And as for you question why it leads to the development of the space technology, it is because Miria- 'Azief remember Miria.

She is a technopath and rescued by one of his general, General Catherine. She is also the one that followed Catherine crusade through Europe.

She has the ability to manipulate technologies. Or to be more accurate, she could alter the quantum entanglement of things in a minor level or in this case, technology.

Azief even saw her and he believe that given enough time to grow, she could one day become Omega Level Evolver

'No wonder this civilization grew so fast. With Miria, heading the technological boom, they could easily reach this step' Azief thought and then sighed.

'-lead the Research Department of the Seven Bloc'

Even before the Creator finish his word Azief could guess that Miria is the one spearheading technological advancement in this world

He sighed because in his world there are also technopath. But if there are one differences between his world and this world is that his world is not unified.

To unify it the way this world is unified, one person had to do what he did. And they also have to have the shared suffering.

Meanwhile on his Earth, the so called Omega Evolvers, is dime in a dozen. If even one of them is unleashed on Earth Thirty-Nine one could only imagine the destruction that they could inflict.

But, if they are in his world, the so called Omega evolvers still have to bow their head and speak respectfully to the Seven Great Powers.

But, the Seven Great Powers are not some sort of sharing organization. They all have their secrets and everything is moved by interest and shared objectives.

Azief shakes his head and then said

'Still, this does not explain, why space?'

The Creator then said

'The road to being an Omega Evolver is long and hard. But some of them have touched that step. And they know that is not the end of the power. And they believe you know the answer'


The Creator then said

'They have researched you and then they find out the existence of the Multiverse'

Azief then frowned


The Creator understood what Azief is trying to say so he explains to him

'This Earth….is one of the Earth that Orvanians is also surveilling. It is inevitable really'

'Once any world had discovered the existence of Multiverse, they would be put under surveillance. This kind of surveillance is just a basic surveillance. They will check on the files every ten years of so. It is only after such world possess the ability to touch and move across the Multiverse that the Orvanians would pay a great deal of attention'

'Though since this world is more of a technological base world, and not some mystical world full of magic, the priority is not that high. As you could already attest, a world of magic could do a lot more mess than a world that is based on technological progress.

'For this world, they have discovered that you have come from another parallel Universe. But….at that time, their theory is merely that. A theory'

'There is not proof to their assumption. In the years since you left, since then the technology in this world grew on an exponential rate with Miria in the helm.'

'Without the oppression of their oppressor, many more Evolvers grew their power and cultivated it more efficiently'

'There is of course social problem but it had been handled relatively well. Miria had personal contact with you and Will. Maybe Will let a slip somewhere or maybe she deduced it when she helps with Will. Whatever the case, she was convinced of her theory of the Multiverse. And it is only a few years before that they had discovered such particles that could prove the existence of the Multiverse. Now…. they are developing technology that would allow them to move between worlds.

'Since then, they have been improving their technology and this is the result of that'

Sighing with a bitter smile, The Creator said

'They are looking for you. Like a children looking for their father'

There is silence between them once again. And then the Creator said

'I am trying to show you the effect of your action. And of course the Karma resulting from that'

The Creator smiles and his twinkle like there is something he is not telling. Azief notices this. But he doesn't know why the Creator shows such a smile

The Creator then said

'Some of my actions must seems confusing to you. But as people always said, I sometimes work in mysterious way' Azief hears this and rolls his eyes

They floated in space and Azief look at the beautiful sight of the Universe.

The prosperity of this world but he could also see that there is a trace of doom.

He focuses his eyes and he could see strings, rotten strings that is about to break and he could see that there is a calamity for this world

He closes his eyes and he deduces certain things and then there is another plan formed in his head. This time, the plan for his son and the plan for this world overlapped with each other.

There is only an outline but he is hopeful. Then he could not help but once again divert his thought to Na Eun and his son. He did saw that in the end of her life, she found someone to love again.

Azief was not angry at all.

Instead he was happy for her.

That at least, after all the sufferings, after all the heartbreak, that she at least had a taste of a happy life.

That is the future.

With the Creator he does not really know which one of the life that he showed is the future or something still in the making.

But when Azief thought of it, he knew it didn't matter.

If he reached a more powerful state of being, he could arrive at an earlier time and prevent many things from happening.

If only…. there is no one watching.

But there are some beings that watch him.

This is confirmed by the Creator himself.

And from what the Creator seem to imply, He is also watching him.

But, that does not relay count considering from what he understood of the Creator, he basically sees everyone and watch everyone.

The Creator could see that Azief is thinking about a lot of things and he then said

'Still thinking about your son?'


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