Lord Shadow

Chapter 1264 - The Garden

That question startles him and he smiles bitterly.

Azief sighed. Even though, the Creator brought him here, to Earth Thirty-Nine he still could not forget wat he saw on that other Earth.

On the Earth where his son is.

'I abandoned him' There is a trace of anger in his tone. Most probably this anger is directed toward himself.

The Creator shakes his head and said

'How could you abandoned something you never know you had?'

Azief only shakes his head. The Creator then sighed and said

'Fate and Destiny has always played with you. This is not the first time nor it would be the last'

Azief did not say anything to this. instead he said

'Show me again'

The Creator look in the distance of space seeing a spaceship that is travelling in a speed that is more approaching to light speed and he smiles

There is something that he seems to see.

Something that only he could see.

One would wonder what did he see on that spaceship that he smiles so happily? But Azief did not see the smile. Instead, he is occupied with his thought.

This is also fate and destiny

'Since this is a compensation I find no problem with that' the Creator then once again grab Azief shoulders and the scenery around them changes,

The space, the stars, the Moon and the Sun seems to pull away from them. It is the space and time that seems to be stretched by some force.

Unlike some teleportation skill that distort the space and time, when the Creator go back and forth in time, there is almost no distortion, not change sin the particular arrangement of Time and Space particles.

It was natural so much so that it was unbelievable.

And Azief is back in that world again. He immediately uses his Divine Sense and not before long, his Divine Sense occupied an entire continent.

And he finally saw his son again.

He saw his son flying in the sky, proudly displaying the crest of Hyperion

He looks at his son and there is a complicated expression on his face

'Where is this?'


'He needs guidance'

The Creator smiles and then said

'Not the way you are right now.' Azief was about to step forward and fly toward his son but as he is about to fly up into the sky, the Creator suddenly appears beside him and said

'It is not time. You are still not understanding' And then he put his hand on top of Azief shoulders and then the scenery changes again

He is back on that top of a hill, sitting on the tree stump and sitting beside him on another tree stump is the Creator looking at him with a gentle smile.

He is back to having no power and his look toward the Creator is very complicated.

He sighed. The Creator then said

'Didn't you already have a way to give him guidance without being discovered?' Azief eyes then widened. There is actually a thought in his mind on how to guide his son.

He got the idea from the blue crystal that he got from the Etherna Thought Consciousness Domain. There is other method to guide his son.

The Creator then said

'You are too greedy sometimes for your own good. You not only wanted to see your son, you also wanted to see Na Eun' The Creator then sighed

'It is not time. You could understand now, right, what it means?' Azief nodded.

After watching Empires rise and falls, after watching the countless lives of people in the projection, how could he not understand that there is timing to things.

If you could guess where the wind blows and when the wind would arrive there is many things that you could achieve

The Creator then said

'I think I have taken you long enough. Don't want to delay on your journey' he said. He laughs a bit and then the Creator look at the sunset at the distance

Azief also look at the sunset.

'I wonder…did you take this from my imagination?' Azief ask the question without even looking at the Creator

'I did. You created a wonderful place in your mind to escape your own reality' Azief frowns a bit and then he asks

'What is this place?'

'Is it my thoughts? Am I in my mind right now? Or is this a place of illusion make real?'

'Hmmm' that is the Creator answer. Which does not sound like an answer at all.

There is another silence between them but then the Creator then said

'It is beautiful, right?' Azief nodded. He also looks at the sunset. But then the Creator added.

'But, there is a flaw' Azief look at the Creator and then he asks

'What is the flaw?'

'That it does not end'

'That is a flaw?'

'Yes. If not how could you understand its beauty if it does not end?' Then the Creator laughed. And the sunset that did not move finally move, and it sets

The Creator then look at Azief and then he said

'Remember what you see today. Remember all the experience and all the feelings you felt today. Remember what I said. And I hope if you remember it all, that at the End, you will win the greatest gamble in the history of creation'

Azief nodded. The Creator smiles and he was about to say something else when he halted

'I guess that person is saying that I overstayed my invitation' the Creator chuckles and then he looks up.

Azief also look up following the gaze of the Creator and then he saw something in the sky

There is a floating garden. He does not know why he immediately thought of that floating place as a garden but it was like an inherited knowledge.

'What is that?' he mutters. The floating garden seems to be floating over a seven light colored aura, space and time around it is nonexistent.

Nonexistent is inaccurate. It is like there is no concept, no laws. Which is impossible. There is purple and golden color aura that envelop the entire garden.

From afar it looks like a floating patch of land that is as big as a continent.

But Azief knows that this is not the true size of this garden.

'I guess it is time for you to return' the words of the Creator suddenly enter his ears.

But he did not want to return and he wanted to ask the Creator to extend his stay but in that moment suddenly he could feel his power returning, like there is a shackle around him that loosen up.

'You ought to return. This is too high level for you.' The Creator said

He looks at the Creator and he could see that the Creator is smiling. It might appear like the Creator is about to throw him out but it is actually helping him.

One glance is enough for them to exchange thought.

And the moment he felt his power returns, he uses his Divine Sense.

He did not use it to check where he is.

Instead, he wanted to see what that garden is. His premonition is telling him that this is something very important

The Creator seeing Azief wanting to see the garden did not stop Azief. Instead, he created a bubble around him and it covers the entire hill.

But while Azief is also inside that bubble, the bubble did not constrain him or stop him.

'I guess with Azief going all out this place could not bear it' he said smiling.

'I wonder what you will do?' The Creator ask the wind. But he knows that the one in the garden is listening.

Azief at this time did not have time to pay attention to what the Creator is doing. When he saw the garden, he felt a very powerful premonition in his heart.

He knew if he could see what that garden is, he would have some kind of enlightenment.

It is for that reason he did not hesitate to explode withy all of his potential.

His Divine Sense exploded and his entire potential is unleashed

The natural laws appear as the Creator separates the hill from Azief.

Suddenly, there is only the land, the skies and beyond the skies, the garden, floating there. When the Creator cut the hill from Azief, it revealed that they are now in a dimension.

Azief could not fathom the vastness of this dimension.

And he believes that if he could see this dimension in its true form he might not be able to wrap his head around it.

But he does sees stars.

What is shocking was that there are all kinds of stars and even some stars that defy any logical explanation.

They seem to be stacked against each other, like some kind of ornament, orderly and organized.

Azief had a weird though in that moment. It felt like this is where stars are created and then get thrown out on the canvass that is the Universe.

The stars have different properties and different heat level but yet, it could float beside each other without affecting the other.

As for the ground below him, it is full of fertile greeneries. Some of these plants are plants that he could recognize.

But there is more plants and greenery and flowers that he did not recognize and never thought existed

In that brief moment Azief look at the Heaven and Earth in this dimension and he could not help but get shocked.

But that shock did not avert him from his objective.

'The Garden' he thought to himself. He could feel in his instinct that if he does go to the Garden all of his question would be answered


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