Lord Shadow

Chapter 1262 - A Ripple That Turns Into A Tsunami

And there is also the reason that many more people research magical energy instead of technological advancement.

It is easier since to rise you only have to do quest, gather EXP and so on and so forth.

There is no need to have systematic knowledge at all to become stronger.

Most people dream of becoming a Disk Formation leveler because once you reached this level, you could be considered a powerhouse even in the Universe.

And the other reason why many people wanted to at least reach Disk Formation is the fact that any Disk Formation leveler could easily leave Earth and live in another galaxy and planet

So, even if someday Earth was to be destroyed, Disk Formation leveler could still survive.

But in recent years as the situation of the world stabilizes, the Seven Great Powers did intend to create a Dyson Sphere.

At that time, it was to tackle the problem of the insufficient energy problem.

Each birth of Disk Formation leveler takes a lot of energy from the world.

It is then estimated that if only one person broke through to Divine Comprehension level, it would take almost one third of the Earth energy

This kind of event would then lead to the cutting of energy from the rest of the people, making many people not being able to reach Divine Comprehension level and stuck in their current level because of the insufficient energy.

So, some of the Order of Thinkers members proposed that they used the energy of the stars to supplied Earth.

The energy in space is a bit more chaotic and not pure as the energy that is on Earth but at least even though it is not pure, it could allow people to still breakthrough and not exhaust Earth energy

Even though the mystical energy in Earth would heal the more that the human's beings on Earth absorb the energy, the longer it takes for Earth to restore that energy.

The All Source is thought to have unlimited energy. But if there is no one controlling it, it ejected energy in a controlled and scheduled manner.

The situation at that time shows that Earth is slowly running out of energy and the All Source could not recharge it as fast as it was before as more and more people breakthrough.

It was so bad that some of the people who were thinking of breaking through to Disk Formation had to halt their breakthrough because of the lack of energy and some had to go to Outer Space to absorb the energy there.

That is the reason why Hikigaya did not try to break through to Divine Comprehension and is in seclusion.

It wasn't until the Multiversal Convergence happens that Hikigaya took the chance and break through to Divine Comprehension level.

And there was report that since the destruction of many facilities in the Moon, the World Government in cooperation with the Order of Thinkers and the Lotus Order would jointly create something akin of a Dyson Sphere, a megastructure in space to monitor irregularities in space time and to act as a radar against extraterrestrial threat.

In his Earth, this has just begun.

But to think that this world had already been able to create such a technological advancement and maintain it successfully is something that is remarkable to him.

And it is only has been fifty years since he liberated the Evols

Then he looks on the other side of Earth. There is a satellite.

He then shakes his head.

It is something that resembles a satellite but it is too gigantic and the shape is unlike any other satellite he has seen

He urges his Divine Sense to envelope that structure and then in his mind he could see the structure clearly.

It is a pyramid like structure, floating in space. Though, it is not quite accurate to say that it is floating.

The more accurate word is to say that it is sailing through space and at times stop at certain coordinates. Azief could see that the structure has propulsion capabilities.

It is eerily similar to pyramid.

And the area of the apex of the pyramid is something like a beacon and it is separated slightly from the main structure.

It is more like it is floating on top of the pyramid, sustained by some kind of gravity force field from the pyramid itself.

'A satellite shaped like a pyramid. That is a new one' he thought to himself.

Then he focusses in his mind and his Divine Sense sweeps the inside of this pyramid structure that is floating in space and he could see futuristic doors, decks, hangars, residential places and governmental offices in the pyramid.

There is people living inside of this pyramid and it is not just a small amount of people.

From his Divine Sense he could tell that there is a few thousand people inside the pyramid and it actually could fit tens of thousands of people

He focusses even more and listen to the conversation of the people inside the pyramid.

He heard all kinds of information. Apparently his Divine Sense is so precise and subtle that the energy detection program of this structure did not register his interference.

That also made him impressed that there is such a thing that could actually detect something akin to Divine Sense.

This must be a precaution against Sensing Evolvers. The more he listens the more he is shocked about this world

This floating pyramid is actually a control room for a weather device.

It turns out that Earth Thirty-Nine had created some kind of weather device that could change the weather on Earth according to their whims.

He takes a deep breath, marveling at the development of the world

'How long since I've been gone?' he suddenly asked the Creator.

'Fifty years' Hearing the answer, Azief laughed

'what a remarkable advance in science and technology. In only five decades, they have progressed so far.'

The Creator nodded and then said

'The Evolvers had always had this potential. The hatred between the two races, the war between them had them focused on mortal pursuit. You are the impetus for this'

Azief then said

'I thought what I did was reprehensible'

The Creator only smiles.

Azief slowly finding out, that the Creator could be annoying sometimes.

Usually, it is him that always like to play being mysterious but now that it used on him, the feeling is not that great

'I should give you a compliment when you do good things' and he chuckles.

'Do you still remember what you told Harrison? Do you remember your hopes for him?' Azief smiles a bit and nodded

'He break that chain of hatred. In a way, it is a bit of a gamble. You left the fate of normal humans on the hand of someone who had a great hatred to the Normies'

Azief then said

'I took a gamble. I know that if the person who hated the Normies the most could set aside that hatred, to forge a new path, then there would be a path to peace. That they could coexist. It seems my hope was not wrong'

The Creator smiles and then nodded.

'And you have gambled wisely. Harrison break that chain of hatred and since then Evols and Normies live together side by side'

'They do not forget what you did and they highlighted your great deeds to the Evols but also the evils you have done. Harrison wanted the world to see you as a person, a being that have two sides to it'

'He wanted people to make their own conclusion about what you are and what you stand for. He wanted the world to understand you and understand them. he wanted the world to see that hatred was not the answer. Because the answer to such hatred is violence'

'It is a bit idealistic but at least he did not lie to his people. He understands that the Evols would see you as a savior and the Normies would see you as a butcher. But, he did not hide the fact that you wanted to bear the burden of infamy so that Normies and Evols could live together harmoniously, in the new world order that you had created'

Then the Creator added

'To some you are a savior. To other you are their scourge. And Harrison did not want it any other way. He let history judge you, both your faults and your contribution'

Azief shakes his head but there is a smile on his face

'I have laid out the easy path for him. Yet, he insists on taking the hard path' The Creator on the other hand smiles.

'A remarkable human being'

'Even with all the darkness that he had saw and experience, he manages to keep one spot of light in his soul. You did not know it, but if you did not arrive and did not do what you did, Harrison light would be extinguished. That is the projection of his future. But you arrived and you change this world to a better place. That alone should erase some Karma'

Azief did not say anything to the Creator and the Creator also knew that Azief is thinking about a lot of thing

Azief could only sigh.

Then he began using his Divine Sense to look at the many structures in space

There is not only the floating pyramid, there is also the international Space Station only this space station is bigger and possessing weapons and shields.

And he could also see that all over space, there is even a small probe satellite that chained up with each other with some kind of magnetic energy

This net seems to surround the Earth and he also see that there are many mega spaceships that flies in space.

It looks a lot like a Battlestar only that it is smaller in size. there is traffic between Earth and the Moon. And there is even something that is called Mass Relay in the distance.

The reason Azief knows that it is called Mass Relay is because he heard it from the people in the control room.

Everything he sees brings him astonishment.

He could not help but ask the Creator

'What is this?' Azief could not help but wonder why the Earth Thirty-Nine suddenly is so interested in space travel.

It almost seems like for five decades, they put their attention to space travel technology.

At least that is what he had heard from some of the crew of the floating pyramid when he uses his Divine Sense to sweep that structure

He could not understand the sudden obsession that this world seems to have for space. In his opinion, after surviving such a war, there is a lot of rebuilding that needs to happen.

There is the social problem, the resistance and many other problems that would crop up when dealing with the aftermath of a great war

Azief when he was fighting for the Evolver and win, he basically had change the world order fifty year ago, in this Earth.

He expected that even if the technology progresses it would mainly still focus on Earth.

And this new knowledge he got, knowing that for the past five decades, the world seems to have some fascination with space, a fervor that Azief could not have anticipated make him puzzled.

Of course, he knew that the space held great secrets.

But what prompted such change of policy?

That's what he heard from one of the crews.

The crew said that there is a policy that encourage development of research toward space and quantum physics in the past fifty years had made the world focus it development onto space

All of the nation in the world seems to be involved one way or another with the research is space. That is the question he asked the Creator.

He did not even have to verbalize all of his thought for the Creator to understand his thinking as the Creator answered his question almost immediately

'A ripple that turns into a tsunami' the Creator said with a smile on his face.

'What do you mean?'


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