Lord Shadow

Chapter 1261 - Structure In Space

And as much as he had saved the Evolvers, he understood the Normies fears.

The Evolvers are the evolution of them.

In the Evolvers, they saw their own extinction.

If Azief is born in this world, and he born as a Normies, he probably would be even more extreme. He probably would have killed every single Evolver there is.

If there is a mistake was that, the Normies were too indecisive.

If they wanted to pursue integration and coexistence, they should have pursued it quickly.

If they wanted to fight, then fight till the end.

But the Normies always wanted to have toes on both side and that spell their doom.

It is not like Azief could not see that actually Normies could be the one that won this battle between species.

But, like the chance of peace, the chance of their victory is also squandered.

Azief even believe that somehow the suffering of the Evolvers for all of those millennia is a test, a condition as the luck of the world gathers onto them and brought them this victory

'Maybe, it is' he thought to himself.

He suddenly remembers what he had seen in the projection.

He remembers that the descendant of the Enochian Empire had suffered and the luck gathers, humanity suffers and luck gathers and all of that luck accumulated is bestowed upon Levitia.

Levitia then with the luck of humanity gathered on him, become the most shining hero of humanity.

Then it was Arial.

Maybe, it is also the same for the Evolvers.

Maybe, luck and fortune is the reason why Will was stranded here on Earth Thirty-Nine which leads him to here and brought the Evolvers liberation

The moment Azief started thinking like this, he suddenly could feel that his understanding of cause and effect deepens.

There is no change like a burst of energy or a heavenly phenomenon.

There is only a certain kind of understanding that dawned in him. It is illusory, intangible, could not be seen, be touched but he could sense it

Like he is close to the source of truth…if that makes sense

It is unfortunate what happened between the Normies and the Evolvers. But in Azief eyes, it was an inevitable conclusion.

Because the war between these two races of humans who have evolved and not evolved was a battle like that of home sapiens and Neanderthal.

Two species that evolved from the same ancestor fighting over the ownership of Earth

Azief believe that they could live together.

But the hatred that they have nurtured against each other for millennium make that task impossible.

Azief at that time, in this world is basically a god. His feats of prowess are spoken in the same way people spoke of Heracles Twelve Deeds.

At that time, he could force the world leaders of the Normies to shakes hands with the Evolvers and hope they would get along

But that is na?ve and it would only create more victims in the long run.

Azief knows he could not be in Earth Thirty-Nine for long, so he chooses the most efficient and fastest way and then he put the keys of the kingdoms to a person who have the most incentive to continue the cycle of hatred.

But the reason why Azief gave Harrison that choice, is because he trusts that Harrison would make the right choice.

That he would break the chain of hatred and looking at the life all around him right now, he could tell that he had made the right decision.

There is a smile on his face. And he laughs a bit.

Then he looks at the Creator and said

'I still don't know if what I did was the right thing or not. But, I have made that decision. And I have to live with it'

He sighed and then said

'I thought that you would bring me back to Seresian world after you show me Na Eun. I thought that the journey would be over'

'Why? Do you find it hard to part with me now?' the Creator said, clearly he wanted to joke

Azief look at the Creator and then laugh

'You clearly don't know how to make a joke. And the fact that you are also Arial…I just find it funny'

'hah. See, I could make a joke' The Creator said. Azief only shakes his head

'More like the irony of the situation that makes me laugh' Azief wonder how could he feel so close and familiar with probably one of the most powerful being in the entire Omniverse.

He did not feel fear, instead he felt familiar. Like he is family, like he is a friend. That he could understand everything about him and accepts him

And then a thought occurred in him. Maybe, this is the way every creation felt when they are face to face with the Creator.

The Creator on the other hand said

'Still count. I make you laugh' Azief could not help but laugh.

For a moment, he just laughs.

Then the moment passes and then he said.

'I did not think that you would brought me here. It seems that in the future, I would be a pretty big deal for you treat me in such a way' he said as he raised his eyebrows at the Creator.

'Hahaha' the Creator laughs while nodding. He did not answer but the fact that he is nodding answer Azief question.

'Don't think too much about this.'

'Let's just think of it as a bonus. A compensation of sorts. Unlike Earth Two, Earth X and even the Earth that Na Eun and your son inhabited, all of those three Earths have a common thread linking them, and because of that there is destiny resonance among them'

Then he added

'While I don't expect you to see every possibility of those worlds, at least you could see that they are interconnected with each other'

'Earth thirty-nine however is not connected to you'

Azief nodded.

The only reason he went to Earth thirty-nine is because he was chasing Will who had hide his sister in one of the worlds in the Multiverse.

In the process of chasing him he chases him to Earth thirty-nine. There is no grand connection between him and the people of Earth Thirty-nine

'What is it that you are trying to show me? I doubt it to show me this statue. Or this park'

The Creator only smiles and then pointed upwards.

Azief then felt like the space and time around him is stretched endlessly and before he knew it, he is now in outer space, just right outside of Earth atmosphere.

Azief quickly adjusted this time. He looks at the Creator, who is standing beside him, floating in space, puzzled on what he is trying to do

'Look' The Creator said, so he then looks around him.

He did not use his Divine Sense and only uses his eyes. And then he saw something in the distance

'Is that…' he narrowed his eyes and his eyesight become even more perfect as he could see through tens of thousands of miles.

He looks at the moon in the distance and he was shocked.

He then quickly unleashes his Divine Sense. His Divine Sense spreads out almost instantly covering a large amount of space.

Everything that is under his Divine Sense could not hide from his perception and the more he sees, the more he was shocked.

On the skies of Heaven and Earth, not far away from the Moon, there is mega structure in space, floating there.

It was unlike anything he has ever seen but it is something that has been envisioned by the Order of Thinkers on his Earth

'It is akin to a Dyson Sphere. Remarkable' he mutters to himself. The structure encircles a star and seems to be harvesting the energy of that star.

This enables this world to harvest more energy than before.

'It is a neutron star, a pulsar. So, instead of a white dwarf star, they choose a neutron star' There are rings all across the pulsar

'It is look a lot like the interpretation of the Dyson Swarm. Though I do wonder what they called this structure. I believe that there is no scientist named Dyson when I was here' he mutters to himself.

He is still marveling at this structure.

His Earth has also been thinking of doing this.

the reason why it was delayed is because to build such a stable structure in space is beyond humanity engineering capacity.

The number of craft required to obtain, transmit and maintain a complete Dyson sphere exceed the industrial capabilities of Earth at that time

Not to mention, that there is still many threat and terrible monster all over Earth and most of Earth technological pursuit is focused on weapons to kill these monsters and fighting against each other

It wasn't until Sithulran arrival, that the great powers began looking at the stars with wary eyes.


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