Lord Shadow

Chapter 1260 - Earth Thirty-Nine

Even though he is not twenty feet tall but with his Divine Sense he could see the face of this statue. The face of the statue is a face he recognizes.

After all, he sees that face each time he looks in the mirror

Yes, the twenty feet marble statue is the statue of him.

He knows that this is not his Earth.

if it is his Earth, he would not be so surprised to see his statue.

He knows that there is some underground cult that has been worshipping g him. And there is also the statue of him in front of the palace.

And there are some villages and cities in Pandemonium that carved his statue and put it in the center of the city or their villages, believing that having his statue would repel monsters and evil.

But he is surprised to see his statue in another world.

And it is because of that he immediately knows where the Creator has brought him. He walks around the statue and then he saw the plaque.

The Creator then said

'To commemorate the victory of the Supreme Commander of the Evolver, the Liberator of the Evols and the Scourge of the Wicked. May the Light of Truth and Justice shine the world ever after'

The Creator then said

'An endearing tribute to you. You are kind of…. a godlike figure in this world'

Azief look at the plaque and at the statue and he could not help but chuckles

'I thought I would be thought of as a villain in this world' The Creator then said

'It seems Harrison did not really agree with your approach. He does not want the world to remember you as a tyrant and as an evil scourge. He was not an idealistic man. But meeting you, and living in the most exciting moment for this world, standing beside you, seeing you uniting the Evolver, he became idealistic'

The Creator paused for a while and then said

'because, he finally knew that hope is alive and well' Azief however went silent. He shakes his head

'I have killed so many people'

He looks at the Creator but the Creator did not say anything.

The Creator then sighed

'I know what you want from me. You want me to defend you'

Azief nodded with a bitter smile on his face

'Is that selfish of me. Wanting you to defend me?'

'You know yourself whether you are worth defending' Then the Creator sighed

'The humans in this world are terrible beings. They enslaved the Evols, and they repressed and tortured them for hundreds and thousands of years'

'Evil also have its own degrees. Some sins could be forgiven, could be redeem. And some are not. The humans of these world inflict all kinds of horrors upon the Evolvers. And I know why you did what you did. But I am not going to tell you whether that is the right move or not.

Azief only sighed but the Creator continued.

'You thought that if you leave many more humans than Evol, then you would leave a problem. You kill a lot of people that is oppressing the Evols. Your palace is made from the bones of the defeated. The upper limit of that world could not contain you and you have no peers or equal. You were basically a god in this world'

'Maybe at that time you thought it was right. It is intoxicating isn't it? To have that much power without anyone to control you? Without having to worry about the consequences?' The Creator smiles and then said

'How do you think about it now?

Azief only sighed.

'is this why you said to me all those words before?'

The Creator face turns serious and he look at Azief.

And as Azief look at the Creator eyes, he could feel his eyes stinging like there is a sharpness in the Creator eyes that it pierces through his eyes and his mind that he even felt his entire body seems to shake from an indescribable pain.

But the pain itself did not cause him to shudder or tremble, there is only this sense of unease that is filling his entire mind and body.

Then the Creator said

'I told you that each life is precious. There are many of those who you killed that have debts to others. That could be considered cutting the Cause and Effect'

'But there are also people that had nothing to do with it and die only because of association. Your effort had allowed the Evolver to create a peaceful world but that is their concerns and your concerns. It did not concern my job. My job is about Creation and you have destroyed them'

Then the Creator sighed and that feeling of stinging disappears and Azief could breathe a little bit easy.

There is silence between them again before the Creator suddenly said

'You leave the children from your massacre but there are some adults that are also innocent. Fortunately, you did not kill many of such person or the cause and effect, the Karma would be heavier'

'Then, the reason you are bringing me here is to…. what? To show me my mistakes? To guilt me into something? To show cause and effect? Why is it that you brought me here?' he asks

'I am not bringing you here to guilt trip you. I just want to show you that not all of your decision is wrong. I know you are blaming yourself right now'

Azief did not say anything but instead he looks back at the statue.

'Earth Thirty-Nine. I did not expect that I would be here again'

He chuckles bitterly and then continue

'Since I know the disastrous consequences of opening barriers between worlds, Earth Thirty-Nine was the last parallel worlds that I have gone to. I avoid in travelling to other parallel Universe after that.'

He looks around and there is no trace whatsoever of the great war fought between him and the forces of the Normies.

There are no traces of the great battle. There are tall buildings in the distance.

'It seems that they have rebuild this place' Azief did not take long to know where he is right now. This park is the Central Park in New York city

Though, it shares the same name as the Central Park in New York city in his world, it is not exactly the same.

Most of these area from Upper West and Upper East sides of Manhattan, at least during his stay here was ravaged by war

Washington and the surrounding states are the only one that is spared from most of the destruction and that is because Azief had created a stronghold there

Before he leaves this world, at that time, the rebuilding of the area of Manhattan had just begun.

Most of the cities that is around the water had been sunk during a bombardment of powerful weapons from the Normies forces.

And now…...now it is incredible for Azief to see that this place that used to be ruins now become a park. Azief had never been to Central Park in his world.

He did go to Central Park in the United States after the Fall in his own Earth but it is not quite the same considering that after the Fall, that area is basically a spawning area for monsters.

So, he did not know how to compare this Central Park and the Central Park in his world.

And to think that there is a statue of him here, he really could not have expected this.

He had make it very clear to Harrison that he could use him to drum up support. He could stain his name and trample his name so that he could rise to the occasion without a stain.

He had set himself as the butcher so that Harrison and the others could live in the new world. Azief felt a little bit regretful of course

But at that time, with the power he has, that is the best solution he could make.

The hatred between the two races is too deep to be solved with a negotiation.

It is a pity but that what it is. Azief had studied the history of this world when he was here. He could see that in the long period of times, there were many times, chances presented to them

Chance for them to buried the hatred. But each time, the chances are squandered.

And so it arrived to the point of no return

It is a hatred that spans thousands of years and it is unrealistic for it to be solved in a couple of month.

That is na?ve and ignorant.

Azief knows he could not ignore such hatred and try to present a superficial solution.

Usually one would at least forget it after a few decades. But, the Evolver were enslaved and tortured and their species is killed year after year

If only the Normies could at least take a step back from the hostilities, acknowledged the rights of the Evolvers, then Azief did not have to make such a bloody decision.

There is no answer to that hatred.


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