I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 94.1

Chapter 94.1

Three days later, Empty Hand Master and his group returned to the capital city.

Your Majesty, this is the legendary treasure of heaven and earththe Nine-Eyed White Jade Lotus Pod!

Lin Beifan took the jade box from Empty Hand Masters hands, opened it, and carefully examined the treasure inside, exclaiming in amazement, This strange thing is truly wonderful!

The entire lotus pod glistened like white jade, radiating an aura of sanctity.

However, the lotus seeds resembled eyeballs, and no matter which direction one looked, those nine seeds seemed to stare back, creating an eerie and terrifying sight.

Not only is it wondrous, but it also possesses many effects! It heals injuries for those who are hurt and enhances abilities for those who are not, and even if you grind it into powder and apply it to the face, it has beautifying properties. Truly, it is a martial worlds treasure! Empty Hand Master said with a smile.

What a marvelous item, and marvelous items should be used!

Lin Beifan plucked a lotus seed from the pod and handed it to Liu Eunuch at his side, saying with a smile, Over the years, Liu Eunuch has served me closely, tirelessly working both in front and behind the scenes, with great merit! Therefore, this first lotus seed is awarded to Eunuch!

Thank you, Your Majesty, for the imperial reward! Liu Eunuch accepted it without any hesitation.

Firstly, this was a sign of the emperors trust and affection.

Secondly, after consuming this lotus seed, ones strength will increase, enabling him to better protect Your Majesty.

Everyone looked at Liu Eunuch with envy.

Empty Hand Master said enviously, Liu Eunuch has been immersed in the Innate True Qi level for many years, but due to his age, his potential has been exhausted, and he has no way to break through! However, after eating this lotus seed, it can stimulate the qi and blood within his body, giving him a new lease on life, and there is a great chance for him to break through and become an Astral Qi level expert!

Liu Eunuch laughed happily, If I manage to break through, I will treat everyone to a drink!

Agreed! Its a deal! everyone laughed heartily.

Lin Beifan plucked the second and third lotus seeds but still handed them over to Liu Eunuch.

Eunuch, please give these two lotus seeds to Uncle Chai and Uncle Xiao! They have been toiling for Great Xia for most of their lives, dedicating their entire existence to the nation. These lotus seeds rightfully deserve to be shared with them!

Yes, Your Majesty! Eunuch Liu took the two lotus seeds.

No one had any objections to this.

Those two elders were Lin Beifans seniors, loyal to him and having contributed so much to the country, it was only reasonable and proper for them to receive such a reward.

Your Majesty, on behalf of my father and Uncle Xiao, I thank you! Chai Yuxin said happily.

As for the fourth lotus seed

Lin Beifan said with a smile, That one will go to you, Yuxin! After all, you are a general of our nation, commanding numerous troops, a figurehead of sorts. If your strength is inadequate, it would be quite the embarrassment!

I also get one? Thank you very much, Your Majesty! Chai Yuxin happily accepted the lotus seed.

Regarding this, nobody else had any objections.

Chai Yuxin was indeed now the greatest general of Great Xia, not only with numerous merits but also with great strength. Moreover, considering his relationship with His Majesty, it was not surprising that he received such a reward.

As for this fifth lotus seed

Under the astonished gazes of everyone present, Lin Beifan placed it in Bai Zhus hands.

Bai Zhu, both shocked and puzzled, said: Your Majesty, why is this?

Lin Beifan said with a smile, Bai Zhu, your strength has now reached the pinnacle of the True Qi level, only a step away from the Astral Qi level. This lotus seed will help you break through! Once your strength has increased, you will be able to serve me even better! And with greater strength, wont your chances for revenge also increase?

Thank you, Your Majesty! Bai Zhu accepted the lotus seed, speaking softly, with a hint of moisture in her eyes.

This sixth lotus seed

Then, under the astonished gazes of everyone present, Lin Beifan placed it in the hands of the Empty Hand Master.

The Empty Hand Master said in shock, Your Majesty, this

Although he had desired the lotus seed, he had never truly hoped to receive it.

After all, his reason for joining Great Xia and serving Lin Beifan was only a temporary compromise, a necessity of the situation.

In truth, he felt no real loyalty towards Lin Beifan or Great Xia.

After retrieving his belongings in three years, it was highly likely that he would simply leave.

Lin Beifan was surely aware of this fact.

Yet, he still entrusted such a precious lotus seed to him.

Lin Beifan spoke up, You have served me well, and I certainly cannot let you be wronged! Ordinary treasures like gold, silver, pearls, and the lure of high-ranking positions surely do not appeal to you, so I bestow upon you this lotus seed! With this seed, you should be able to make a breakthrough, right?

Most definitely, I am 100% confident! Empty Hand Master declared without hesitation.

Lin Beifan chuckled, Thats great! From now on, who would dare to mock your mediocre martial arts skills?

Empty Hand Master was deeply touched, but he found overly sentimental words hard to express, so he could only say, Thank you, Your Majesty!

In his heart, however, he felt a new sense of recognition towards Lin Beifan.

This seventh lotus seed, naturally, belongs to you, Wine Sword Immortal! Lin Beifan handed over a lotus seed.

Wine Sword Immortal burst into hearty laughter: Even though I know youre trying to win people over, Im still very moved! However, may I exchange this lotus seed for the gallbladder of that giant snake?

Saying this, he returned the lotus seed to Lin Beifan.

Lin Beifan blinked, curiously asking, What do you want that snake gallbladder for?

Wine Sword Immortals eyes gleamed with excitement: That giant serpent has cultivated to the point of becoming a spirit. Its gallbladder would make for an excellent wine infusion!

So thats it! Lin Beifan had an epiphany, recognizing that this was indeed very much in the style of Wine Sword Immortal.

Empty Hand Master laughed and scolded: Wine Sword Immortal, you really know your stuff! That serpents gallbladder is the essence of its being, its medicinal effects are not inferior to that of lotus seeds, and in some aspects, its even stronger!

Is that so? Well, thats even better! Wine Sword Immortal laughed heartily.

Lin Beifan said with a smile: Alright, since you want that serpents gallbladder, go ahead and take it!

Thank you, Your Majesty! Wine Sword Immortal was extremely delighted.

At this moment, Lin Beifan looked towards Wang Jinhai, who stood silently to the side and smiled, General Wang, this time you set out on a campaign to Great Yan and have returned in triumph; your contributions are immense! However, the merits youve earned are still not enough to be awarded a lotus seed! Therefore, I will reserve one for you, and when your achievements suffice, I will bestow it upon you!

Thank you for Your Majestys grace! Wang Jinhai was overjoyed.

He hadnt expected that he too would have the chance to obtain such a rare treasure!

Although he hadnt received it yet, the emperor had spoken, and his word was as precious as gold and jade. He would certainly not deceive!

A lotus seed was already set aside for him; as long as his merits were enough, he would be able to receive it!

He believed that this day would come soon!

His heart was filled with immense joy; coming to Great Xia was the right decision!

The remaining two will be rewarded later based on merit! Lin Beifan closed the jade box.

Your Majesty, dont you need it?

Empty Hand Master asked in surprise: This lotus seed is also a miraculous medicine for those who have not practiced martial arts. Consuming it can strengthen the body and even stimulate the talent for martial arts, turning one into a martial artist!

I do not need it! Lin Beifan said with a smile, shaking his head.

Although he appeared to be an ordinary person, he was actually a peak expert of Innate Imperial Qi.

With a body full of divine techniques and skills, he wouldnt fear even if he had to fight a Grandmaster.

The efficacy of the lotus seed was limited, and it was of no use to him anymore.

Wasting it would be a shame; it would be better to use it to reward the meritorious officials, thereby strengthening the nations power.

Right, theres another person who deserves a great reward!

Lin Beifan said with a smile, The Emperor of the An Kingdom has offered 2 million taels of silver and also enabled us to obtain the Nine-Eyed White Jade Lotus Pod. His contribution is immense! Issue a decree, confer upon him the title of Duke of An, and let him enjoy all the privileges of a duke!

Yes, Your Majesty!

Empty Hand Master called out, Your Majesty, theres also that giant snake, lets not waste it! Its skin can be used to make armor, its teeth and bones can be used to make weapons, its meat can be eaten, and its blood can be drunk, which has the effects of nourishing yin and supplementing yang!

Is that so?

Lin Beifan was delighted and said loudly, In that case, lets gut it and prepare a full snake banquet. Everyone can share and eat, how about that?

Thank you, Your Majesty! Everyone happily complied with the order.

After happily finishing the snake meat, everyone went back to consume the lotus seeds and made breakthroughs in their training.

Among them, Bai Zhu, the Empty Hand Master, had already reached the pinnacle of the Innate True Qi level. After consuming the lotus seed, they smoothly broke through and became an Astral Qi level expert.

Chai Yuxin, Chai Yulang, and Liu the Eunuch, although they did not break through, their skills improved greatly. All of them reached the peak of the True Qi level, and their breakthroughs were not far off.

The Wine Sword Immortal, although without a lotus seed, had the snake gall, which contained the essence of the giant snakes life and had extraordinary effects.

After slowly consuming it with wine, he also successfully broke through and became an Astral Qi level expert.

With this, the number of Innate experts in Great Xia may not have increased, but the quality had undergone a qualitative leap, and the national power had greatly strengthened.

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