I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 94.2

Chapter 94.2

Ding! Due to the player national power growth, your strength has increased accordingly. You are rewarded with the Sword Opens the Heavenly Gate!

This sword technique was created by the venerable Sword God, who exhausted his lifes energy to forge it. A single strike can open the gates of heaven, its power peerless, truly the ultimate killing move among swords!

Lin Beifan closed his eyes, rapidly absorbing the knowledge of this supreme technique.

His strength, as a result, advanced further.

At this time, the Emperor of the An Kingdom received the news of his ennoblement and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he had lost power and some freedom, he had managed to preserve his wealth and status. He wouldnt have to live like an ordinary person, toiling for a living, uncertain of his next meal.

Yet, there was still some confusion and wandering in his heart, unsure of what to do next.

So, he decided to seek out the two monarchs of the fallen Mo Kingdom and Shang Kingdom to learn from their experiences.

However, when he arrived at their residences with generous gifts, he was informed that the two dukes had slipped out for fun and might not return until the evening.

The Emperor of An Kingdom was utterly baffled: How can they still be in the mood for fun at a time like this? Arent their hearts a bit too big?

Completely perplexed, he ended up in the food street, only to find them in a hot pot restaurant.

But the moment he saw them, his eyes nearly popped out.

For the two Emperors he had been so eager to meet were now happily gathered around a pot, cooking and enjoying their meal.

While eating, their mouths were full of juice, and they were still arguing.

Winter and hot pot are indeed a perfect match!

Who could disagree? Ive lived for over 40 years, and only now have I discovered hot pot! You just swish the slices of meat in the hot pot, scald them a bit, and then theyre ready to eat, both fresh and tender! Especially the spicy flavor, it makes you sweat all over when you eat it, so refreshing!

I prefer the clear broth, it leaves a lingering fragrance on the lips and teeth, making one savor the taste!

Spicy is the way to go! If youre a man, you should eat spicy!

Listen to me, the clear broth is better! Your spicy flavor has already overwhelmed the taste of the ingredients!

Still, the spicy one is more delicious, numbing and spicy works too!

The Emperor of An Kingdom was completely flabbergasted. How could these two individuals resemble Emperors at all?

They lacked any semblance of dignity, hardly distinguishable from common village husbands!

Had it not been for the bystanders informing him that these were indeed the individuals he was seeking, he would have turned on his heel and left.

The Emperor of An Kingdom approached, puzzled.

The two Emperors ceased their bickering and simultaneously turned to look over.

The Emperor of Mo Kingdom narrowed his eyes: You must be the former Emperor of An Kingdom, now the Duke of An, correct?

The Emperor of An Kingdom was greatly shocked, How do you know?

The Emperor of Shang Kingdom spoke, Did you come here to find us?

The Emperor of An Kingdom was surprised again, How do you also know?

The Emperor of Mo Kingdom continued, Are you perhaps feeling perplexed and seeking our counsel?

The Emperor of An Kingdom was shocked yet again, How do you know that too?

The Emperor of Shang Kingdom asked, Do you want to know how to survive well in Great Xia?

The Emperor of An Kingdom paled in shock: How do you know everything?

The two Emperors exchanged glances and burst into hearty laughter, speaking in unison: Because weve all been through it!

Setting aside their bowls and chopsticks, they pulled the Emperor of An Kingdom over.

Lil bro, come here and listen to your elder brother. Youll soon be out of your confusion!

Not only will you not be confused, but youll also join us quickly!

In the end, after a heart-to-heart talk with the two Emperors, the Emperor of An Kingdom came to understand the real reasons behind his defeat and the gap between himself and Lin Beifan.

He also realized that in this place, there was no need to live in fear.

Eat what you should eat, drink what you should drink, and play as you should, for that person never truly had him in his heart.

After the counsel of the two elder brothers, I this old man feels much more at ease!

The Emperor of An Kingdom completely relaxed, looking at the pot in front of him, half filled with red broth and half with clear water, bubbling over the charcoal fire, the aroma wafting up, and he was very curious: What is this? It smells rather fragrant!

Little brother, let me introduce you! laughed the Emperor of Mo Kingdom.

This is known as hot pot, a way of eating food! Just follow my lead like this like this, and youll be fine! I assure you, youre going to fall in love with hot pot!

Not only hot pot, but we also have many other delicious foods here. When I have the time, Ill take you on a tour, guaranteed to make you so happy youll forget about returning home, to the point where you wont even want to be an Emperor! The Emperor of Shang Kingdom also said with a laugh.

Thank you both, elder brothers!

The Emperor of An Kingdom was both grateful and ashamed: After how I treated you before, I didnt expect you to put aside past grievances and treat me with such warmth, I

Brother, lets leave the past in the past!

The Mo Kingdom Emperor said with a grand wave of his hand: Were all in the same boat now, so from here on out, well look out for each other and aim to try every delicacy this place has to offer! Haha!

Thank you both, my brothers! the An Kingdom Emperor said with tears of gratitude.

The three of them happily started eating hot pot while discussing the current situation in the world.

Now that youre here too, its probably not long before the one from Peng Kingdom shows up!

Indeed, the Great Yue Kingdom has wolfish ambitions, having successively annexed Shang Kingdom and An Kingdom, showing a tendency to swallow the whole world! Peng Kingdom, being the closest small kingdom, is half encircled already, how can it remain uninvolved?

The only fear is that he might not be able to make it. Theres a vast expanse between Great Xia and Peng Kingdomits too far!

Forget it, these matters are not for us to worry about. Lets just keep thinking about where to find delicious food!

Youre right! Now that we are no longer Emperors, lets just talk about poetry and romance, not about state affairs!

At this moment, the Emperor of Peng Kingdom, who was being gossiped by the three Emperors, could neither eat nor sleep well.

Every day he lived in fear and trepidation and his whole being was greatly diminished.

It was all caused by the Great Yue Kingdom. The Great Yue Kingdom had already consecutively annexed the Shang Kingdom and, disregarding righteousness, had also swallowed up the An Kingdom, effectively surrounding his small Peng Kingdom.

The adversary was ambitious and could send troops to attack at any moment.

With his nations power so weak, having not yet recovered from a battle with Great Xia, how could he possibly stand against the might of Great Yue?

He wanted to seek help from the outside, but all around him were small kingdoms. They usually had frictions, and it was already good enough if they didnt kick him while he was down. How could they possibly lend a hand?

So, it goes without saying that he was now driven into a corner, with no way to heaven and no door into the earth.

Alas! What should I do now? the Emperor of Peng Kingdom fretted, feeling as though he was just waiting for death.

At this moment, he suddenly envied the three Emperors far away in Great Xia.

Although they had become monarchs of a fallen nation, they had managed to save their own lives and those of their families.

They had even become dukes, wealthy and with status, spending their days in leisure and pleasure, carefree, no longer having to worry about the troubles of running a country.

I really wish I could be like them No, no! How can I fall so low?

The Emperor of Peng Kingdom suddenly shook his head, resolutely declaring, I am the ruler of a nation; I should strive for improvement and invigorate our countrythat is my duty!

Then, he issued an order: Someone, prepare a generous gift for me to send to General Zhao of the Great Yue Kingdom!

Yes, Your Majesty!

Watching the figure of the old minister leave, the Emperor of Peng Kingdom sighed inwardly, hoping it would be effective!

He hoped that General Zhao, considering the generous gift, would spare his Peng Kingdom.

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