I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 93.2

Chapter 93.2

By this time, the news that Great Xia was leading troops to attack had already reached the Great Yan imperial court.

Great Yan Emperor, furious as thunder, exclaimed, Look at you all! A mysterious army suddenly appears within my territory, pillaging and slaughtering, and you have no information about it. They act with impunity, and you are of no use to me!

The officials trembled with fear; among them, the Grand General spoke, Your Majesty, please calm your anger! The incident was so sudden that we were completely unprepared! However, we have been monitoring the surrounding nations, and there have been no military movements!

Then where did this army come from? the Emperor continued in rage.

Your Majesty, according to the information we have gathered, they should be the troops of Great Xia!

Great Xias troops?

The Great Yan Emperor was shocked. We are separated from Great Xia by the Hengduan Mountain Range, which is high and steep with treacherous roads and filled with wild beasts, like a natural moat. How did they manage to cross it?

Your Majesty, I have already dispatched men to investigate, and we should have news shortly!

An hour later, a soldier reported that a secret passage had been discovered in the Hengduan Mountain Range, likely created by the shifting of earth dragons. There were traces of a large army having passed through it.

Your Majesty, it must have been the Great Xia army that came through there! They took advantage of our unpreparedness to launch a surprise attack, capturing cities and lands, burning, killing, and looting. Its truly detestable! The Grand General said through gritted teeth.

Indeed detestable! The Great Yan Emperor nodded emphatically, but a glint of excitement shone in his eyes.

He had always been ambitious, hoping to expand the territory and strengthen the national power of Great Yan.

However, the surrounding dynasties and great kingdoms were no less powerful than his own, and going to war with them would only result in mutual destruction.

Therefore, this thought had always been suppressed in his heart.

But now, the emergence of this passage provided him with an opportunity.

If Great Xia could attack them, why couldnt he strike back?

Great Xia, a newly promoted great kingdom, was far inferior to his Great Yan.

He could certainly lead his troops to conquer and expand his territory, fulfilling his ambition.

The more the Great Yan Emperor thought about it, the more excited he became, and he spoke out loud: Great Xia dares to encroach on our land and snatch our resources, their actions are comparable to those of bandits! Grand General, I now command you to immediately lead an army of 500,000 to suppress the forces of Great Xia, and at the same time, cross the Hengduan Mountain Range to launch a northern campaign against Great Xia, to let them know the consequences of offending our Great Yan!

I shall obey the command! the Grand General accepted the decree.

He then went to muster the troops, leading a mighty army of 500,000 in a grand march towards the Hengduan Mountain Range.

At this moment, the Great Xia army had already captured 10 cities, seizing countless treasures.

Lin Beifan examined the data on the Empire Sandbox.

Empire Sandbox (Intermediate Level)

Territorial Area: 780,000 square miles (Arable land 520,000 square miles)

Domestic Resources: 192 million taels (4 iron mines, 5 coal mines, 2 copper mines)

Population: 8.82 million (Wealthy people 2%, Common people 46%, Poor people 52%)

Military Strength: 800,000 (8 Innate experts, 350 martial artists)

Comprehensive National Power: 1450 (Great kingdom level)

Ding! Due to the players national power growth, your strength has increased accordingly. You are rewarded with the Twin Sleeves Green Snake!

The Twin Sleeves Green Snake is a sword technique created by a former Sword God. It emphasizes both the swords intent and movement, majestic and overwhelming, rolling forth like a dragon. It is the epitome of sword techniques, unmatched by any!

Lin Beifan closed his eyes, absorbing the essence of the sword technique.

It must be said, this sword technique is truly terrifying, not at all inferior to the Return of Ten Thousand Swords or the 23rd Sword of the Holy Spirit!

Lin Beifan was extremely satisfied with his acquisition.

Great Yan has reacted, its time to retreat!

Without needing a reminder from Lin Beifan, Wang Jinhai, who was at the front line, had already been informed that Great Yan was leading an army of 500,000 to attack.

This was their home ground, and with their overwhelming numbers, there was no chance of victory in continuing the fight, so he did not hesitate to issue the order to retreat. They retreated along the passageway of the Hengduan Mountain Range back to Great Xia.

Then, leading his troops, he blocked the passageway, preventing their passage.

The Grand General of Great Yan continued to lead his troops, charging towards the passageway.

Men of Great Yan, Great Xia has invaded our land, plundered our wealth, an outrage to both gods and men, intolerable by heaven and earth! Now, follow me into battle. The time to achieve glory and establish our legacy is upon us! The Grand General raised his sword high, leading the charge.

Charge! The army of Great Yan roared mightily, following closely behind.

Im done playing with you! Lin Beifan said with a slight smile, once again employing the Hand of God.

Rumble rumble rumble

The mountain range trembled, emitting thunderous sounds.

Countless wild beasts stampeded out, seemingly fleeing for their lives.

The Grand Generals face changed abruptly: This is bad! The earth dragon is turning over again, everyone retreat quickly, retreat to an open and safe area!

At the Grand Generals call, everyone ran back frantically.

Run, the earth dragon is turning over again!

If we dont run now, well lose our lives!

Run faster, even faster!

Rumble, rumble, rumble The quaking sound grew louder and louder.

Then, the earth shook, and the mountains trembled; rocks tumbled down as if it were the end of the world.

They had barely run away when the passage formed by the earthquake began to close up gradually.

The Great Yan general and his soldiers looked at the sealed passage, exchanging glances, wanting to cry but unable to shed tears.

What do we do now?

Theres no way forward, do we still fight through?

General, say something!

This sudden war spread rapidly throughout the land, leaving everyone in shock and disbelief.

People are saying that the Great Xia Kingdom and the Great Yan Kingdom have actually gone to war? Arent they separated by the Hengduan Mountain Range? How did they start fighting?

Its said that the earth dragon turned over, creating a passageway through the Hengduan Mountain Range. So, Great Xia sent troops to charge through, looting and plundering along the way! After the raid, they quickly retreated back!

Great Yan wanted to take revenge, but when they sent their troops, the earth dragon turned over again, causing the Hengduan Mountain Range to close up, and the passageway disappeared!

F*ck! This battle is too bizarre; its as if the heavens were specifically aiding Great Xia!

Indeed, its strange! Great Xia made a killing, but the Great Yan Kingdom is so unjustly wronged and at a loss. They were slapped in the face and couldnt even take their revenge!

Yeah, if I were the Great Yan Emperor, Id definitely be furious!

That unlucky boy, haha!

At this moment, the Great Yan Emperor was indeed very angry.

He had been robbed by Great Xia for no reason at all, and he couldnt even take his revenge. He could only watch helplessly as the other party swaggered away with loads of gold, silver, and jewels.

Now, he had become the laughingstock of the entire world!

He had never suffered such a huge loss in his entire life!

He was so furious he felt like he was going to explode!

Clenching his teeth, he swore, Great Xia, you just wait for me! If I dont avenge this, I swear Im no longer human!!!

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