How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 314

Chapter 314

"What nonsense is that?"

Kaneff erupted in anger upon hearing the contents of the letter.

Andras appeared equally stunned.

The letter stated that instead of being given the Divine Beast, I was instructed to use Ashmir and Urki as labor.

On the surface, it seemed like a reasonable offer, as I would be taking care of the Divine Beast and was provided with two workers to assist.

However, the issue was I had never worked with Angels, I was worried about whether they could work properly on the farm in the first place.

"Is there a problem with the letter?" Ashmir asked.

"Not exactly a problem, but do you really want to work here?" I replied.

"Yes, we agreed that it's the only way to repay Sihyeon's debt."

"The only way? Did you consider any other options?"

"We thought about offering jewelry or financial compensation, but we don't think that would be acceptable to Sihyeon."

"Well that's true."

As she said, such compensation was meaningless to me.

I'm not short of money, and I didn't have a hobby of collecting jewelry.

Ashmir continued to look at me, as if trying to understand my hesitation.

I couldn't help but be honest with her.

"To be honest, I've never worked with Angels before and I'm worried about you two adapting to farm work," I admitted.

"Being an Angel isn't a big deal. You already live and work with Demons, don't you?" Ashmir pointed out.

"That's true," I agreed.

"Just like the others here, we'll need time to adjust. But give us a chance, and we'll be able to contribute in no time," Ashmir assured me.

I couldn't argue with Ashmir's logic and nodded in agreement.

"And when it comes to sincerity and responsibility, we Angels will never fall behind the Demons,"

Whoa! Such a racist remark is a bit dangerous

"Are you saying that the Demons are less responsible and lazy than the Angels?"

"I can't just listen to this,"

Before I could say anything, Andras and Kaneff went off in a fit of rage.

Ashmir replied calmly, still expressionless.

"I had no intention of belittling Demons. I just stated the facts."

"This arrogant Angel"

However, Ashmir's answer only fueled the fire.

I thought I would be in big trouble if I left it like this.

I realized that if I didn't do something, the situation would escalate.

"Can we all just stop this? There's no need to compare Angels and Demons."

"SIHYEON, don't tell me you're on the side of the Angels, are you?"

"What? When did I side with the Angels?"

"Then you tell them yourself. How responsible and sincere the Demons are!"


I dont know how to put responsibility and sincerity, and Kaneff in the same sentence.

Though I can't judge the whole Demon race hastily.

If there was a point for responsibility and sincerity, Im sure Kaneff would get only an average score.

Before more emotional words could come out between the Demons and Angels, I tried to change the topic.

"But is it okay for the Angels to stay in the Demon world as they want? Shouldn't you get permission from the superiors of this world?"

"We've taken care of that. We sought approval from the Demon Lord Castle before arriving here and they stated that they would not interfere as long as Sihyeon permits it," Ashmir replied.


I wasn't sure if the Demon Lord Castle was being considerate or just delegating the responsibility to me, but either way, they seemed to be leaving the decision in my hands.

I had a lot to think about.

The farm was definitely understaffed.

Everyone, including myself, was doing what we could to compensate for the shortage, but it wouldn't be sustainable if the workload continued to increase.

Moreover, we couldn't bring in new workers due to the unique situation of the farm and it was challenging to bring in outsiders because of the close relationships among the current members.

I looked over at Andras, who was seated opposite me.

He caught my gaze and rubbed his head, as if in distress.

"I don't know. It's better for Sihyeon to make the decision," he said, opting out of the discussion.

His expression indicated that making a decision was not easy.

Kaneff, who was observing from the sidelines, voiced his frustration.

"What's the problem? Why are you hesitant to let the Angels work on the farm?"



A voice boomed as the door was suddenly thrown open, revealing Alfred covered in snowflakes.

"What's going on, Elaine?" I asked.

"I apologize for interrupting, but we have a problem outside," Alfred replied.

"Is it serious?" Instead of answering, Alfred gestured toward the window, causing everyone's attention to shift in that direction.

Whistling winds and the sound of heavy snowfall filled the room.

"Oh no"

"The blizzard again?"

I had just arrived at the farm when the snow had stopped, but now it was coming down in full force outside the living room window.

I jumped up, concerned for the children who were playing outside.

"What about the kids?" I asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, Lia took them all inside before the blizzard got any worse," Alfred reassured me.

"Thank goodness"

Although relieved to hear that the children were safe, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease.

The sound of the wind against the window brought back the feeling of unease.

Upon closer inspection, the snowflakes seemed unusual.

"If it's not an emergency meeting, I think you should hold off for now. The blizzard is going to get worse," Alfred warned.

As soon as we realized the severity of the situation outside, Andras and I sprang into action.

"Sihyeon, I'm going to check on the strawberry field. There may be too much snow and it could damage the greenhouse," Andras said.

"Alright. Let me know if anything happens. Elaine, come with me to inspect the barn."


"Wait a minute!"

Ashmir called out to me as I was about to leave the living room in a hurry.

"I think this is urgent. Let me help," Ashmir offered.

"Me too!" Urki chimed in.

I hesitated for a moment, glancing at Kaneff.


Kaneff sighed and frowned, but eventually nodded his head.

"Take care of it yourselves," he said.

With permission granted, I smiled and said to the two Angels,

"Okay, you two can come with me."

Who-whining! Who-whining!


My only response upon stepping out of the building and feeling the full force of the blizzard was disbelief.

In addition to the bone-chilling cold, it was challenging to keep my eyes open and stand steady.

"Oh! Brother Sihyeon!"



Lilia approached me from a distance and fastened something onto my wrists.

Whoo! Whoosh.

I felt a small vibration on both wrists, and a warm heat soon spread through my entire body, loosening up my stiff limbs.

"These are artifacts to counter the cold. They're meant to prevent any emergencies that may arise, so you need to wear them."

"Thank you! What about everyone else?"

"I already have one on. Brother Sihyeon is the last."

Lilia, who had just informed me that I was the last, looked confused when she saw the two Angels behind me.

"Oh? I don't have any artifacts for those two."

"Don't worry, we'll be fine."

A white light sprang out around the two Angels.

The light swirled around them in an instant, giving them a subtle glow and forming a protective shield.

"As Angel Supervising officers, we can handle this much."

It was a stoic reply as usual, but I felt very reassured this time.

"Okay. First, please organize the way to the barn. I'll go to the stable."

After entrusting the work to Alfred, Lilia, and two Angels, I headed straight to the stable.


"Now, good boy! It's dangerous here, so let's go into the barn for a moment."

The anxious horses were brought out of the stable, soothing them. I was going to move them to Yakum's barn, which was safer.

I grabbed the horse's bridle with one hand and headed toward the barn.

Four people were already clinging to the place and clearing the snow.

"Elaine! Can you help me open the barn door?"

"All right."

With Elaine's help, I whined and opened the entrance.

As soon as the door opened, I saw Yakums huddled inside the barn to avoid the snowstorm.

Bow wooo wooo

Bow wooo wooo!

It was the first day I returned to the farm after a long time, so many Yakums made a welcome cry.

I wanted to greet them by stroking each and every one of them, but now I didn't have any time for it.

I took the horses to the empty corner and headed out of the barn again.

In that short time, the snowstorm seemed to have gotten stronger.

"Lilia! Can't you do something with magic or artifacts?"

"How can I stop this? There's no choice unless the Demon Lord herself comes!"

The whole farm is going to be covered with snow at this rate.

"Senior, look over there!"

Alfred pointed to the roof of the barn.

In the process of expanding the barn, the additional connected roof was clattering.

If left as it is, part of the roof seemed like it would completely get torn off.

"I need to go up and fix it."

"It's too dangerous, Senior!"

"It's okay. I'll just roughly fix it with a rope and come down. If the roof gets completely torn off, it will become more troublesome."

I quickly pulled ropes and ladders out of the warehouse.

After Elfreid and Lilia had the ladder held together, I went up to the roof without hesitation.

The thought that the roof should not fall was more worrisome than fear.

As soon as I got on the roof I quickly tied the rope I brought


Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew and the roof swayed violently.

I, who was on top of it, also bounced off.




The screams of the two were heard muffled by the sound of the wind.

The moment when I felt like floating in the air for a few minutes.


"Are you okay?"

(To be Continued)

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