How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 313

Chapter 313

"Ms. Ashmir? Urki?"

Ashmir and Urki, two Angels, arrived through the dimensional gate.

Andras was slightly taken aback as he recognized them.

"That's the one who visited the farm before. Who's the other one?" Andras asked.

"That's right, he's also an Angel,"

Andras acknowledged the identity of Urki, whom he met for the first time, and relaxed.

The Angels approached and greeted us.

"Hello, Sihyeon," they said.

I replied reflexively, still bewildered, "Yes, hi."

Their greeting was casual, as if we were familiar neighbors meeting on our daily commute.

Kkyuuuu Kkyuuuu!

The Divine beast drew my attention by crying out loudly.

"Uh-huh. Sure, nice to meet you too," I said, lowering my posture and gently patting the beast.

As we spent more time together, the bond between us grew stronger and the Divine beast became comfortable with my touch.

Meanwhile, Andras and the Angels ended their greeting with a polite bow.

I stood up and asked the unexpected visitors,

"Why did you suddenly come to the Demon world? Ryan didn't say anything to me either."

"Mr. Valerian only received the news recently, it was a sudden decision and we couldn't inform you beforehand. We apologize if it caused any inconvenience," Ashmir explained.

"Oh, it's fine. I'm just a little surprised," I said, trying to hide my discomfort.

To be honest, I felt more awkward than just "surprised," but I didn't want to show it.

The Angels' impression had improved lately, but I still felt uneasy around them.

I did my best to maintain a neutral expression.

-Kkyuu Kyuuuu.

The Divine beast clapped its front paws together and let out a cry.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

The Divine beast looked at me and then towards the outside, where children were joyfully rolling around in the snow.

It seemed the Divine beast also wanted to play with the children.

Watching the Divine beast's longing gaze, I smiled slightly.

"Go ahead," I said.

The Divine beast flapped its wing-like ears excitedly in response to my permission and ran off to join the children.

Soon, the sound of children's laughter filled the air on the snowfield.

Their excitement was contagious, making me smile happily.

"My apologies for sending the Divine Beast without consulting with you first," I said to the Angels.

"No need to apologize," Ashmir replied. "I actually had something to discuss regarding that with Sihyeon anyway."

"Discuss?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, I'd like to talk about it in detail at the farm, if that's okay with you," Ashmir added.

I couldn't answer right away and looked at Andras next to me.

He also seemed to be confused by the actions of the Angels.

"What shall we do?"

"It doesn't seem like they came with bad intentions, so shouldn't we listen to it first?"


We exchanged glances without saying a word and gathered opinions.

The conclusion was not difficult to decide.

"Okay. Then lets go to the farm and speak."

No matter how uncomfortable it was, we couldn't just send back the guest who came.

As permission fell from my mouth, Ashmir, and Urki's expressions brightened a little.

"Thank you, Sihyeon."

"Then can you help us move the luggage? The snow is making things difficult, so we are planning to move using the dimensional leap magic."

"I'll help you."

"What should I do?"

Thanks to the two eager Angels, I was able to finish preparing to move quickly.

I returned to the farm after a long absence.

Despite the blanket of snow that covered the land, the warm feeling of home was still present.

Bow woo wooooo

Bow woooo woooo

As soon as I arrived, the Yakums welcomed me with a chorus of joyful cries.

Hearing their warm greetings, I was filled with relief and gratitude, as it felt like I had truly come home.

I had planned to greet the Yakums and catch up with the hardworking farm family, but those plans were temporarily put on hold due to the unexpected arrival of two Angels.

In the living room, the table was surrounded by two Angels, two demons, and a human, and an awkward silence filled the room.

Urki shifted uneasily and looked around, while Ashmir remained calm and composed.

As I wondered how to initiate the conversation, Kaneff suddenly spoke out with a disgruntled expression.

"Are you doing this again as soon as you get back?"

"What did I do?" I asked, confused.

"What did you do? You brought another troublesome problem," Kaneff said with annoyance.

I tried to explain, "I didn't bring this, and calling it a problem is a bitexaggerated."

"You too! Didnt I make it clear last time? If you keep showing up like this, you're not guests but intruders," Kaneff added.

"Well" I responded, unsure of what to say.

"It's because you keep saying yes to everything they say!" Kaneff continued to be upset.

Andras stepped in, trying to calm the situation. "Mr. Kaneff, please calm down for now."

Urki flinched at the angry tone in Kaneff's voice.

Meanwhile, Ashmir, who maintained a calm demeanor, spoke in a composed manner.

"I believe we have acted inappropriately, and I wish to take responsibility for that, including what I owe you recently."

"Responsibility? How do you plan to do that?"

Instead of answering, Ashmir reached into her pocket and retrieved a letter.

She extended her hand, offering the letter to me.

"It's from Judge Arc."

"For me?"

I accepted the letter with surprise, and my eyes widened.

The letter was housed in a simple white envelope, lacking any embellishments.

I carefully tore open the envelope and removed the letter.

I wondered if I was allowed to read it, but as soon as I unfolded the letter, I realized that was a redundant thought.

Sihyeon, how are you?

If you were reading this letter, you would have gone back to the Demon Farm after your vacation.

I hope you had a good vacation.

Even though the letter was written in Korean, it was so neat that it could be believed that it was written by a Korean.

I suddenly wondered if the judge of Arc wrote this letter himself, but I brushed my thoughts away and continued to read the letter.

If I could afford it, I was going to visit you myself, but this position of judge is not that relaxed.

I'm behind on a lot of things because I moved around a lot recently.

Please understand that I have no choice but to do it instead by letter.

After briefly explaining his situation, the letter went straight to the point.

There has been a lot of talk about what we owe you a while ago.

There used to be a lot of negative opinions about you, but recently, the mood has changed a little, so positive opinions have become mainstream.

You can't imagine how hard I worked to get you praised by the narrow-minded Angels.

I really want you to know that you owe me for this change.

Just reading the text naturally reminded me of his sly expression and made me smile.

The non-important information in the letter got a little longer.

In short, the Angels have decided to leave the Divine beast up to you.

Finally, the Angels have begun to appreciate your ability.

Is this how it works?

The decision of the Angels to entrust the Divine beast to me was somewhat of a predictable conclusion.

It was necessary to restore the relationship between the beast and the Angels to prevent any further accidents.

If the relationship was not restored, another runaway accident could have occurred like last time.

To keep the Divine beast safe until the relationship is restored. Right now, there seemed to be no sharp alternative but to leave it to me.

The contents of the letter so far were just as I expected.

However, what followed went in a direction that was completely unexpected.

Of course, we don't mean to ask you to do it for free. We have a sense of shame.

So we thought about it a lot and decided to make the most definite suggestion.

In exchange for your help


I rubbed my eyes and read the latter part of the letter again.

However, the contents of the letter remained the same no matter how many times I read it again.

"SIHYEON, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? What does it say?"

Andras and Kaneff couldn't resist my strange reaction and asked.

Instead of answering the two, I turned to Ashmir.

"Ms. Ashmir? Do you happen to know what is written in the letter?"

"I didn't read the letter myself. But I've already heard about what I need to know."

Are you okay with this?"

She answered calmly to the question of my concern.

"Of course, and I think it's a very reasonable offer."

Hearing her say it was reasonable, I was at a loss for words.

I shifted my gaze slightly and looked toward Urki.

As soon as he felt my gaze, he raised his hand and replied.

"I'm ready too."


Seeing the reactions of the two Angels, I felt more complicated.

"So frustrating! Give it to me!"

The hot-tempered Kaneff snatched the letter from my hand. However, it was meaningless because he couldn't read the Korean written in the letter.

"SIHYEON, what happened?"


I briefly explained to Kaneff and Andras from the story of me taking care of the Divine beast during my vacation to the fact that I have now received this letter.

"And the suggestion in the letter is

In exchange for your handling of the Divine beast, we are offering you two Angels who delivered the letter.

I heard that the farm is always short of hands, so consider them as servants and utilize them as you see fit.

If possible, imparting knowledge on how to approach the Divine beast would be greatly appreciated.

I hope you'll accept this offer.

And at the end of the letter it was written like this.


Isn't my Korean writing skills pretty good? I practiced for quite a while because I liked its unique handwriting of Hangul. It's cool, isn't it?

(To be Continued)

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