How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 315

Chapter 315

The feeling of warmth and dizziness became less.

As soon as I came to my senses, the first thing I saw in front of me was Ashmir's face.

"Uh.Ms. Ashmir?"

"I'm glad it's not too late."

I looked at her blankly and belatedly grasped the situation.

After being caught up in the wind, I was in Ashmir's arms.

"The wind is strong, so don't overdo it."

"Oh yes, thank you."

I thanked her with a delicate expression.

It was very awkward and embarrassing because it was a situation where I was hugged in the commonly referred to in Japanese as "Himesama Dakko (Princess Carry)" posture.

"Don't mention it."

Ashmir answered with a slight smile.

She gently lowered me down to the floor.

Lilia and Alfred approached and asked anxiously.

"Senior, are you okay?"

"Are you hurt anywhere, Brother Sihyeon?"

"It's all right. I was saved thanks to Ms. Ashmir."

Lilia and Elfried also looked at Ashmir with subtle eyes.

They still seemed uncomfortable dealing with the Angels.

"Sihyeon, can I help?" Urki shouted down from the roof, where he had fixed the loose tiles with rope.

"That's enough, Urki. Come down," I instructed.

Urki beamed, happy to have been of help, and landed effortlessly on the floor.

Compared to my struggle, Urki seemed to have made things look easy, leaving me with a twinge of frustration.

I realized now that it would have been better to ask for their help from the start.

The climb to the roof had been reckless and dizzying, making me regret my impulsive actions.


The wind once again picked up, but despite the blizzard, we continued our tasks.

Thanks to everyone's hard work, we were able to complete what needed to be done in a hurry.

I wanted to stock up on food and water for the barn, but the conditions made it difficult to move around.

Guys, hang in there. I'll take care of you as soon as the blizzard subsides.

"Senior, are we done now?"

"Yes, this is okay"

"Brother Sihyeon!"

Lilia called me as soon as I said it was all right.

From the look on her face, it didn't seem like good news.

"There's an emergency at the strawberry field," she informed me.

"Andras is there, isn't he?" I asked.

"Yes, and it seems that all the villagers of Elden have come to help," Lilia confirmed.

"Okay, let's go!" I said, and we rushed to the strawberry field without a moment's rest.

"What are you doing? Pull it properly!"

"Hurry up and dig this place up!"

"Cheer up, everyone! We have to protect this place!"

The Beast people's voices, fighting against the snowstorm, echoed with determination.

I didn't experience it in person, but it was desperate and urgent as if I were watching a scene of the siege.

"Andras! Lagos!"


"My Lord!"

The two greeted me, but their faces were quickly obscured by the blizzard.

"How's the strawberry field doing?"

"All the able-bodied villagers of Elden have come to help."

"What about the village?"

"The rest are taking care of it. The strawberries are more important."

Lagos spoke with a determined look, like a general defending his castle.

It showed how much the Beast people valued the strawberry field.

Considering their situation where it was difficult to make ends meet in the past, it was not strange at all to see them protecting the strawberry field with all their might.

"Can we keep going like this with the blizzard not showing signs of stopping?" I asked, concerned.

"I'm planning on setting up a barrier. If you can hold out until then, I think we'll make it through," Andras replied.

"How long will it take to set up the barrier?"

"If Lilia and I work together, it will take about two hours."

Two hoursthat should be enough time if we all work together.

"Okay, Andras, please focus on setting up the barrier. We'll do our best to hold out," I said.

"My Lord, it's dangerous here. You should go up and wait for us," Lagos urged, worried.

"Why? I can help. Every extra hand counts," I replied, determined to help protect the precious strawberry field.

Because for me also this place was as precious as it was for the Beast people.

Then I will continue setting up the barrier.

"Brother, I'll help you set up the barrier, too."

"Senior, let's hurry up and go."

"We'll help you, too."

Andras and Lilia left to set up barriers, and the others followed Lagos and joined the hardworking Beast people.

Each of the Beast people was busy picking up tools and scooping out snow, or setting up supports to prevent the greenhouse structure from collapsing.

I thought they were quite disciplined in physical labor, but the work was not really easy in this snowstorm.

It was really hard to move constantly in the snow, even though the artifacts prevented me from the cold.

"Cheer up, Popi!"

"If the strawberry field is okay, I'll kiss you later, Pipo."

Strawberry fairies cheered us hard in the greenhouse. In harsh weather, there was nothing they could do but send their support like this.

Still, thanks to the support of the fairies, there was little damage to the strawberry field.

"Hey! Somebody, pull the rope up there"


"Can I do this?"

"Oh yes, thank you."

Ashmir and Urki also flew from place to place and played their role.

It was a great help to have the two who could move freely amid the strong blizzard.

I was hit by the cold wind so much that my senses disappeared from my face, and my hands and feet began to tremble, but I moved my feet hard to help even a little.


As soon as I got back from vacation, what is this?

I resent the tactless harsh weather, but on the other hand, I felt rather fortunate that this happened when I was here.

An hour passed by like that.

Whoo! Whoo!

The transparent energy surrounding the strawberry field spread widely.

The energy pushed away the blizzard and brought peace to the strawberry field.

"Wow! It's a barrier!"

"Andras has set up the barrier!"

"We did it!"

Realizing that the barrier was successfully installed, the beast people hugged each other and cheered.

Thanks to everyone's efforts, we were able to keep the strawberry field safe.

"I can't feel the snowstorm anymore, Popi!"

"Hahaha! I'll kiss everyone later, Pipo!"


"Ugh it's over."

I flung down to my seat, throwing away the snow shovel I was holding.

Unlike the still-energetic Beast people, I was exhausted.

"Is everything okay?"

"Are you okay?"

Ashmir and Urki came up to me and asked.

"I'm just tired. Thank you both. Thanks to you, we kept the strawberry field safe."

"You don't have to thank us. As Judge Arc said, this is to pay off the debt we owed to Sihyeon."

I looked up at Ashmir.

Her face was much haggard than usual, perhaps because of the hard work.

As I watched the scene, I burst into laughter without realizing it.

She still utters machine-like words, but the fact that she was struggling the same way made me feel affectionate.

A fellowship that overcame difficult situations together? Friendship?

Anyway, that similar feeling was felt toward the two Angels.

Of course, the two Angels were just puzzled without knowing how I felt.

"My Lord!"

"Senior, are you okay?"

In the distance, Lagos and the farm members came running calling me.

With the help of Ashmir and Urki, I got up again.

And greeted them with a big smile.

"You all worked hard."

The Beast people, who diligently protected the strawberry field, were soon ready to go back.

For them, protecting the strawberry field was not the end, as the snow still covered their village.

I also wanted to help, but I couldn't help myself.

I had lost all my energy after wandering in the snowstorm for hours.

Lagos, who noticed my heart, comforted me with a comfortable smile.

"The village's work is of course something that we should do. It's enough that you helped us protect the strawberry field."

"But I'm sorry for some reason. I should have helped you more as a lord."

"I'm rather worried that my lord might fall down after overdoing it. Leave the rest to us and take a rest. I'll report it separately later when the village affairs are sorted out."

"Thank you, Lagos."

"Don't mention it. It's a shame that we can't have a brief talk because it's been a while since we've seen each other."

"Let's talk more later. I'll visit you as soon as things are sorted out."

"Haha, I'll be waiting."

Lagos and the Beast people greeted me and quickly went down to the village.

We also went back to the farm after a short bawl.

Andras and Lilia said their barrier would stay steady for about a day, so I thought I wouldn't have to worry about the strawberry field for a while.

"You all worked hard. Here's your towel."

"Papa, here's a towel!"

As soon as we arrived, Lia and Speranza moved busily and handed over the towel.

Everyone shook off the snow everywhere with a towel and took off their half-wet coats.

The cold came belatedly as the artifact on the wrist was removed.

The same might have been true for others.

"First, go in and wash in warm water. I've picked the clothes for you two to change, so don't worry."

Ashmir answered with a blank look.

"We're fine, and"


"What do you mean it's okay? Take it and go into the bathroom first. Come on!"

Lia pushed the change of clothes and pushed the two on the back.

They disappeared with Lia with awkward expressions.

I'm sure Lia will do well on her own, right?

I decided to leave them to Lia for now.

All I had in my head right now was to soak in warm water.

We didn't even have the energy to open our mouths, so we ended our greetings with a wave of our hands, and then slowly dispersed to our respective rooms.

As soon as I entered the room, I threw off my clothes and headed for the bathroom.

The bathtub was already filled with steamy warm water.

It seemed like Lia had prepared it in advance.

I thanked her in my heart and slowly immersed myself in a warm bath.


A pleasant sigh flowed out in the warm energy that melted my body.

The drowsiness that spread throughout the body gave a pleasure that was incomparable to anything else.

(To be Continued on Apr 03(MON))

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