City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 336: My Domain

Chapter 336: My Domain

I defended against another attack from the lich while cutting the head of another abominable zombie with my rapier.
The attack had been the third in minutes that successfully came at me. The Lich had increased the intensity of the attacks and I fear, one of these times, I may not be able to defend against it.
I am not the only one using the power of the establishment. Three more people are, and they are using it at a much greater intensity than me.
The horde had reached the safe zone. I hope Caena was able to kill enough numbers. There were only a thousand guards and volunteers who didn’t have enough experience to get a combat class.
It will be a massacre. If a large number of zombies attacked the safe zone.
I pushed those thoughts away; there was no use thinking about the thing I couldn’t control. 
The only thing I could do was believe in the girls and the people defending the safe zone.
Pachac Khat Pachac!
My sword cut through the zombies and the skeletons. It didn’t matter. If it was a normal undead or special undead, my rapier would cut through it.
It had been a few minutes since I had killed the woman, and since then, I had not fought a single living person. It is all undead; there are not many people I could fight, since many died in the explosion and those remaining are fighting against the others.
It is why we are doing good against the undead. Killing them rapidly; we might really be able to kill them all by the morning.
We might be doing good against the undead, but our condition is not so good against the powerhouses. The explosion may have killed many undead, but almost all-powerful people of Lv. 25 and above have survived.
That includes eight Lv. 30+ powerhouses; these bastards are powerful and killing a lot of us.
If we don’t deal with them; we will lose the battle. 
Everyone is fighting, trying their all to kill the enemies, but it is hard. These people are powerful, especially the Knight Bartram. That damn bastard is not holding back anything; making Stone bloody within a few minutes that he had in a few hours earlier.
That artifact was something else, too. It looked like a thing that had been buried in the earth for a hundred years and could break at any time, but it was carving up Stone like a wood.
The injuries, he is receiving are heavier than the last time, but they are recovering fast. 
He is going through an awakening. Every minute, the bronze skin gets darker and his strength is reaching higher. That instability is also getting stronger, and it is giving me a bad feeling.
I felt like, it might kill Stone first, before the Knight. I have read about the awakening and could only imagine the pressure; he must be feeling.
The awakening should happen in a peaceful environment, without any outside pressure, but here Stone is feeling pressure from the outside as well as inside.
There were bloody battles everywhere, but the one attracted my eye the most.
It is of the young albino orc; he is fighting against two enemies, both of whom are pre-Lv. 30. They are obviously stronger than him, but he is fighting them; like he did in the battle earlier.
His injuries are heavier, but they seem to barely stop him.
Even in the last battle, his fight attracted my gaze the most. I think it is because of the way he fights. He is obviously weaker than them, but he is fighting and even injuring them.
I don’t think, I would survive. If I fought against the enemies with such a difference in strength, while having such injuries on me, much less able to able to injure the enemies, I am fighting.
I looked at his battle for a second before killing, the group of skeletons and then moving toward the zombies.
I want to use the spells to wipe these bastards quickly, but I need to conserve as much emotion essence as possible. It is draining fast, as the girls are using it constantly to deal with the second horde.
Every spell I use has a great cost; it is burning the emotion essence. The most precious material in the world.
I do not care about the cost, but I have a limited amount of emotion essence. I am using it only when I need it.
I was just thinking that when I saw another powerful attack coming toward me from the Lich. Immediately, shields appeared from Mage Ravill and Mage Aldridge, stopping the attack.
I took a breath of relief and continued killing the undead while remaining alert to the attacks of the undead.
They are stopping the attacks, but they are not stopping all the attacks. Some of Lich’s attacks do come at me, and I need to defend against them.
“Lord Silver, watch out!”
A familiar voice screamed at me from behind in extreme urgency. I reacted instantly, even before the surprise caught up to me.
I activated the spells while turning to face the danger.
Earth Shields X 2. Earth Shields X 2. Earth Shields X 2. Earth Shields X 2.
I felt all the hair on my body stand up, the moment, I activated the spells. The danger is powerful, stronger than even Lich’s spell. 
It would definitely kill me if it were to hit me.
A fraction of a second later, I saw something hitting the Earth Shields behind me hard, before materializing.
A short woman, wearing a black rogue suit and having twin daggers in her hand, materialized and focused her pale blue eyes on me.
Her whole face is covered except for her pale blue eyes, which are filled with grief and retribution.
Her eyes met mine, and she attacked again. Her attack was so fast that I couldn’t even see it. She would separate my head from my body before I could even activate the spell. 
She is too close and far too fast, which isn’t surprising. Seeing she is a Rogue and they are fast.
‘Fuck! Am I gonna die?’ I asked myself as I tried to activate the spells. In a time, I don’t have.
I was seeing my death floating in front of me when suddenly I heard a loud clashing sound. Only to see a familiar figure appearing in front of me, with his two swords clashing against the twin daggers of the Rogue woman.
Seeing that, a relief flooded my cold, sweaty body.
“You should move away from here, Lord Silver,” said Lt. Colonel Julian, while looking at the Rogue in front of him.
“Thank you,” I said as I recovered and moved away with the Blitz Steps as fast as I could.
The Rogue disappeared and appeared a meter behind me, but Lt. Colonel Julian appeared once again and stopped her attack.
I didn’t look and moved away, pushing the Blitz Steps, as hard as I could.
Mages are considered the most dangerous powerhouses in the world, but if you ask them, who they fear the most. Over 90% of them would say the Rogues; these are people who could get close to them and kill them fast enough that they couldn’t cast the spell for their protection.
Lt. Colonel is the only person on the whole battlefield who could fight against her. Stone might, but he won’t be able to stop her, as Lt. Col. Julian is doing.
He is the only Lv. 30, we have, and he seemed to have gained quite good skills after leveling up. There is a high chance that even his class has upgraded.
It would have been great. If he had been fighting fully healed and rested, but unfortunately it was war and everybody was fighting, no matter their state.
I got far away from the Rogue, but the fear of her remained. I suppressed it and began killing the undead again. I have to fight, even if I am scared shitless about my life.
A minute passed and then another, when suddenly I sensed the danger, and without even looking, I knew it was from Lich.
‘It just couldn’t give me a rest!’ I thought and turned toward the lich.
As I did, shock couldn’t help, but appear on my face. Yes, the spell is coming, but so, is the Lich. He had been able to escape from the containment of Lena and others and was now coming at me.
I turned to Lena and others and saw them busy dealing with a different enemy. They are trying to come at the Lich, but being stopped by the powerful enemies.
I cursed as the shields appeared in front of me and defended against the attack, before activating the Blitz Steps and it was not the only thing, I had used.
I had also cast Minor Haste and Feather Light on me and moved.
The Lich had been able to untangle itself from those he was fighting and while it was receiving the attacks; they were far from enough to stop it. 
The Lich is coming for me. I need to run.
Those stopping him are level lower than him and also busy with their own battles. At most, they will be able to slow it down, I need to use that to gain as much distance between us as possible.
I may look like, I am defending against the Lich’s attacks just fine, but I am not. 
It is the attack; it is sneaking while others bombard it. If it attacked me with full power without anyone interfering; I wouldn’t be able to last long. The spells I could cast through the establishment are Grade II with the power of Grade 3, while the Lich is a Grade IV.
It is also old and experienced; I won’t be able to last long in front of him. So, I am going to the place, where I will be able to last long against it.
“You will not run away. I will kill you for what you did to me at Namdar,” 
Lich’s voice rang out in my ears as it followed me with the ghostly movements. It is faster than me and the only reason, he is not able to catch up to me, is because of the interference from the mages.
“Your spells will need to touch me for that,” I taunted and pushed myself even harder, nearly stumbling in the process.
Blitz Steps is already fast enough and now, I have added Minor Haste and Feather Light. they had increased my speed further. 
So much so that, I barely control it and even with it all. I am slightly faster than the Lich, who is facing all that interference from the mages.
Another spell crashed into me. Thankfully, the shields have handled it. 
The Lich hadn't stopped attacking me; it was doing that every chance it got and now more and more of its spells had been hitting me.
Soon, I had reached the edge of the battlefield. The people have become space here, but they are fighting with the same intensity as those fighting in the center of the battlefield.
I soon left them behind and so did the Lich.  
The intensity of his attacks has increased further. There is barely any interference, as all those stopping it are on the battlefield.
I was running, pushing myself hard as Lich was rapidly gaining ground on me when suddenly, I saw a bone wall appear in front of me, and at the same time, Zorrin’s lightning came from above.
I wanted to curse, but I didn’t even have time for that and acted on instinct, knowing even a second of delay would cost me my life.
The shields appeared right below the lightning, while pressed my legs down before leaping forward.
I jumped with a just force that I had never in my life and went high above the bone wall, while the spell crashed against the shield.
Seeing that, a grin appeared on the Lich’s face, and I was not surprised. 
I am up in the air, with little maneuverability; it is a place I like my enemies to be in. It makes attacking them much easier and now, I am in that space.
Lich didn’t waste any time and sent four Zorrins Lightning from all four directions and created a sharp bone below.
Even if I defended against the spells; the bones would turn me into a porcupine the moment I landed.
The panic couldn’t help, but fill my heart. 
If it had been single Zorrins Lightning; I would have been able to defend against it. Even two but four are too much. I don’t think, my usual spells would help me with that; they will be crushed by them.
I bit down on the panic and pushed it far into my mind, I could and activated the skill. The one, I have so far resisted using it.
I have kept it for the right time, and it is the right time.
I activated Focus; a skill, I had copied from the Rayna. It is a single-name skill and doesn’t look special, but it is very special.
As I activated the skill. I felt all the distractions disappear, while my thoughts became clear and raced faster. 
I went over all the imprinted spells and magical knowledge, I had. I even activated Instant Recollection to aid it, which caused me a headache.
I bore it, and soon, I got the answer. I didn’t waste even a moment thinking whether it would work or not and simply activated the spells.
Water Bubbles. Radiant Bliss X3. Frost Ball. Frarys Dust X3. Revolving Gale.
First appeared watery bubbles, which got filled with the power of the light of Radiant Bliss, before Frost Balls entered inside, and shimmering Frarys Dust covered the bubbles whole.
The last spell, Revolving Gale, had spun those bubbles around me.
They looked beautiful, like something out of a dream that I forgot headache and terrifying lightning spells for a moment before they arrived.
The huge arcs of lightning crashed against the bubbles, and they exploded. I thought it would come at me and turn me into ashes, but nothing like that happened.
Instead, lightning exploded bubbles into the mist of water and ice. Each speck of mist is covered in Frarys Dust, which is metallic, and they sucked the lightning into them, and the light attacked it.
The scene it created was beautiful, but also extremely dangerous.
It burned me as I passed through the beautiful, shimmering mist. Turning my skin bloody and attacking it with residual death energy.
It is extremely painful, but I bore it as I stepped on the Earth Shield in the air and leaped, before landing on the hot ground with the thud.
Immediately, I turned to Lich and saw him coming, and there was shock on its bony face. 
“The mage, where it is?” it asked as it stopped in front of me with less than ten meters of distance between us. 
“You are really incapable if you couldn’t even find her. No wonder you lost so badly to us in Namdar, that you had to escape, without your body,” I said and the dark blue fire in its skull eyes blazed.
“You bastard, I will kill you!” It roared, and attacked me with powerful spells. 
I looked back at it in the challenge. I am now not as scared of it as I had been a few seconds ago.
We are in my domain. 
It understood it the moment, the spell came out.

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