City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 337: Flint and Fire I

Chapter 337: Flint and Fire I

“Close all windows. Bolt them!” ordered Lieutenant Vasquez; one of a few officers in the safe zone.
He is the man responsible for the security of the hospital.
This hospital is the biggest one in the safe zone and also the one, with the most serious patients. All the patients who have been brought here are from the battle a few hours ago.
Many died, but most survived thanks to the doctors, healers, and everyone who is working, including us whores.
“H..has the undead truly attacked the safe zone?” asked one scared nurse. I could see everyone turning toward Lieutenant Vasquez, including me.
“Yes, but you all don’t have to worry. My men and I will make sure, no undead enter the hospital,” said the raven-haired man and walked out of the door with his men.
I could hear the alarms blaring across the safe zones. The undead are likely attacking the safe zone. Even entered inside, breaching the guards; I don’t know and not knowing is scaring me.
“What did you think? Has the undead, really breached the safe zone?” asked Francesca. She looked calmer; calmer than anybody, here, including me.
“I don’t know,” I replied, shaking my head.
I had just replied when the door opened loudly, and men came, looking tired and scared, holding people on the stretcher. 
The people are bloody, with various injuries across their bodies. From bites to claws to holes. Some are missing the libs and bleeding profusely.
Immediately, the nurses and doctors moved, including a few girls. 
“A few hours ago, they were shaking, vomiting, and falling unconscious, but now they are barely blinking, seeing all the blood,” said Francesca, herself shaking.
I couldn’t help but feel proud hearing that. The girls have really surpassed my expectations and even impressed the healers and doctors with their tenacity.
A minute hadn't over since the first group of patients arrived when the door opened again and people came in, bringing more patients.
Seeing that, Francesca went toward them.
The woman is good and very lucky. 
A day after, she came to the establishment; it had turned into a legacy. If she had been a day late, Master Silver wouldn’t have accepted her.
Many madams of brothels approached the establishment. Even willing to work as the common girls, but all of them have been rejected.
We are now a legacy, and working in it is an enormous opportunity. Even if they work for a month and leave, they will not have to worry about work again.
Every high-class brothel will accept them without hesitation.
Francesca is good, she is milking every opportunity; the establishment is offering, and it made me feel a little ashamed. From attending classes to becoming a doctor to taking magical classes.
I too have a magic talent, but I am one of those people who have no drive to learn it. Just like that girl Stena.
I was in my thoughts when a young blond girl appeared in front of me. “Madam Utsa; Doctor Kistoff is asking for seven Grades II and two Grade III healing potions,” said the girl.
I nodded and took out the potions before handing them to her.
It is my job to handle potions. The potions are expensive, and there are a limited number of them in the city. It is important that these important resources are kept under the tight eyes in war times and Master Silver had given that responsibility to me.
The potions are effective but in the hands of the doctor, they become very efficient. Save the lives of multiple people instead of one.
In the next couple of minutes, more and more patients came; most of them were in serious condition.
The doctors and healers operated on them. Using potion only when it is necessary. Their focus is on stabilizing the patient, not healing; they could be healed when the battle is over, and we have more resources and healers.
Till then, keeping them alive is more important.
Suddenly, I began to hear the shouts before it turned to clashes. Nobody needs to guess what is happening outside.
The undead had arrived, and they had started fighting against Lt. Vasquez and his men.
‘Fuck!’ I cursed and activated No Disturbance. 
Immediately, the chaotic noises outside become much muted, but I could already see the effect it is having on the people. They become more scared; some begin to even cry again.
They were a minority; most focused back on their work; placing their trust in Lt. Vasquez and his men to protect them.
Thud Thud Thud…
For a few minutes, everything was good, when suddenly we heard loud noises from the wall. That even my skill couldn’t mute.
It scared many people, but they kept working.
I walked toward the wall. As I got closer, I began to hear the clashing sounds of metal. The fight outside had become more intense than before.
A sword appeared in my hand, and I cursed myself in my heart.
I forgot to put my hand in my bag, as Caena had advised. The legacy had advanced, and its range now covered a third of the city; I could access its vault anywhere in that range.
I got this access today, that only Carla, Margaux, and Caena had. I am not the only one; Mena had also got. It is to be secret, and I had just revealed it; I hope nobody had noticed.
I looked at the wall and the sword in my hand. It had been decades since, I held one and it couldn’t bring back old memories, that nearly faded.
My da was a mercenary, and he taught me to use a sword since I could walk. I wanted to be a mercenary, and I still remember, he is telling me that he would take me with him when I get my class.
He died when I was eleven, fighting for the local lord. It destroyed the family and brought us to the street.
The part wall suddenly collapsed, bringing me out of my thoughts and I saw three zombies coming in through it.
Ahhhh Ahhh Ahhh
Things clattered on the ground, and people began to scream. Their screams were so loud, they had drowned the noises from the zombies.
The zombies came toward me while I remained frozen in fear. 
I could hear familiar voices screaming my name. Asking me to run away, but it seemed like something had cast a spell on me, that froze my very soul.
It is no spell, or the skill that did it, but my fear.
It gripped my mind so badly, that I couldn’t move an inch despite trying with everything I had.
The first zombie appeared in front of me and screamed before attacking me with the saber in its hand.
It was going for my neck; it would kill me. The blade is rusted, but it has enough power behind it to do the job.
I can’t die!
There are girls behind and defenseless healers and patients. They would go after them once they killed me.
I can’t let that happen; they are my responsibility, and I will not let these zombies harm them as long as I am alive.
So, I mustered every speck of my will. I swung the sword, and, to my surprise, my limb moved and went toward the saber of a zombie.
My sword clashed against the saber of a zombie, and I felt a powerful shock on my arm. It was so powerful that the sword flew out of my hand.
There was no form or method to the swing; I had swung it brutely while the zombie had a greater brute force than me, along with muscle memory, which made its attack even more powerful.
My sword clattered to the ground while the zombie attacked again. The sword had brought me only a second, and now it was attacking again.
I wanted to take another sword out, but I didn’t think, I would be able to defend against it, and I was too close to use the rune bombs.
Both options are worse, but seeing there is no other option. I chose the best of the two and another sword appeared in my hand.
I was about to swing it again when suddenly an idea came into my mind. It was a strange idea and it might not work, but it gripped my mind, so tightly that I acted on it before I could even think about it clearly.
I activated the Stored Sips from my Drunkard Class. It is a skill that stores a few sips of alcohol. It is a very useful skill. With it, I didn’t have to take out the bottle to drink every time.
It is especially good during meetings or when I am among the people. It is embarrassing to drink in front of people.
A sip of twilight amber filled my mouth. I felt its smoothness and tasted its wonderful taste that I wanted to gulp it down and nearly did, before stopping myself.
Instead, I pushed it out with a Powerful Breath and lit it up with Flint.
Immediately, the alcohol burned, creating a large plume of fire that immediately enveloped all three zombies.
They began to burn while I watched in shock.
I had never used twilight amber whisky in fire breathing. It is a magical liquor, and Margaux had forbidden me from using them. She is already angry, seeing me using the liquor for fire breathing instead of special solutions, which are a lot safer.
‘She was right. It is too dangerous,’ I thought as I looked at three of the burning zombies.
I am not the only one who is shocked, but also all the girls and healers and others. They have never expected to see such a scene.
Thud Thud Thud!
It didn’t even take half a minute for the zombies to fall down and stop moving. Though they are still burning.
I looked at them for a few seconds, before looking at the hole they had made. I could see what was happening on the other side and seeing it, my whole body couldn’t shake in fear.
I turned immediately and went toward the girls, who were still watching the burning zombies.
I stopped beside Francesca and took out the wooden box from my bag.
“Here, take it; it is your responsibility now,” I said, handing it to her. Francesca is a smart woman. She immediately realized what the box was and what I am planning on doing after handing it to her.
“Don’t do it; it is too dangerous,” she warned, with her voice shaking. “There are more undead than the guards could handle,” I replied.
I didn’t say what would happen. If those undead entered inside. Everyone could imagine what would happen.
She opened her mouth but closed it, before opening again.
“Be careful,” she said and hugged me. It surprised me, but I returned the hug before breaking away.
“Take care of the girls,” I said to her and walked toward the hole.
I don’t want to do this, but there is no choice. There are too many undead, and they will enter the hospital. 
I will not let that happen as long as I am alive.

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