City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 335: Powerful Enemy

Chapter 335: Powerful Enemy

“You will not survive this time,” said the red-haired woman, and attacked me without hesitation.
Last time, there was no care for the consequences in her eyes. 
This time, there were no consequences. I had heard what, the Knight had said to Lich and understood the gravity of those words.
The legacy is destroyed, and so is the protection that came with it.
Many might have doubts about it, but they are angry enough to put that aside. Besides, the explosion gives them plausible deniability against the consequences that might come after killing me.
By then, it would be too late to ascertain the facts.
I didn’t just watch the attack and launched my own with a new skill, Blade of the Gale.
As I did, a surprise flashed in her eyes, but that surprise didn’t stop her blade from coming at her neck and she had even increased the speed and power of her attack, but I am not the one, that will give her a chance.
Especially now.
Our blades clashed, and for a moment, the fury in her eyes vanished.
“You have leveled up,” she said, and the fury returned, burning even more brightly than before. “Not just leveled up, but even got my class upgraded,” I replied and grinned, making her even angrier.
“It will not save you,” she said and attacked again.
This time, her blade was faster than before and even used the skill, she hadn't before; it released glare into my eyes.
Eyes of Erenys.
Immediately, I activated the spell and swung my sword. The spell is from Necromancer Esalya.
Earlier, when they tried different spells to see through the dust. They used many ocular skills; I had imprinted them. 
I could imprint the spell from both the inner range and outer range, but in the outer range, I have to focus. In a range of my establishment, controlling the planets is far easier, including the most powerful one.
Our blades clashed against them, but this time, she didn’t say anything, instead charged forward and attacked me.
I moved left with the Blitz Steps, surprising her once again. 
I am thoroughly impressed by the Blitz Step. it is an amazing skill, much faster than my Rapid Steps. However, it had some flaws, like the skill becoming short-range skills from medium-range ones that Rabid Steps had.
I do not mind. I preferred it.
With Rapid Steps, I could do many things. Walked a mile quickly, but also fought with it. However, it was not as specialized as the Blitz Steps, which is for the battle, and that was its flaw.
With the Blitz Steps. It had been fixed.
The range of Blitz Steps is around two hundred meters, and I could run these two hundred meters really fast.
I dodged her attack and swung my sword with the Blade Of The Gale.
My rapier reached really close to her; it was just an inch away from her waist before she was able to dodge it.
“You!” she said and in fury attacked, using more skills.
Her movements become dizzying. At the same time, three more blades came out of her saber, targeting different parts of my body.
‘She will have to do much better if she wants to kill me,’ I thought and moved my rapier to defend.
Clang Clang Clang
We clashed, but it didn’t stop her, and she attacked again and again. I defended and attacked her back.
She may be powerful, but I am not weak. I will defeat her.
I just thought that when her saber ripped through my sleeve and gave me a cut. I was able to dodge it in time, but the cut was still deep enough to draw out the blood.
I didn’t even react to it and moved forward before launching the attack.
The new skills are excellent, but I didn’t get much time to get used to it. My enemy is a powerful and experienced fencer who is at level 25 or near it.
I am not blaming my skills. If I didn’t have the level-up, I would have had far more injuries on my body or even been killed already.
What I am trying to say, is if I had good control and familiarity over these new skills. I would have been doing better than I am. Still, that doesn’t mean, I have given up on killing her, I have not; I will kill her, despite me admiring her skills.
Another injury appeared to me, this time on my stomach. Like before, I bore it, like nothing had happened.
While I was fighting against her; other attacks came at me. Spells, these spells are coming at less frequency than the first battle, but they are powerful.
Not a single spell had been weaker than Grade III, and I felt two or three being Grade IV, coming from the direction of the Lich, which was once again being contained by Lena and her team.
However, this time, they seemed to be having problems in containing it, and even their life, seemed to be in danger.
Seeing how dangerous things are, I am keeping an eye on spells targeting me. Ready to defend myself against them.
Once again, another attack of hers hit me, and another one, not long after. 
“One of these attacks will kill you,” she said, looking at her bloody saber. “Tell me, when that happens,” I said and launched my own attack, which she had dodged before coming at me, once again.
Clang Rip Clang
The blades clashed, with injuries appearing on my body. All of them were small injuries, only cuts; I was able to dodge them before they cut me deeply.
I was not able to dodge so precisely before, but now with Gymnasts Control, I am.
It is a wonderful skill as useful as the Gymnast Grace, or even better than it. The best thing about it is that it lets me control the tiny movements, which helps me avoid bigger injuries.
If I had the skill before, it would have made things very easy for me.
I dodged another attack by the centimeter and took a step forward before launching my own.
It cut through her shoulder, and it was not a small cut. It was bigger than any injury, she had given me.
I could see the fury blazing in her eyes, but I barely glanced at it as I moved for another attack. 
She countered, before attacking me, giving me another injury.
A smile had appeared on her face, but the next second it disappeared when she received injury from me.
The woman is good, but I am finally getting the hang of her fighting style and control over my skills. 
“You are dreaming. If you think this will do anything against me,” 
She is not an idiot and seems to understand what is happening. She intensified her attacks, using skill after skill, while I only used the Blitz Steps and Blade Of The Gale to attack and defend.
Sometimes, I would use Quick Parry, but that’s all.
It’s not like, I don’t want to use the other skills. I do, but in this battle of fast legs and quick swords; the other skills are unnecessary.
Rip Rip Ting!
Another injury appeared on her shoulder, and a few seconds after that, another one on her back before hitting her armor across her chest.
The pace of my attacks is increasing, and it has become equal to hers, and it is making her angry, which makes her even angry.
Her attacks were becoming stronger and faster, that I wanted to enter war mode, but I didn’t. Instead, I kept fighting as I am. Defending most, but launching a few attacks of my own.
It might look like disadvantageous to me, but it is instead helpful. She is letting that anger get the best of her and taking risks she would usually wouldn’t.
In doing that, she is making mistakes. Eventually, she is going to make a mistake; that will give me the opportunity I am looking for.
I was thinking that when suddenly, I sensed something that raised all the hair on my body.
Huge bone lances, covered in burning death fire, come toward me.
The shields appeared to stop them, and some did, but a few broke past them. Reaching really close to me. That, if another powerful shield didn’t appear, within a second, those burning lances were going to tear me apart.
‘That bastard!’ I cursed.
I know it is the Lich; it is not the first time, the bastard had attacked, but most of the attacks would be stopped by Lena and others fighting him or Mage Aldridge fighting close to me, but this time, they were only able to stop half of the attacks.
Aqua Shield. Frost Shield. Earth Shield X 2.
I activated spells instantly, knowing I would need to protect myself. Shields appeared, layered over one another as I had expected them to.
These spells are from Shaun, he is a generalist. They are good at layering spells of different elements.
Bang Bang Bang!
The burning bone lances covered reached the shield and crashed against them.
They didn’t have a problem piercing Aqua Shield, but it took some of their momentum and power before crashing into the hard Frost Shield. They blasted it into pieces, but it took a lot of their power.
So, when they crashed into the Earth Shields; they had a lot less power, but it was still a Grade IV spell and crushed through the first Earth Shield. 
Finally, they crashed into the second Earth Shield and blasted apart.
Still, the spell was powerful enough to make the shield crack near the breaking point before disappearing.
The joy of defending against the attack was short-lived as the next second, I felt a deep cut in my stomach.
She used the distraction of the Lich’s attack to give me a deep cut. She would have cut my guts out or divided me in two, if not for me dodging the attack on time.
‘I have to finish the battle quickly or I will end up, losing my life,’ I thought.
I am sure, the lich wouldn’t stop attacking me. I might be able to stop this attack, but I won't be able to stop the next one even if I did. 
This woman will make use of distraction and finish me off.
I wanted to use that skill. It will make things easy, but I don’t feel it is the right time yet. 
I had just thought that when another attack came from the lich. Fortunately, they were able to stop the attack.
“You will die soon,” she said, guessing what I was thinking.
“Not dead yet,” I replied and defended against her attack and launched my own, which she had defended and attacked again, which hit me.
Seconds passed and more and more attacks of her began to hit me. They would hit more intensely when I was distracted by the attack of the lich.
The attacks kept coming at me and causing a distraction. She is using that opportunity with everything she has.
Over a minute passed, and more injuries appeared on my body. She used every opportunity to kill me; she hadn't succeeded, but she had brought more injuries on me, while me only able to bring one.
It is so small, that it wasn’t even able to draw out the blood. It was a scratch.
A few more seconds passed when another attack came. It was the most dangerous spell; he had ever used. I didn’t even know, he had it.
The spell is huge dark black lightning, shining powerfully in a bright moonlight.
Zorrin’s Lightning.
A grade 4 spell and a very powerful one at that and coming directly at me from above. Seeing that, the woman leaped at me, with my head as the target.
It was a big opportunity, she had been waiting for and wasted no time exploiting it.
I seemed have to froze seeing the destructive spell; not caring about the lightning or the enemy coming toward me.
To others, it looked like, I got overwhelmed.
Aqua Shield. Taren’s Radiance. Aqua Shield. Taren’s Radiance. Earth Shield.
It didn’t, and the shields appeared above me; at the same time, I focused on the enemy. Who is in the air due to leap and her saber being just a few inches away from me.
She felt my eyes and saw my lips curling and her expression changed immediately. Understanding what had happened.
What happened is simple, she had fallen into my trap. I had her in the air, without much freedom to move. 
However, the fear had remained in her eyes for a moment before it disappeared and became a challenge. She is saying so what, she is in the air; her saber is just a few inches away from me.
I wish I could tell how mistaken she is about that.
I moved, and immediately, the challenge in her eyes vanished. My speed is greater than I have ever shown.
However, even with the speed, her saber touched my neck and she tried to move it to cut me, but I was fast. Faster than her saber and was moved away, while attacking her with my rapier.
I was not holding back on the Blitz Step alone, but also on Gale Of The Blade.
My sword moved, but it didn’t move toward her chest or neck but at her axilla; right below her underarm. It is a part that is not protected by an arm. She wouldn’t be able to defend it with her saber.
She tried to move away, but she was in the air, with limited maneuverability. She could do nothing.
My rapier reached below her underarm and enchantments on it flared. At the same time, I activated Sharpness.
It entered inside, cutting the bone, before reaching her heart and piercing through it. She tried to get away till the end but failed.
At the same time, Zorrins Lightning crashed against the shields above me. 
The spell immediately showed its massive power by destroying the first layer of Aqua Shield and Taren’s Radiance in an instant, but it took longer to destroy the second layer.
When it finally crashed on the Earth Shield, most of its power had been spent. What had remained had blasted the shield apart.
The spell dispersed and the dead body of the woman fell down. I looked at her and felt relief. She was a powerful enemy; I rather not fight someone like her, on this battlefield.
I might not survive.

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