City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 320: Battle III

Chapter 320: Battle III

I saw the head flying off the third group of abominable zombies and quickly turned to look at the state of the battlefield.
I first looked at the Stone, who is engaged with the Knight Bartram. It would be best to say, that he is keeping him in one place.
Since the battle started a few minutes ago, he had been using only a shield. Not once did, he use that sword, which is wise, because the shield is the best weapon to help him do what he promised.
Containing the Knight.
Though I could see the injuries appearing on his body, with some of them, looking serious.
I looked for a second, before turning to the Lich, which is being contained by the Lena, Paladin Carr, and Orc Bilgud. They are doing a good job; their powers match well to contain the Lich.
I turned to third, Level 30+. He is looking to be the most dangerous of the three.
He had turned the bodies of Captain Julian and others bloody. Even the mage, hadn't been spared, with cuts across all her body.
Nev Heartpeak, the battle fencer.
He was fast, so fast, all I could see was a blur. He is the fastest of all Level 30 and that saber of his is like a piece of knife with those against him were wood. 
He is carving them all bloody.
I was just when I saw him split a man into two from his waist, before clashing against Captain Julian and avoiding the spell from the Mage Osward
Undead aren’t the only ones dying. Our people are dying too. 
I took a last glance at the battle and stepped toward a group of abomination zombies that were approaching a group of soldiers.
I had just taken a step when suddenly all the hair on my body stood up. I felt the danger that could take my life.
My skills roared to life. I used Rapid Steps to turn and Quick Blade to move my sword toward the enemy's attack.
My sword clashed against the blade of the spear, parrying it away from the target, which was my chest.
I could see a surprise in the man’s eyes as he stopped his attack and pulled back his spear. If I hadn’t, I would have taken the steps forward and buried my rapier into his chest.
The man isn’t the only one who is surprised. I am too; one clash was enough to tell me that it is not common level 20.
I looked at the man.
He is a tall, thin man, with a long nose. He looked to be in his early thirties and had the same, faint bronze skin that people of the Mayhurst island have.
“There is a big reward for capturing you,” he said and grinned. “Can you?” I asked, and attacked him with the quick blade.
There is no use in wasting time, especially against the enemies like him. The quicker I finish him, the quicker I will be able to focus on others.
He reacted immediately and swung his spear at me, once again, but this time, it was no simple strike. It came like a snake, and I did not say that figuratively. The bastard's spear had become fluid, with the tip coming like a snake to bite me.
The skill had surprised me.
This skill is rare and usually, only those at Lv. 30 and above have such skills. Those at Level 20, have a weaker version of it; it is clearly not the weaker version.
I moved my sword toward it, but the bastard seemed to apply another skill, as suddenly the speed of his attack increased further.
It avoided my sword and came at me. I moved quickly, but his spear was faster.
It ripped through the clothes of my shoulder and gave a cut on my biceps, right below the shoulder guard. 
If I had reacted a fraction of a seconds later, he would have taken my whole hand.
It wasn’t satisfied with a minor cut, seeing the frown appearing on his face, and attacked me again, with once more his spear turning into the rubbery-bendy form.
This time, I was able to defend against it. Clashing my sword against its blade, trying to flick it away, rather than clashing against it directly, which would put more pressure on the fighting hand.
The knight said, I am an agile fighter and shouldn’t clash directly like a conventional warrior. I should focus on deflecting the blows instead of directly clashing against them.
It is advice; I took to my heart.
I defended another attack after that when suddenly it moved forward with its speed skill and came at me with another snake attack.
It cut through my stomach, before going for my legs, which I had avoided, but he didn’t give me a break and his spear moved toward my head.
My sword clashed, but it moved left and tried to strike my shoulders again and I dodged, before taking steps back, to avoid another.
It followed me with a snake spear and clashed against the enchanted breastplate. It saved me, but the clash was hard enough, that despite absorbing the force; some of still hit me, sending me back.
Which kind of helped me as I drove myself left, a little unstably, before moving my sword forward to defend against another of his attacks.
I stopped it, but his next attack hit me on me, just below the arm guards, before attacking again. 
This time, he added another skill, that multiplied the spears. I didn’t panic and moved my sword as I was doing, trusting my instinct as well as my knowledge.
I stopped the attack, but it came again, and I dodged, but the enemy continued, without wasting a second.
Minutes passed as I dodged and defended against his attack, but many hit me. Till aside from my head, every part of my body was covered in the cuts.
“You are far more powerful than your information had said,” he said, with anger and irritation in his eyes as he attacked me again.
Another cut appeared on me, and this one made my eyes widen as I felt the numbing effect of the skill on my back.
‘Fuck!’ I cursed.
Till now, he had used many skills, but not this. This is powerful with the ability to bring my defeat.
I have a high enough vitality and a powerful primary class. It didn’t affect me as it should have, but I could see how dangerous it would be. If it hit my limbs.
The numbness would slow me, and after that, it would be a simple job for him to finish me. 
‘It seemed like, I have to do it,’ I said and breathed loud, leaning more on my instincts. 
Immediately, everything faded around me, leaving only my enemy and me.
It is called a battle trance. 
Knight Schegen was shocked when I first time used it against him. A few have it and most got through the experience of hundreds of battles; there are extremely few who have it naturally.
It is from old Remus.
It is a doubt-aged sword, and he had asked me to not use it, till I had complete control over it, or was really desperate.
I am desperate.
I could use one other thing, but I rather not use it, seeing the type of skill it is. I had taken it for specific use and rather not use it before.
“Die!” He screamed and came at me. 
His speed is faster than before, and so is his attack. It seemed he stopped holding back against me.
I moved my sword toward the fourth spear. It was fast, near the blurring speed, but it didn’t affect my sword as it moved smoothly toward the real sphere.
The blades clashed. A surprise flashed in his eyes, but he snorted and attacked me again. 
My sword moved with instincts and flicked at its spear's blade. This time, there was no surprise, only anger, which he seemed to channel in his attacks.
Clang Clang Clang
I begin to defend against his every attack. There is not a single one, which I have not defended and with every defense, the anger in his eyes would increase further and further, which he would channel in his skill.
The channeler. It seemed like, I was the only one, who was special here.
Seconds passed, and he used every type of skill he had, while I did the only thing, defend. Using only two skills.
I didn’t use anything else, which seemed to make him even more angry.
“I will kill you!” he roared, and his attacks became stronger and his speed faster. That I needed to push, every ounce of my power in defending.
His attack finally hit me, in my stomach. Filling it with the numbing sensation, which is stronger than I am feeling in my back.
This finally, put a smile on his face, and he attacked again. I defended, but once in a while, his attack would hit me.
However, they would always hit my stomach or the back.
He seemed to feel, there was something, wrong, but couldn’t find out what. 
This confusion fueled his anger, but small victories would bring it down, before it would go high again with a nagging feeling behind his head, about something really important, he was missing.
Minutes passed, and my stomach and back were filled with bloody cuts. Ordinary man would have bled to death by now, but my high enough vitality was keeping them contained.
Though not for long. I could already feel their effects and would have been even higher, if not for the numbing skill of the enemy working in my favor.
A few more seconds passed, and my hazy eyes suddenly sharpened as my sword and his spear touched.
They clashed and his eyes widened as his spear flicked away at greater force than it had been before in the battle.
This time, there was the power of the skill. I had used the third skill, Quick Parry.
I used that moment and spun, wanting to bring the greater momentum to my sword, for what I am about to do. 
At that moment, all the anger in his eyes disappeared as He brought his spear toward me. 
He finally understood what was happening, but was too late, unless he could increase the speed of his sphere, which I don’t think he could.
It didn’t take a second for my sword to reach his head, at the spot below his helmet, and move through it. 
It touched the enchanted beast leather around his neck, but when my sword touched it, its enchantments flared at full power and finally, I activated my fourth skill.
My sword cut through the leather, before touching his neck, which had another protection. The defensive skill but this protection was also begun to cut apart by my sword.
My sword cut through his neck, and his head flew up with eyes wide.
I took a deep breath and looked around.
 Immediately was shocked to see, the change that appeared in the battle in a few minutes, I was in the trance.
It is the greatest disadvantage of the battle trance. Except for the enemy, one forgot everything and that is terrible.
In the battle, the enemy in front of them isn’t the only person, that wants to kill them.

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