City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 319: Battle II

Chapter 319: Battle II

“Destroy the undead!” 
Stone roared and moved his shield to ram against Knight Bartram, but Knight Bartram reacted fast.
His sword moved with the power of a meteor and struck against the Stone’s shield harder than before, sending him back a step, before attacking him again.
Earlier, he had held back; didn’t even use the skill, but now he did that.
It will be hard for the Stone to fight against Knight Bartram, but if anyone could do this, then it would be him. He is the most powerful and has been trained by Knight Schegen. 
He knows how to fight against them.
They clashed again, but I didn’t see it. I focused on the tide of undead, which was about to hit us.
It is huge and powerful. Also, smelly. I nearly forgotten how smelly these bastards are. This horde is far smellier than the undead, I had fought before.
Clang Pachac Clang!
The first line clashed against the undead, and it was loud, but they slashed through it. The undead were augmented, but the people on the first line were powerful. No matter how powerful their augments were; they were cut into pieces.
As they did it, they wasted no time and moved toward their target.
Lena, Paladin Lois Carr, and Orc Bilgud moved toward the Lich, with six mid-level 20s and twelve Level 20s. 
At the same time, Lt. Colonel Julian, Mage Osward of Panar, and Orc Vulrn are moving toward the Nev Heartpeak, along with five Mid-level 20s and eleven Level 20s.
These two Level 30 needed to be contained. If possible, killed.
Stone had planned for every little thing, but despite that, anything could go wrong. 
I still remember the Lich; I had fought on the island. Four people had gone after it, including two Level 30s. Though the High Mage was a scholar mage and Knight was without his armor.
Lena, Paladin Carr, and Bilgud, all of them are steps away from Level 30. Most importantly, all of them are experienced and have magic suitable to deal with the Lich.
Lena is a spell blade, with fire as her element. It is powerful against the death element. Paladin Carr uses divine power, which is an antithesis of the undead and as for Bilgud.
He is a standard warrior, but his tribe’s shaman has focused all his power on him. Giving him great enhancements.
The same is true for those going against the Nev Heartpeak. 
Raas Raaa
It took a second and a half before two zombies and a skeleton appeared in front of me. They are faster than the undead, I had fought and also feel stronger, which isn’t surprising.
The undead I had fought on the island had the lowest level ones and were being controlled by a single lich.
While the Lich was powerful; he was not able to augment them well. Here, there are pillars, and above them is Lich, to control all. 
Making the horde powerful.
Well, they aren’t the only ones, who are powerful. I am too. 
On the island, I was not even Level 5, but now I have four times the levels and far greater strength than I had on the island.
I looked at the attacks of zombies before moving forward. 
I dodged the spear from the middle zombie and moved one step left, dodging the attack from the skeleton, before taking a sharp turn and dodging the attack of the second zombie.
“It’s my turn,” I said and attacked.
A moment later, my rapier touched the head of the zombie and cut through it, with faint resistance, before I took a step back and moved left, dodging the attack of the skeleton as I appeared in front of it.
I swung my sword and its skull a moment later, activating the enchantments. Which immediately, made my sword cut through its skull smoothly.
The fire in its skull's eyes disappeared as my sword came out through the other side.
I didn’t get a chance to enjoy the kill and needed to move immediately to dodge the attack from the last zombie.
I swung my sword again and a second later, the head of the zombies was flying up in the air.
‘These zombies are good,’ I thought and moved toward the bigger group, which was going against the soldiers, who were already busy fighting against the swarm of zombies.
Compared to these zombies, what I had faced on the island was absolutely trash. These have better muscle memories, and they are stronger with a better reaction. 
Not all of these come from the skills and augmentation.
It is clear that I am fighting against the bodies of the former soldiers. The way they react, they swing their weapons, and the way, they move is how soldiers do. 
It made me worried, but I felt a little relieved when I saw our people were fighting well. Aside from the four and a half thousand who didn’t have any battle experience; the others are good.
Even the inexperienced ones seem to be doing better than I had imagined. They didn’t freeze seeing the undead in front of them.
I reached the group of three zombies and skeletons and avoided their attacks, with minimal moments, before launching my own.
My rapier cut through the skeleton, and I moved toward the zombie, with the sword of one skeleton coming close to me.
If I could use my skills, I wouldn’t face any difficulty at all, but I will not. I need to refrain from using the skills as much as possible.
I don’t know how the battle will last and I need to conserve as much strength as possible. 
The battle might end quickly or take days. We prepared for both, but understand, that the chances of the latter are low.
The latter option will benefit us. It will allow us to level up, which they absolutely don’t want to happen. It is why the undead don’t stop attacking until they achieve a complete victory.
It serves two purposes. 
The first is to stop the enemy from counter-leveling and, the second makes them so tired, that they can’t give their all.
We will not give the undead a chance to make that happen.
Pachac Pachack!
I killed the two zombies in a single attack and moved toward the second skeleton.
I had reached in front of it and swung my sword to put them out of their misery when suddenly, I noticed an energy Lance coming toward me from the corner of my eyes.
I was about to use the Rapid Steps to dodge the attack when the shield appeared in front of the attack.
Puchack! Khat!
Feeling relieved, I focused back on the opponent and decapitated it, before turning to the skeleton and cutting its skull in two.
I finished them, but only to see another group coming at me and the group isn’t normal. The three zombies aren’t normal; all three of them are big with mishappen faces and protruding bones through the muscled skin.
“The abominable zombies,” I thought. 
These were not normal abominable zombies either, but powerful ones.
If I am not wrong, they were made from Level 20 warriors. They might not have their intelligence and skills, but they have the instinct and the raw power, that had been enhanced with this blasphemous transformation.
They were sent to me as they didn’t attack anyone, before stopping in front of me.
Raaaa Raaaa Raaaa
They screamed loudly with spit flying and four smells coming out of their mouth, that brought tears to my eyes.
I bore them and watched the zombies coming at me.
The first attack came from the zombie in front of me, with two others coming from two zombies on my left and right.
It is as powerful as I expected and dangerous. I couldn’t let the mace hit me; it would turn me into a porcupine if that were to happen. 
So, I moved and was barely able to dodge the attacks.
I was about to launch my own after dodging it, but to my surprise, another sound of attacks came, without giving me a moment to launch the attack on my own.
I once again moved and this time, the one of sharp spikes left spikes touched my shoulder blade, tearing the cloth, and giving me a scratch.
Seeing that, I wanted to use my skills immediately, but I controlled the urge and calmed my emotions down, before moving to dodge the attacks.
These are dumb monsters. They have the raw power and the instinct of their former lives, but nothing else. If I used the skills against them; then I would really let down the training that Knight Schegen had given me.
So, I dodged another attack and then another, while studying my enemies, their movements, and limitations.
It didn’t take me long to understand them.
These are powerful without doubt, and normal Level 20 wouldn’t be able to do anything against them, without using the skills, but I don’t think, I will need to use the skills to defeat them.
I dodged another of their attack, sprinted forward, and leaned a little, before swinging my sword.
The enchantments blazed, and it cut through the thick strengthened flesh and bones of a zombie’s thigh like a hot knife does through the butter.
As my sword came out, I took a sharp turn. Dodging the attacks of the two zombies before moving toward the left one.
The attacks came at me, but the pressure had already lessened. The zombie of whom I had cut the leg hadn’t fallen, but it had slowed down considerably. Its attack won't reach me; I will need to be worried about only two attacks now.
I avoided the attacks, at the cost of a minor scratch and appeared left of the zombie and attacked it, the same way I did to the first zombie.
My rapier sliced through its thigh, and I quickly moved away, dodging its attack and toward the only zombie with two legs.
It seemed to sense something as it screamed with its foul mouth. I bore the spit and the smell before appearing in front of it.
It attacked me, and I dodged, before attacking it.
Pachack Pachack!
I cut through its thigh, rolled over, and turned back, before cutting its second thigh.
It fell, but I didn’t attack it again. 
Instead, I quickly dodged the attack from the left one-legged zombie, before getting up behind it and finally attacking the neck.
I hadn’t been attacking the neck, because there was thick metal wrapping it, but now I could attack it because I have a small breathing space and would be able to manage it if cutting through it took a second extra.
My sword touched the metal around its neck, and I was ready to use sharpness if I felt considerable resistance.
There was some resistance, but not as much as I had expected, and my sword cut through the metal, before cutting through the zombie’s neck.
As the neck of the zombie flew up, I moved, dodging the attack of a one-legged zombie, and appeared in front of the zombie without legs, which was struggling to get up.
I brought down my sword at it, cutting its neck, before turning to the last zombie, which was hopping toward me.
If I had been alone and enemies weren't everyone. I would have watched it as its was kind of funny in a depressing way, but unfortunately, I didn’t have time.
So, I moved forward and appeared in front of the zombie.
It attacked me immediately with a foul scream coming out of its mouth. I dodged it by ducking and appeared behind it.
A second later, the head of the zombie flew up into the air.
Seeing that, a small smile couldn’t help but appear on my face and once again, I felt grateful to Sir Schegen. I wouldn’t have been able to kill the zombies, if not for his training.
The attributes helped, but not as much as the training he gave me.

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