City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 318: Battle I

Chapter 318: Battle I

Bang Bang Bang
The undead have finally entered the minefield, and the mines begin to explode. Which is also a signal for our cannoneers and the mages on the wall to begin.
The undead army had been in the range from the beginning but with its strong mage support. It would have been harder for us to do considerable damage; it would have been a waste of ammunition.
Now they are occupied with the mines. It is the best time for cannons and mages could strike.
I watched as the mines explode left and right; not as powerful as they should, with half of them being diffused and suppressed by the spells and the skills.
Sill with the sheer number of them we have placed there is doing considerable damage. 
It also gives us a glimpse of their mages, seeing the shields and other spells popping up everywhere across the horde. 
It is one of the reasons why, we have decided to clash directly, instead of defending from the walls, which would have been much safer.
Stone and others are looking at every detail carefully. I am also trying, but I do not have enough experience to see what they are seeing.
Seconds passed, and I began to notice things. I saw the group of skeletons and zombies moving ahead of the horde and falling on the mines.
The controllers are using the undead as the mine diffusing measures. Sacrificing one, instead of tens.
I am not surprised seeing it; the undead simply don’t overpower the enemy with their numbers. They also used their brains, and, with the sheer number of battles they fought in Mayhurst; they have developed ways to deal with anything, their enemies throw at them.
The massive undead horde is their main strength, but it is not the only thing they have. They have necromancers; the mages who make the horde, the sharp weapons with their control.
These mages are called pillars in the horde. They control the undead and empower them, with necromancers having master control over them. 
People may call every mage, who knows death spells, a necromancer, but it is not a correct classification. Anyone below Level 30 is a mage, even those of the death elements.
They become necromancers only after the specialization. Other elements also follow the same rules. Only after gaining the specialization, do they become a mage of that element, which usually happens at Level 30. 
The pillars empower the horde and our target in this battle is to kill as many pillars as possible. 
Along with the pre-Level 30s and Level 30s.
As for the vast undead horde. They are the last in the queue. Without the pillars and necromancers controlling them, these undead are much easier to deal with.
Soon, they have crossed half of the minefield and moving forward even faster, while defending against the cannonballs and spells.
The archers have also joined and targeted the mages, but they are defending.
Still, each defense is costing them mana. The more spells they will use to defend, the more mana they will consume. It is why they would use the undead as the meat shield at every chance they get.
I looked at the horde and gripped my sword tightly. It won’t be long before we will charge toward the undead.
I am scared seeing the huge horde in front of me, but there is also strange excitement, which I didn’t expect to feel, but it has begun to build in my heart.
‘I must be crazy to feel it,’ I said to myself.
I didn’t try to suppress or calm it down. It is helping me deal with the fear, which is also increasing with the excitement.
“Its time,” said Stone as the horde crossed the three-fourths of the minefield.
He roared and moved forward toward the gate with the heavy steps, while we followed from behind, with hundreds of skills and spells activating in an instant.
Each one provides a tiny bit of enhancement, but with hundreds, their power increases massively.
I could feel my feet becoming lighter, my body stronger, my thoughts faster. There are many protective shields around me, along with smoke from the Shaman Trik’s spell, which is still lingering around the army.
This is the advantage, that the horde didn’t have.
Unlike us, over 99% of their army is filled with the undead. There are not even five hundred living people in the horde.
They are mages and warriors, but their number is far less to create such overlapping enhancement. 
I shouldn’t be counting the advantage, seeing they have nearly all. 
The biggest one is the horde of undead. Over six times, our numbers They didn’t feel pain or bleed or feel tired; they will fight continuously as long as keep receiving the energies.
We charged out of the gates, and at the same time, the undead moved out of the minefield, with only two hundred meters distance between us.
The horde looked massive, that I wanted to stop and run back to the city, but I kept moving along with the army.
We had just stepped out of the gates when the spells came. The first one is the most powerful, likely from the necromancer.
It is the only one who could cast this Grade 4 spell.
The spells had immediately materialized hundreds of dark fire fireballs over us. These dark fireballs are the size of the tennis balls and extremely dangerous for the living.
Hail of Fire 
It is a necromantic variation of the hail of fire. It is weaker against things but dangerous against the people.
It is the first spell, that appeared, but not the last one. Dark blades, fireballs, and numerous types of rays, from a ray of fear to a ray of deafness.
As the enemy spells appeared, the shields materialized around us to stop them, while at the same time, our offensive spells moved toward the enemy.
They have mages and so do we.
Stone had said, we have a good number of mages; most mages with the battle experience had joined the battle with us, while those without it are helping from the wall.
Greltheaven may be a small city, but it had a higher number of powerhouses than a city of its size should have. Thanks to the closer vicinity of the merchant stage; trade brings money and money attracts powerhouses.
Boom Bang Bang!
The spells clashed against the shields, stopping them. Necromancer's spell had also been stopped by the Mage Ravill.
The man is the only one from the Mage Guild who hadn’t escaped and even joined the battle, despite, not fighting for over a decade. 
He is scared and could not even hide it, but he is fighting.
We are also lucky with him as the man used to specialize in shields. He had changed his expertise to communication and was responsible for it in the mage guild, but he didn’t forget those shield spells and was now, using them aptly.
He was able to defend against the hail of fire, but this was just the beginning.
The real spells had yet to come, those are the real dangers and I hope, our preparations would be enough against them.
We got closer and closer, under the defense of our mages, while the intensity of our spells, cannons, and bows from the walls increased further. They only have a few seconds more; once we clash, they will need to stop to avoid the friendly fire.
Finally, there was less than ten meters of distance between us, and I could see, Knight Bartram readying for the clash as he increased his speed.
He is the most dangerous man here and there is only one person we have, who could stop him.
I had just thought that when I had sensed the powerful suppressive power. 
Bronze color begins to cover Stone, while he starts to get bigger. The loose armor got tighter and the huge tower shield and big sword in his hand didn’t look so big anymore. They looked perfect for him.
I am not the only one that Knight Schegen has trained. He also trained Stone.
He seemed very knowledgeable about the elder blood. So much, that he had taught Stone to use his elder-blood powers at will.
Usually, only those who awakened could do it, but a very talented few could do it before awakening.
Seeing the change, the eyes of Knight Bartram had become serious, while the Nev Heartpeak grinned. There was no reaction from the lich, he raised his staff and a moment later, the dark translucent wave came out of it.
Fear Wave
I become worried about seeing the spell. It is a dangerous spell; it had collapsed the armies by amplifying the fear in the hearts of those fighting.
I controlled my emotions to defend against it when suddenly the mist hanging around us moved and clashed against the wave.
The humans looked surprised, but the orcs grinned at seeing that. 
“Shaman magic,” I muttered as I saw the fear wave getting swallowed by the mist of Shaman Trik.
I wanted to turn toward the wall at Shaman Trik, but I looked at the necromancer and saw the ghostly green flames in his eyes seemed to have got brighter in anger. Seeing that, a grin couldn’t help, but appear on my face.
Many consider shamanic magic weak and primitive. It is a gross understatement.
It works differently than the normal magic and is weak compared to it in many areas, but much stronger in some. Like right now, the mist didn’t fight the wave, instead swallowed it whole, before coming back to its place around us.
Finally, we reached face-to-face against the undead, with Stone appearing directly in front of the Knight Bartram.
Roared Knight Bartram as he swung his sword at Stone.
The sword was faster than my eyes could follow and knew instinctively, that if I was against it, I wouldn’t last even a single move. 
It will split me apart into two, without me seeing how.
Stone reacted fast. He quickly brought his massive tower shield forward, covering it with his bronze power.
I watched as the long green sword of Knight Bartram moved against Stone’s shield, with blurring momentum and great power. That, I feared, might cleave through the shield and the man behind it.
The Knights are known to make that happen.
The deafening clash rang out as the sword of Knight Bartram struck against Stone’s shield. 
It was so loud and powerful that the earth shook under my feet. 
I didn’t care about it, and I looked at Stone, who stayed on its spot. He wasn’t thrown back or even took a step back. The only thing the clash seemed to have done, is to shake him.

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