City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 321: Powerful Enemy

Chapter 321: Powerful Enemy

Volvru Garzong
The saber cut through my armor, giving me another cut, that reached near the bone, before the bastard brought back his saber and defended against spells by Mage Osward.
His saber moved fast and cut through all the spells, before meeting the attacks of the Julian.
He moved to attack him but swiftly turned his saber at me, seeing me behind him.
Grogor Protection. Absorb Force.
I activated the skills, but they weren’t enough. 
When the rapier struck my shield. I felt like, it was a strike of the hammer; it stunned me, not only with the force, but also with the skill.
I activated Argin’s Agility and Hare Steps to break through the stun and retreat, but the bastard saber got me in the arm before the barrage of spells and the bastard had to move and defend against the spells.
The moment he finished dealing with them, he came at me again, with his blade turning invisible.
Rip Rip
A fraction of a second later, I felt the injuries on my waist and arm. I tried to dodge them, but like always, his saber hit me.
However, I was able to defend and retreat enough, to not let them become life-threatening injuries.
He went for the third attack at my neck but cursed inaudibly and disappeared and a moment later, with wind blades, passed through the place he had been.
I looked at my new injuries. They are not the biggest of my injuries, but also not the smallest. 
One of them had touched the bones.
I could feel the power of Shaman Orkrir filling that bone wound and stopping the bleeding. My shaman solely gave me the enhancement of healing; he was wise as always.
Enhancements of strength and speed or mental defense wouldn’t be as useful against this powerful enemy, which is carving us all bloody.
When I saw the human and little saber; I was happy, that I had been sent to fight against the lich. They are the stuff of nightmare, but it seemed like, I had been happy too quickly.
He defended against the spells, and Julian’s attack followed. He gave him a cut across the neck before I arrived, and he moved his saber toward my shield.
A clang rang out, and he moved to cut me again, but quickly stepped back as another round of spells came at him.
“You vermins are irritating,” he spat and sent back after the spells and attacked me.
The man is powerful, that despite fighting for over an hour, we have not been able to cause a single injury to him. He dodged the swords and spells, without letting a single one touch him.
Unlike him, we are bloody and battered. Even the armor, I am wearing is at the limit of breaking into the pieces.
I have fought many battles, with a few against Level 30, but not in a single one, I had been as desperate as I am right now.
Every second against him is a challenge to survive. I am using everything I have, pushing my skills to the limit, but still getting injured. There is not a single part of my body, that hadn’t been touched by that cold saber of his.
I had not imagined this, when I agreed to fight for the humans.
I thought us orcs would be used as the fodders, to bear the brunt of the assault and would likely find my end with thousands of undead swarming at me.
It didn’t happen; they aren’t using us as fodder but added us into the army to fight against the undead equally.
I thought it would give me a greater chance of survival. I was so foolishly wrong.
Against this bastard, every minute is a battle to survive. Yes, survive, this is the only goal I have aside from containing him.
It is already a miracle, we have lasted so long. Seeing, individually, we would have lasted against the bastard for even ten seconds.
Things are becoming harder with every new injury appearing on, my body, but I have to do it. Not for the humans, I couldn’t care less about them, but for my people. There are a lot of them here and I would not let them down.
If I am to die, then I will die like a true chieftain. Like my father did.
Elephants Strength. Repel Shield.
I added two more skills and pushed toward the enemy as he appeared in front of me, wanting to separate my head away from my neck with his bloody saber.
I defended against the attack and the bastard jumped back, using the momentum of it, avoiding the spell barrage, that was about to hit him.
Seeing the spot, where he had landed, my eyes couldn’t help, but wide up. Not only mine but also others.
I could see Julian’s eyes widening and becoming desperate. He pushed himself harder than he had ever, but even with it, he wouldn’t be able to reach there in time.
They have seen it appear, two times already and were powerless to do anything.
A ripping sound rang out as the rapier cut through the mage shield that appeared to protect her.
The young human woman barely had a fraction of a second to realize what was happening before she was decapitated by the bastard’s saber. I could see the horror in her eyes as her head began to fall to the ground.
She is the third one to be killed by him.
These people have surrounded us, keeping all the zombies and other interference at bay.
So, we could fight against the enemy, without any disturbance, but we had failed so much that we were letting the enemy kill them.
It made me feel ashamed of the deep within my heart, but we are powerless.
The enemy is too powerful.
“I will kill you!” roared Julian, and I saw his face filled with rage. 
That woman was likely one of his officers; I had seen the woman earlier addressing him with the familiarity.
The man grinned, seeing the rage in Julian’s eyes, but the next moment, a small surprise appeared in his eyes. Even I am surprised, seeing him dropping his small shield and taking out the second sword.
The shield is important in this battle to contain this enemy.
Till now, I had not used my sword only a couple of times against the enemy but used the shield thousands of times. Julian is the same, with his small shield, but now, he has discarded it.
He is committing suicide by discarding the shield. Making the enemy happy, who is now grinning as he attacks Julian.
I wanted to close my eyes to not see what was going to happen, but I kept them open and moved forward, with everything I had.
The mage had also cast a spell, but it wouldn’t reach there in time, as I wouldn’t, but I had to try because once the man died. There is no way Mage and I would be able to contain the bastard.
Forget containing; it won’t even take him, more than a minute for him to finish us off.
I heard the sound of metal clashing instead of the sound of metal cleaving through the flesh.
‘He defended,’ I thought in surprise.
Even the enemy was surprised, seeing the man defending against the attack, but soon, a flash of anger appeared in his eyes.
He disappeared and appeared behind Julian, avoiding the attack that was sent at him and attacked him.
Once again, there was a sound of metal instead of flesh ripping. Earlier may seem like a fluke, but the second time, it is not.
Julian had let go of all his inhibitions, and it was finally letting him fight to his full potential.
“Bastard!” the enemy cursed and attacked again, this time, his saber becoming invisible.
Clang Clang Clang!
Their weapons clashed, and he attacked again, but they kept clashing. Julian is defending against the attacks, despite his strength being lower than the enemy.
It shocked me, but I didn’t waste any time and moved toward them. I am aware of the difference in strength between them, and now that Julian has discarded his shields; it will only take anyone, one well-placed attack to finish him off.
I have to give everything to stop that, because once he is dead; it won’t take long for our heads to fly too.
They clashed two more times before I finally reached the enemy. He immediately whipped his saber at me, that I needed to move my shield forward to defend myself.
As I defended, Julian clashed with him. I didn’t let go of the opportunity and attacked with my sword, instead of trying to push my shield toward him.
The things have gone too far for me to keep defending. I need to move on to the offense despite the risk, it possesses. If I did not, then I wouldn’t even have a chance to survive.
He defended against my attack easily, sending me, before moving to defend against another attack of Julian.
He clashed against them when the barrage spells came. Hundreds of light bullets and he moved his sword toward them, cutting through them expertly and efficiently.
I hate to admit it, but the bastard is powerful as well as skillful. 
I was watching, waiting for the barrage to end, before attacking, when Julian launched the attack on the enemy without caring for his safety.
The enemy glared at him but moved his saber to defend. The energy bullets are dangerous, but those two swords are more.
He clashed against them, stopping the attacks and sending Julian back when something happened that had never happened before.
One of the energy bullets hit him; dodged them, even defending against Julian’s attack, but he missed one, and that passed through his shoulder. Receiving the first injury, since the battle begins.
It is not a serious injury, but it matters a lot to us.
Now, even if the death came; it wouldn’t be that shameful. We are at least able to injure the enemy.

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