City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 310: Grade II Legacy

Chapter 310: Grade II Legacy

{Demesne of Desire: Grade II}
{Legacy Skill: Demesne Expansion}
The text appeared in front of me a moment after I sensed the change.
It was a great struggle to keep my expression contained with the thousands of people staring at me.
I was about to swipe it away when suddenly things in front of me had changed and I saw my core appearing in front of me with the planets revolving around it.
It was blazing brightly, absorbing the emotions around. Unlike when it was born, it is not intense that everybody could sense it, but it is still absorbing a massive number of emotions around the city and its range is spread rapidly.
It covered the whole entertainment district and spread further. It didn’t take long for it to cover the entire city when it finally stopped.
It surprised me because it didn’t happen during the advancement of the legacies. Once it is born, legacies absorb the emotions and store them. They use that emotion essence for their advancement.
Here it spread the wave and absorbed the emotions of the entire city, which are filled with denser than usual emotion. Far denser than the day, it was born, thanks to the undead.
The core is becoming bigger rapidly as it is absorbing these emotions.
The people won’t feel this absorption, unlike last time, when the power had covered the people themselves. Absorbing emotions as they came out of them; this time, it is only stray emotions that are getting absorbed.
Like a tide, everything moving toward my core, and it is absorbing it all, growing larger and larger every second.
At the same time, it has begun to pour massive power into the planets. Unlike when they birthed, there wasn’t a huge change in them, but with massive emotions, they were changing.
Finally, it cleared away all the stray emotions in the city and the massive sun began to shrink rapidly, till it went back to the carriage size.
The size is similar to when the legacy is birthed, but the difference ends there. Because in terms of power and quality of emotions, it is far superior.
The core had just stabilized when I felt another change. 
My legacy began to expand. Not the building, but the territory of it. It soon went past the roads and even began to cover, the area occupied by the red fragrance.
It took a few moments before it finally stopped.
I didn’t have to guess to know, that territory of my establishment had increased by double. 
It is quite shocking. 
I am not shocked about the effect of my new skill, but the skill itself. It is a rare legacy skill and usually comes when the legacy breaks into Grade 4, while I got it in Grade 2. It is going to shock a lot of people.
I thought the changes were finished when something began to happen. Something I hadn’t expected.
The twenty-four planets forming the outermost ring lit up.
These twenty-four planets are enchantments at the walls of the city. They are part of the grand ritual that bonded me to the establishment. Caena had reinforced them with her ritual charms.
Now they have lit up and I don’t know why. Their function is simple, to reinforce my bonding with the city and establishment.
So, this strange behavior is quite confusing.
A moment later, I felt them exert the pull toward my new skill, Demesne Expansion. It is clear, they are trying to expand the territory, but the skill is obviously resisting.
Seeing that, they pulled harder at the skill, that it became painful.
The pull is increasing every second, increasing the pain. It is taking my willpower to not scream. I tried to turn off the planets, but they were not listening, and I don’t think I would have been able to do much if I had been in the establishment.
It begins to worry me because if it keeps pulling at the skill like that, it will break the skill.
I don’t want to happen. Expansion-type skills are the most desired ones because they expand the territory. It gives more area to harness the emotions, which in turn produces greater emotion essence.
A few more moments passed, and I gritted my teeth as I watched the skill reach the limit, if more pull is applied, it will tear the skill apart.
If this happened, not only would I lose the skill, but my legacy would also be damaged.
I was worried to death and trying everything to stop it, when suddenly I felt the skill changing a little and a moment later, the pull stopped all of a sudden and instead all twenty-four planets poured their power into the skill.
As they did, a silvery wave came out from all sides of the establishment and began to spread in direction.
‘It is expanding,’ I thought.
This expansion is different. I could tell, that, the true territory of my legacy remained the same as earlier after the skill had taken effect; this new expansion is of the lower level.
I am pretty sure, that I wouldn’t be able to harness the emotions from this new expansion, which is spreading in all directions, but I am sure, it wouldn’t be completely useless either.
It continued for over a minute, before it finally stopped. It now covers a third of the city, with the establishment as the center.
I was shocked to see that and still was processing it when I returned to the real world with thousands of people staring at me. 
Like last time, a lot less time, I passed than I thought.
If I am not wrong, then less than a minute had passed, but I could see Robin and others have started to get worried.
Even the people have started muttering among themselves. They didn’t seem angry, and some of the thanks for that went to the establishment, which sucked all those gathered emotions that could light up the spark.
The spark could still light up and explode into an inferno if I was not careful.
So, I controlled my emotions before opening my mouth.
“My people, the great enemy is upon us,” I said, pushing Every Ear Listen to My Words. I didn’t need to use the skill; the green crystal in front of me with runes would amplify my voice just fine.
“It is powerful and has no mercy.” 
“I wish, I could say, I have confidence against such an enemy, but I didn’t when so many have abandoned us.”
I could see the dread appearing on their faces, hearing the grim truth, that they themselves have realized in their heart. 
I have also taken a dig at that bastard who abandoned us. He would be angry when he found out, but I didn’t care.
“I want to open the gates and escape with you all, but they are hunting us, leaving us no choice but to stay and fight. We will fight,”
“I promise you all, that I won’t abandon you, like many did. I will be here to fight alongside with sons and daughters of the city.”
I stopped and let the silence do its job before opening my mouth again.
“There is a big chance that we all will die, but there is a small hope, that we might win, and I decided to put my faith in it, rather than wallow in defeat, before it came and I hope, you all have the same conviction in your hearts,” I said, and there was silence.
“Victory!” “Victory, victory….”
I don’t know who shouted at first, but a moment later, more people started shouting the word, and within seconds, thousands began to shout. So loudly that the entire city could hear it clearly.
Hearing them, tears couldn’t help, but well up in my heart.
They know the chances but still have hope in their heart. I really want to curse those bastards, especially the Count Darrow. He has such citizens, who have hope burning in their hearts, in such desperate conditions and he abandoned them.
He truly doesn’t deserve these.
After an appeal, I walked off the stage. “It was a great speech; very few could pull off a truthful one in such circumstances without causing a riot.” Praised Jon.
I didn’t say anything or even smile.
A lot of people are going to die, but not fighting will kill even more. I desperately wish that negotiations could work, but the chances of that happening are extremely slim.
Still, I will try, before raising my sword against them.
“To the establishment,” I said, surprising Zela, but she didn’t say anything.
The carriage moved and within a few minutes. It reached the outer range. I felt the change immediately and could guess the things, I could do.
I thought for a moment, before closing my and activating my skill. A second later, a smile appeared on my face; I had guessed right.
I opened my eyes a minute later and looked at Zela. 
‘She is going to know it eventually,’ I thought and a moment later, a box appeared in my hand, a moment after that, it disappeared, while Zela watched with her eyes wide.
The first skill I used was Telepathic Call. It used to work in the establishment only, but now it is working in the outer range. The same is true for the Vault of Ru; both of the skills could not be used in the outer range.
Which occupies a third of the area of a gated city.
I wanted to try the most important thing, but this time I controlled myself. The first two will only make others curious, but the third one will send the most powerful assassins at me; I can’t risk showing it in front of the Zela.
Though, I will need to show it in front of one person.
Soon, the carriage reached near the establishment, and the second after that entered its territory. I am still on the road, but it has now become part of the establishment since its area has doubled.
I looked at the road and was glad, that there was no emotion mist, or even the feeling, one gets the moment one entered inside the boundaries of establishment.
If it had been the other legacy, it wouldn’t have been controlled this quickly, but thanks to Caena’s enchantments, everything is controlled. The legacy had advanced, but aside from three people, nobody had any idea.
Carla and Margaux had also sensed it, because of the Share Authority.
The carriage stopped at the gates of the establishment and the door opened before Caena walked inside.
“Zela, follow us with guards,” I said. 
She nodded and walked out, and soon the carriage began to move again. Nobody spoke, till we got out of the establishment's territory and entered the outer range.
Immediately Caena closed her, and a moment later, a powerful isolation covered us.
“It worked,” she said with a gleeful smile. 
I raised my hand, and a moment later, a fireball appeared over it. It disappeared and a water blade appeared in my hand, and the moment after that, an acid ball.
I tried one spell after another, and all worked.
“Let’s try, Grade II,” I said, feeling slightly nervous. Till now, the establishment could only use Grade 0 and Grade 1 spells, but now with it reaching Grade II, we will be able to imprint and use Grade II spells.
There is only one Grade II spell, imprinted in the establishment.
It had been less than an hour since the establishment advanced to Grade 2. Caena was only able to imprint, one Grade II spell; it is from the guard.
I activated it and immediately, a reddish energy armor appeared on my body. Much stronger, than the spell, that the guard had used.
“We might really have a chance of surviving with it,” she said, and I shook my head. 
“If we had a month or at least a week or two to gather enough emotion essence to power the spells, there would have been a real chance, but now, it will only be helpful. It won’t be enough to turn the tide,” I said with a regretful smile.
“It is still a Grade 2 legacy, and we will have a chance. If we do what, Regyn Sol had done,” I said with my expression turning serious.
For a moment, she was confused, before her eyes lit up and then widened as she realized what I meant.

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