City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 309: Not Broken (18+)

Chapter 309: Not Broken (18+)

I looked at the beautiful young woman in front of me sitting confidently, looking at me seductively.
She is a wearing black velvet dress, that has a deep neckline. 
My mouth couldn’t help but feel parched when I looked at her breast. They are not big, but not small either. They are bigger than mine and perky and I want to feast on them.
“Like what you saw?” she asked with a smile on her face, getting brighter, while my cheeks flooded in embarrassment as I quickly looked away.
For a few seconds, I was so embarrassed that I didn’t dare to look at her.
When I finally found the courage to look at her, I saw her looking at me with the same seductive smile that I wanted to look away from again.
‘You are not a bloody teenager, Scala. Stop behaving like one,’ I admonished myself.
I felt like a teenager, with my heart beating wildly and my cheeks flooding with a forbidden desire.
“I am Scala,” I said, trying to control my emotions. “Solene,” she replied.
“It is a beautiful name,” I said. It came out, before I could stop myself and felt my cheeks flooding again. “I like, your name more,” said the young woman.
“Thank you, it is a family name,” I replied, but this time, I didn’t even admonish myself. “It suits you well,” she replied, looking at me, like she wanted to eat me.
It made me embarrassed, but also ecstatic, to see the desire for me in the young woman’s eyes.
I know, I am beautiful and everywhere I go, I see men and sometimes women, looking at me in desire, but never give me joy as it is right now, seeing the desire for me in the young women’s eyes.
Slowly and surely, the embarrassment and fear began to vanish from my heart, and I found myself enjoying the company of the young woman.
The woman in front of me was amazing. 
She is a reader and musician, the hobbies I share. So, I could tell, she wasn’t lying when she spoke about them, and even if I didn’t share those; I would be able to tell she is lying.
The passion in which she is speaking about them is hard to fake and captivating.
No wonder the men are crazy about these girls, willing to pay the high price for their company.
I wouldn’t mind doing that.
“I really would”
Suddenly, I stopped as the mist around us got denser, and a moment later; I saw a silhouette appear beside us.
“You can order without fear. There are powerful skills working here; aside from me and madams, nobody could see your face and recognize your voice,” said Solene, before I could say anything.
Hearing that, I felt much relieved and took the menu from her.
We ordered quickly, and the server left, and we resumed our conversation without any awkwardness.
A few minutes later, our server came back, bringing our orders. Since it was late morning, we ordered light, a single dish, and drinks. 
“It is quite a unique drink,” I said, looking at her drink.
All drinks are amazing, with drops of emotions, but hers looks different. I had never seen, on all my visits to the restaurant.
It is blue colored with lemon, but inside, is a dark red ball that would burst and gather every second.
“It is from the Vanis Tavern. Our bartender had mastered it just yesterday,” she replied, before turning to me with mischievous eyes. 
“Do you want to taste it?” she asked, and I found myself nodding.
I thought she would slide the drink toward me. Instead, she took a sip from it and got up before appearing in front of me and bending down.
Her face appeared directly in front of me with those lips, having a drop of blue liquid with a tiny red ball inside, I wanted to taste it from her lips.
She seemed to get all the permission she needed as at the next moment; I felt her lips on mine with cold drink entering my through, making me feel warm in my stomach.
I barely noticed it as I was wholly focused on kissing the most wonderful lips I had ever kissed.
Not that I kissed many. I have only kissed two people in my life, one is my old boyfriend and my husband. I had never felt the spark, kissing them as I am feeling right now.
I misspoke. It is not a spark, I am feeling, but an inferno.
I had never felt such desire in my life, not even for my husband. I love him, but I don’t feel any desire for him, not only him, but I never felt any desire for any man.
It is always the woman.
The lips of the woman, I realized, are so different from the man. They are soft and delicious. Sweeter than anything I had tasted in my life, and I fear I might get addicted to them.
I sensed her moving without leaving my lips and a second later, I felt her weight on my lap.
The kiss became more intense as she sat on my lap, and I felt her hands moving around my body.
When her lips touched my breasts, I felt lightning shooting through my body. Making me a moan; a real moan, not a fake one, that I bring out when I do it with my husband.
She broke the kiss, and I moved for another. 
The kiss made me feel things that I had never felt in my life, and I wanted more of it. Damn, the consequences of it.
She placed a finger on my lips, stopping me.
“It is a little stuffy here. What do you think about going to a more private place?” she asked, with her eyes promising a thousand pleasures.
She seemed to receive an answer from my eyes as she got up from my lap with a smile and took my hand.
I got up and walked out of her lotus with her.
I would never hold the hand of a woman, especially in a place like this, but the rational part of my mind seemed to be turned off; the only thing that is driving me right now are my desires.
Soon, we stopped in front of the door, Solene opened it, and we entered a beautiful room.
She closed the door before pushing me against it and taking my lips in a rough kiss while her hands moved all over my body.
Ahh Ahh Ahh
All my senses were overwhelmed in an instant, and the only thing, I could do was moan, while her kisses ravaged me.
Suddenly, she pulled her lips back, and I looked at her question. I didn’t want those lips away from mine, even for a second.
“Your lips are sweet, but I want to eat something sweeter,” she said, licking her lips greedily, before bringing them back to me, but it was not my lips, she had kissed.
It is my neck. 
She begins to shower with feathered kisses across my neck, making me squirm and moan. If not for her dainty hands holding me firmly against the walls, I would have fallen down.
Her kisses descended from my neck to my collarbone, where I shivered. I am always sensitive there and her kisses make it even worse. It is also making me wet in places where I have never been before.
She kissed every part of it, before descending on my breast.
She didn’t directly kiss them and instead kissed the small valley, before kissing the breast through the fabric. Unlike her dress, which is showing her ample bosom, mine is only showing a hint.
I wanted her to tear apart my dress and have her way with me, and she seemed to understand that, but to my utter frustration, seem to have no intention of doing that.
Her lips and tongue felt amazing as they suck my breasts through the fabric and would feel even more amazing if she did it with my naked breast.
So, I tried to remove the obstruction, but she stopped me.
“It is not time, yet,” she said and started to go lower with her kisses till she reached my navel and then got even lower, before stopping and turning to me.
She didn’t say anything, just looked at me and licked her lips like a cat.
A second later, she raised my skirt and put her face under it. Instinctively, I tried to close my knees, but she stopped me.
For a few seconds, there was nothing, before I started to feel her hot breaths on my thighs and then the kisses, that made me squirm more than I had to hold on to her shoulders for support.
Her kisses went higher and higher till, they reached the edge of my panties, which had become wet. I felt embarrassed, but I also wanted her to kiss me there.
It frustrated me, that she didn’t, instead her lips moved around my panties to torture me.
She stopped, and for a moment, there was nothing, before I felt her hands on my panties, which she pulled down to my knees.
I opened my mouth to ask her, to pull them all the way, when suddenly I stopped when I felt her hot breath on my folds and moaned.
Feeling the things I had never felt before. I wanted to feel more, but she stopped again.
“Please,” I begged.
I never begged, but I am doing it now. I want to feel it again. I had never felt the pleasure in my life, not by my husband or by my own hands. It always made me feel like, I was broken in some way.
I opened my mouth again when I felt a softness against my fold. I felt the lightning of pleasure course through my body and I let out the biggest of my life.
The moan hadn’t finished when she licked my folds again and then again skillfully, while all I could do was moan loudly in pleasure.
Her tongue was slow and fast, and every lick seemed to send a bolt of lightning through my body, making me feel things, I hadn’t felt before.
Seconds passed as I moaned louder and louder under her skillful movements when I started to feel something building inside me, and with every movement of her tongue, it was getting stronger and stronger.
She seemed to feel that too, as her tongue got faster and faster, taking me higher and higher, till I reached the peak.
There she stopped for a moment, and breathed on my fold, before biting me there. It surprised me, but I had no time to think about it as it seemed to give the final push against the dam, breaking it.
The tsunami of pleasure of colossal magnitude crashed into me, giving me such pleasure that transcended me from the world.
My senses got overwhelmed by it, that it was the only thing I could feel. It overwhelmed my senses that I could think of nothing other than the pleasure that filled every part of me.
It is indescribable, but I know one thing, that I won’t be able to live without it from now on.
It is the thing I had been missing in my life and a thing that makes me feel broken. I am not broken, never was.
I deserve the pleasure, and I don’t care if I have to commit the forbidden crime. I am already committing it; I will commit again.
The waves of pleasure continued before they started getting weaker and finally stopped and I felt the peace with myself, I had never felt before.
Solene got up, with her hands never leaving me, which is good because, I don’t think, I have any strength to support myself.
She looked at me, before taking my lips into her. I tasted myself on her lips and instead of making me dirty, I felt myself getting horny again.
“Thank you,” I said as we broke the kiss and she smiled.
“Don’t thank me yet, this was just a small part of what is coming next,” she said, and her words were not a lie.
A few minutes later, I started to moan again once again.
We did it on every part of the room, from walls to floor to bed. She had pleasured me so many times that I had lost count of it.
When she finally stopped, I didn’t even have the energy to twitch. I fell into a blissful sleep immediately, with the peace, I had never felt in my life before.
Three small streams of emotion essence floated onto the huge planet covering me. Which had covered my whole body, with thousands of complex lines and runes flowing around them.
I am crafting one of the most complex spells into the charm I have ever done in my life, and I am doing it, in a tight time.
Thankfully, I have some help.
The planet covering me is one of the most important of all enchantments I have imprinted on the establishment. 
It is helping me craft the enchantment.
Every part of me is covered in the lines, with runes moving around them. A few of these malachite lines came out of my hands and moved around the charm and runes, imprinting themselves.
This planet provides me with control, precision, and focus to do my craft. It is like having the power of tens of skills and is compatible with actual skills.
I am using my skills with it to make my craft.
I should have used it more in these past two and a half months, but I thought I had time before the danger came knocking.
Unfortunately, I had been wrong in my assumption; a mistake I wouldn’t make again. 
Time ticked as the lines, and runes moved across hundreds of things on the table. They are precious things, from gems to magical plants and I am infusing a real emotion essence into them.
Usually, emotion mist is more than enough, but I am using the emotion essence and that makes it dangerous as well as difficult to craft.
Also expensive, seeing as I need powerful things to hold the powerful spell, I am trying to craft.
Finally, I finished with the charm and placed it with the six. It is a set-spell, that needed seven charms to contain it.
Seeing them complete, a smile couldn’t help but appear on my face. I have created two of these charms in a single sitting and I succeeded; I truly hadn’t thought I would, but I did.
I laid back on the chair tiredly and it was minutes before I deactivated the planet.
The lines that were covering me flowed back to the planet, and it began to shrink till it shrank to its original size and joined the rest of the planets orbing around the core.
I turned to the core and saw glowing as it accepted a massive amount of powerful emotions. 
People are scared and letting it all out without reservation. That in half a day since morning, the establishment had absorbed enough emotions, that it does in the whole week.
I wish Silver could see it. He would be mightily impressed.
I looked at the core before focusing on the particular spot from where especially powerful emotions were coming. Even when it was a spa; it was a place from where we would receive the most powerful emotion.
Now, the emotion coming from there is many times stronger.
The risky decision is already paying off. Though I didn’t do it for the emotion; they are just extra rewards. It did it for the women who have been forbidden from getting the thing that is natural to them.
I am glad, I did this, despite the price, I may have to pay for it.
I stared at the core, for a few more seconds, looked at every section from which the emotions were coming, and moved my hand to close it, when I suddenly stopped.
I felt something, that I had I felt it only one time.
I didn’t dare to believe it since it had been barely two and a half months, since the legacy was born, but when I looked at the core, I had no choice but to believe it.

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