City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 311: Plan

Chapter 311: Plan

Raxtine Hotel, Greltheaven
“Well, I didn’t expect things to get worse, so soon,” said the blue-haired man, looking out of the window at the square where the young governor had just finished the speech.
All five of them sitting there in a room, looking outside.
“The chances of us surviving are pretty low,” said the raven-haired woman. Nobody said anything to that; they are here because they are desperate. 
Even if they escaped and survived; they will die in a few years. The vision brings the last hope for their survival. They need to believe in it, even if it will kill them, because if they succeed, it will provide the others with the chance of survival.
For a few minutes, nobody spoke, before their leader got up.
“I am going to pray and after that, we will meet the governor of Greltheaven,” she said and walked out of the room.
I stepped out of the carriage as it stopped and turned to Zela. 
“Ask Commander Stone to come here, immediately,” I said. It surprised her, but she nodded while I walked inside the establishment.
“He said, he will need an hour,” Zela replied. “Tell him to come immediately, say it is important,” I said without stopping.
I looked at the floors and saw people trying to enjoy themselves to their heart's content before the undead came to reap their lives. Some are being excessive in their behavior, which we usually don’t tolerate, but today we are doing.
Still, there is a limit, and we already threw some people out, when they didn’t listen to the warning.
I could feel the emotions they were emitting. Which are quickly getting absorbed by the establishment. Now that it is a Grade II legacy, it could absorb the emotion, far more efficiently.
If I had a week with such emotions. I could have been able to do some real damage to the undead.
Soon, I reached my office and walked inside.
As I sat, I took out things from the drawer. I didn’t think, I would need to use it this quickly, but glad, I am prepared for it.
I mixed the stuff, before taking out a dagger, puncturing my index finger, and dropping a few drops of my blood into it. I mixed the things and turned to Caena.
“Can you strengthen it?” I asked her. 
She is a witch. They know, how to work with the blood and I need it as strong as possible for the strongest effect.
She nodded, and I pushed the inkpot toward her.
She took it in her hand closed her eyes and started muttering something. A minute later, I felt the stream of emotion essence mixing with the things. Not a Grade I emotion essence, but a Grade II.
With the establishment turning to Grade II, all the emotion essence had turned to Grade II. We could dilute it to Grade I, if we require it, but currently, we don’t.
“It’s done,” she replied and handed me the inkpot.
I took it and dipped the pen in it before starting writing on the parchment, using the full power of my legacy. It took a few minutes before I finished. I looked at the finished work and couldn’t help, but feel proud; it is simple but airtight.
I thought for a moment, before taking out two more parchment sheets and beginning to copy the content of the first parchment.
“Master Silver, Commander Stone is here for you,” Jill's voice rang out as I was writing the third parchment.
“Send him in,” said Caena.
Moments later, the door opened, and Stone walked in, and he didn’t look to be good mood.
If I had been in his place, I would have been angry too. He was there, preparing to defend the city, while I summoned him. Not in the mansion, but in the establishment.
“Lord Governor,” he greeted gruffly. I nodded without looking and continued to write. “Sit, Commander Stone,” said Caena.
He said down and waited.
Finally, I finished with the parchment and turned to Stone. 
“Thank you for coming, Stone,” I said to him. “I was busy, Lord Governor. I hope it is important,” he said. 
His words could say to be rude, but I don’t mind.
“It is extremely important, but before we discuss it, I want you to sign it,” I said and pushed the parchment toward him.
The parchment is NDA; I already signed the NDA with them after gaining the legacy, and it was strong, but I needed something much stronger.
This one is as strong as I could make. It is simple; he cannot disclose any of my, legacies or Caena’s secrets. I could have added the others, but that would have stretched its power, and I don’t want that.
I want it as strong as possible.
If he breaks the contract, all the power of my legacy will come down to kill him. I explicitly wrote down, that as long as it could kill him, legacy could even use its primal essence, which is damaging to the legacy.
“It is an unusually strong contract; a simple mistake will bring down the power of legacy on me,” he said, looking at me directly.
“It is, but necessary and temporary. If we survived, I would add a few clauses of exception to it,” I said.
“I hope, it is worthy of my blood,” he said and took a dagger and pictured his finger, before dropping his blood into the and mixing it.
This contract will bind the Stone more strongly than normal humans, due to his elder blood. The elders are magical races and blood contracts are strong against them. 
He dipped the pen into the ink and signed it. Immediately, I felt it clicking.
“So, what is it?” he asked, and I smiled. “Brace yourself, because it is going to shock the world out of you,” I replied with a smile and began.
Within a second, his expressions begin to change massively with great shock appearing in his eyes. It shocked him so much, that his whole body shook; I had never seen him, like that, in his year of service.
“It could imprint any spell from Grade 0 and Grade II, and the spell will have power above its grade?” he asked.
I didn’t reply and instead showed him the spells, with his experience, he could easily tell the power of the spells with a look.
“We have enough emotion essence, but not enough to turn the tide of the battle,” I said to which, he shook his head. “Even this little will bring tremendous help,” he replied.
“There is one more thing,” I said and spoke, and like Caena, even his eyes widened with great shock that he wasn’t able to speak for an entire minute.
“You would do that?” he asked in a deep shock. “Yes, I would,” I replied. It would pain me tremendously, but I would do it for the city, which had given me so much.
“If you make that sacrifice, then we might have a real chance of victory,” he said, with a smile finally appearing on his face.
“Then plan it,” I said. 

After Stone left, I didn’t stay in the establishment for long. I left, after giving some orders to Caena and the girls.
I looked out the window as the carriage moved toward the Count’s mansion. I could feel Zela’s eyes on me, thinking.
She and Jon had also signed the contract, but unlike Stone, they didn’t get any explanation. I explained it to the Stone because he needed to know to plan against the undead.
It also helped that he had the elder blood.
It is not like, I don’t trust Zela and Jon. I do, but the risk is too big. It will not only harm me, but also Carla and the other girls. 
I could not take such a risk.
It is for this reason; that I hadn't even told Carla about those enchantments. The less she knows, the safer it will be for her.
“The undead had breached the Bilgas,” Zela informed.
I sighed, there was nothing surprising about it. Like Alwin, it also stood no chance against the undead. They just took a few hours to breach its walls and now would be pouring into the city.
“It came from Meldhorn?” I asked, and she nodded.
Their scouts have reached the Bilgas. So, we should be getting the regular updates from there as we are getting from the Almin.
“Any news from Port Midlet?” I asked, and she shook her head.
The last news about the horde moving toward the Port Midlet was a few hours ago. They are maintaining their pace, which means, they will reach the Port Midlet in an hour or two; they might have already reached it.
Though it is unlikely, Port Midlet is a big city, and has strong enough measures to resist communication blockade, till the undead got really close.
Which will give the city, ample time for communication.
Soon, the carriage reached the mansion, and I stepped out. I would love nothing more than to conduct the business in the city hall, but the Count had made people used to his home and if I change it suddenly, it will affect things.
Things are already difficult; I don’t want to make it more difficult.
As I entered the office, there was a lot of work waiting for me. Thankfully, Bell and Ina had kept everything sorted. I sighed most of the documents after reading them; I had doubts about a few which I had kept aside, before sending them all.
If we survived. I will need to do an audit. 
“The horde is twenty-miles away from Port Midlet,” informed Zela. I stopped, what I was doing and turned to her.
“What is their strength?” I asked. “Around three hundred thousand,” she replied. Which is as the information had said. 
If such a horde attacks us; there is no way, we will have the slightest chance of surviving against it. However, Port Midlet has a good chance. It had a big enough army and the last I heard; the bastard Zanav is still there.
His calvary will be tremendously useful against the undead.
“There is a message from Commander Dane. He is asking you to send the armaments the city has,” said Zela. “Ask him to send his men to discuss it,” I replied, without even looking.
It was not the first time; he had asked for it since I had assumed the command and wouldn't be the last. I gave him the same answer, send his men to discuss; I didn’t even promise him those things.
In this coming battle, we might lack men, but we didn’t lack the weapons.
We have enough to arm every man and more. There are a large number of weapons came from the merchant state, a few weeks ago. It was the first order of its kind and was for Prince Grelt’s army.
The empire's agreement with Meldhorn explicitly forbids the trading of weapons, but that didn’t stop Prince Grelt.
I wonder how Dane got to know about it; very few people knew about it.
The Count had hinted to me to not touch those things before leaving, and even Prince might get angry, but I don’t care.
Survival is more important than the consequences.

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