City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 299: Arrested

Chapter 299: Arrested

“Greltheaven. It is a small city. Is it really a place, bis..mistress?” asked a blue-haired man as they stepped into the city of Greltheaven.
They are a group of five, led by a woman with a beautiful violet hair.
“This is a place in the vision, the place that, will give us a chance of survival,” replied the violet-haired woman as she looked at the city, with desperate hope.

“…the choice is yours,” I said to the hundred and seventy-seven girls in front of me.
These are the new girls that Carla had brought from the Meldhorn. I already have more than enough girls in girls in the establishment. That each one didn’t need to work for more than six hours and even then, some didn’t get a chance to work daily.
It might seem excessive, but it is not, because these girls are different.
More than half of them aren’t humans; most of them are elves, but there are also a few dwarves.
The rest of them aren’t human either, at least not complete humans. They are human with blood of different races and this blood is more prominent, that the girls I have in the establishment.
They can’t be recognized at first glance, but these girls could. 
I wanted to bring the girls of other races for so long, but it wasn’t possible because of the laws of the empire, and it is not possible even now, but because of the legacy, I got the exception.
I looked at them one last time, before walking out of the circle.
Like all the girls, they have a choice to stay or leave. Carla has already given them a choice in the Meldhorn, but I am giving them again. Though I like Meldhorn, I don’t think, anyone could take it.
For the first time, not a single girl had chosen the freedom.
Soon, I reached the carriage and turned to the old man beside me. “Thank you for coming with me, Sir Schegan,” I said, as stepped into the carriage.
“There is no need to thank me, Lord Silver. I wanted to see the baronies and fortress since I came here and decided to tag along with you,” he said as he sat opposite me.
It had been over a month since, the celebration, two since the legacy was born. It will be my first time, going there since then. I wanted to go there sooner, but there was too much work.
I am going there now, and I am glad the old man is with me. 
Things have become more dangerous in the empire and the emperor’s protection is worth a shit. I have a Synod’s protection, at least for four more months, but I don’t want to depend on it alone.
There are many people who want me dead. Now more than ever; I don’t want to give them a chance to kill me with inadequate protection.
With the old man, they will think twice about attacking me.
Soon, we reached the port, where the boat was waiting for me. We sat on the boat, and it took us to the other side.
“It is a wasteland, but it has its charm,” said the old man. “The place grows on you, the longer you stay,” I replied with a smile.
It was supposed to be a temporary space for me for a few years, but now it has become permanent. It didn’t matter. If it didn’t remain in the hands of the empire or Tabes captured it. It is my home forever and I will not leave it.
We reached the other side and stepped into the carriage. 
I opened the book, while the old man stared at the window as the carriage moved toward the Nakar baronies.
It is quite late, nearly at midnight, but we should be able to reach by dawn. It would have been sooner if I had taken a new driver, but I trust Rosco.
I closed the book and was about to sleep when I saw a large number of people coming from the other side. Not people, but prisoners, with hands and feet shackled. 
There are over two thousands of them, with most of them being orcs. They are the bandits, who have been caged in baronies; in the noble's dungeons.
For the first few months, the empire took the prisoners, but for nearly nine months, they have stopped.
If they had been a human prisoner; they would have been executed, and they did, but rules are a little different for the prisoners of the other races.
Count had been dragging his feet for a few months, before reaching the deal with baronies a week ago. I finalized the deal but didn’t get all I wanted.
All of them are going to be executed. Some deserve it, but many don’t. 
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to change the Count’s mind. It was not just the Count, I was against, but also the baronies and I do not have enough clout yet, to change their mind against who they consider the biggest danger to their prosperity.
We passed through the chained bandits, and I closed my eyes, falling into sleep within seconds.
When I woke up, it was still dark, and the carriage was moving through the forest, but looking at the clock, I knew we were close and would reach the town in half an hour.
I was still sleepy but decided against it, instead watched the forest and was surprised to see carriages moving even at such a time.
It had been two and a half months since I came to the baronies and heard, that quite a change had occurred in it. I want to see it, especially the two, which I built with my efforts.
The rays of dawn had come out, the carriage came out of the trees, and I looked at the town. 
My eyes couldn’t help, but light up, seeing it.
Even from a distance, I could see how much it had been developed. I read the reports regularly and directed them, but still, the report couldn’t describe what I was seeing.
Soon, the carriage reached the gates, and they opened. We entered inside and, seeing the things close, the already big smile on my face became bigger.
The changes were huge, but it isn’t what made me happy. What made me happy was that they didn’t divert from the design.
I built the town, with a huge future in mind, and I didn’t want anyone to mess with it and thankfully, they didn’t.
“The town is bigger than I thought and looked prosperous. His Highness would be pleased, knowing it has progressed as such,” he said. I smiled but didn’t say anything and continued to look at the town.
We reached the keep, whose gates were already opened for us.
“Welcome to Lauryl, Lord Silver, Sir Schegan,” said Lola as she opened the door of the carriage.
“Thank you, Lola,” I said as I stepped out and was about to look at the keep when I saw something small leaping at me really fast.
“I miss you too, buddy,” I said as I caught Fang, who began to lick my face.
“He is usually very well-behaved, but seeing you, he has lost all control,” said Eli apologetically.
“It is fine,” I said as I petted him lovingly before looking around. 
There is not much change in the keep from last time, aside from being more people here. This isn’t surprising, seeing the trade with merchant states and Navr is increasing by the day and that is bringing prosperity.
A few minutes later, they took me to my office. The three of them sat opposite to me, while Sir Schegan sat on the chair by the window.
I have come here on a long trip; I will be here for three nights. Two will be spent in the baronies while the one in the mirador holds.
Three days are far from enough, with the things I have to do, but it is all I can manage. There are a lot of things to do back in the city. Running a legacy isn’t easy, and it isn’t the only thing I do.
Still, I will try to do things and gain that class. It will help me quite I lot, if I am able to get it, but is extremely hard, especially when I have less than four months to achieve that.
After that, I have to make a painful choice, and I am not ready for it but will have to do it. 
It is the cost of legacy.
“Leblanc, you are doing a good job. I am impressed with the progress of the town,” I said to the man.
“Thank you, my lord,” he replied. I smiled and finished reading the file in a few minutes, before opening and reading the other files.
“I am pleased that you were able to keep the prisoners in the baronies for so long Carlos, it saved the city a lot of money,” I said, and the man bowed.
Of course, the main reason the Count was dragging his feet with those prisoners was because of the cost of keeping them. With no signal from the capital or permission to execute them, the Count tried to keep them here as long as possible.
Twenty more minutes passed, and I turned to Lola at last. 
“You have done an amazing job, Lola You have surpassed my expectations,” I said as I closed the last file. There were no empty words. She had really done an amazing job of increasing the trade, even the Count had praised her.
It was me, he praised, but the job had been done by her.
The legacy had also helped her. Earlier, like Carla and Ina, many people weren’t willing to engage with her, but after the legacy, it all changed.
Now she is invited to every big function in the baronies, and powerful merchants meet with her. It gave her greater reach to do things, and she didn’t disappoint me.
Hours passed, and it was evening.
I am now strolling down the down, with many people coming to talk to me like before. However, this time, they are getting whisked by the guards.
I don’t like it, but there is no choice.
I explored the town with Sir Schegal, including the gated part, where the mansions are being built. They belong to barons, merchants from the merchant state, Greltheaven, and other cities of the region.
When I came here last, there was a single mansion getting built and now there are over thirty.
Like I said, so much had changed.
It was completely dark when I returned to the keep and held a meeting with the staff, before going to my suit to change for the party.
Looking at the mirror one last time, I got out of the room and saw Lola waiting outside and she was looking magnificent in the black dress.
“You look beautiful, Lola,” I complimented her. “Thank you, Master Silver,” she replied.
A few minutes later, I am in the carriage with Sir Schegan and Lola, with the carriage moving toward Baron Homer’s. 
I will be spending the night with my Leila’s. I initially declined it and only accepted it after she said, it was important. I don’t know what it is, but I am quite curious.
Leila isn’t the one to use, that word, lightly.
“Lord Silver, there is a message for you,” said Zela from behind. I immediately turned to her, sensing the seriousness in her voice, and saw her face serious too.
“Miss Valentina is arrested,” she answered, without me asking.
Saying, I am shocked would be an understanding. I am not shocked because she was arrested, but because I was not informed of it.
She is not just my friend, but one of the most powerful mages that the city has. To arrest her, explicit permission of the Count would be needed.
The count wouldn’t have arrested her, without informing me first as a courtesy. I am very sure didn’t arrest her and there is only one force, who could arrest her, without his permission.
They had likely arrested her and didn’t even inform the Count.
“Edmon is saying the grey cloaks barged into Miss Valentina’s home and arrested her and Miss Lena for committing a forbidden crime,” she added and there was no surprise on my face.
“Inform the Lord Count about it and say to him, that I would consider it a special favor if he stopped it,”
“Also, inform Baron Homer and express my regret for missing his party,” I said to her and turned to the old man.
“My apologies, Sir Schegan, but I will be returning to the city,” I apologized. 
“The church had been acting out of its boundaries, meddling in the matters where it shouldn’t, accusing innocent people. They needed to be shown their place,” he said, and I couldn’t help, but nod at that.

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