City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 300: Emperor Is Dead

Chapter 300: Emperor Is Dead

I woke up again, it was not the first time, I had woken up in two hours. I did it several times.
Every time, I would check my watch and look out of the window to see whether we had reached the city.
The bastards of the church of God of War had played a dirty game. They have used the opportunity of me leaving the city to arrest Valentina and Lena. They knew I wouldn’t let it happen if I were in the city.
It didn’t happen. The Count acted promptly.
They are still arrested, but are not in the dungeon of the church. They are in the city’s prison. This might not seem different, but it is because the church is a territory of its own.
Kind of like an embassy, a high level of authority is needed to take the people out of there.
Even the Count would have found it hard to get them out of it, unless he was willing to use force.
Taking them out of jail would be easier. Though not much, it might be everything for Valentina. I will need to be very careful in dealing with things or I would end up destroying them, even if I could bring them out of the jail.
I looked outside at the wasteland for a few minutes; it seemed to calm me, before closing my eyes.
I don’t know, how long I slept, but I woke suddenly and this time, it wasn’t the worry about my friend that woke me.
I don’t know what it is, but it made me feel dread. My whole body started to shiver, but my heart swooned in joy.
I lay confused before suddenly I remembered something that old Vanis had said, and my eyes went wide. 
For a couple of seconds, I wasn’t able to calm myself and even now, I am not calm. The news is big enough to send shockwaves across the whole continent and the world.
Still, I forcefully calmed myself and focused on the feeling. It took me a second to be sure.
“Sir Schegan,” I said in a voice barely louder than the whisper, but it woke the old man immediately. He opened his mouth, but closed it, seeing the expression on my face, before opening it again.
“What happened?” He asked directly, with his face becoming serious.
“The bindings of blood contract had vanished,” I said, and the old man shuddered. 
“How sure are you?” he asked after a couple of seconds of silence. “I think, I am getting the same feeling that Lord Lindgren had described, his mentor had got at the demise of Emperor Waynmerth,” I replied.
This time, the old man didn’t say anything, but the band he was wearing, lit up, forming an energy cover around him.
I looked at him for a couple of seconds before turning back to Zela. She has a shock all over her face.
“Send the message to Count and use the exact words, I tell you,” I said to her.
A minute later, I am talking to the Count, and I have never heard him as panicked as I am right now. He was not prepared for the news, nobody had.
It is the reason why, blood contracts are rarely signed. Especially the high-level ones that the emperor signs with hosts of legacy. 
It can be muted, but unlike other people, who signed the same level contract. We, the host of legacies, are different, and far more sensitive thanks to our legacies. If I had been in my legacy, it would have been so clear, that I wouldn’t have been confused for several seconds.

“Finally, he is dead. Begin the invasion,” commanded the pale man sitting on the bone chair.
There was no one in the hall, but those who needed to hear it had heard it.

Zela cut the spell, and I turned to the old man, who was still covered in the energy. 
Seven and a half minutes later, he opened his eyes with his eyes serious.
“Emperor is dead. The era is over,” he said. Lola gasped, while I just nodded, in a grim realization that chaos would become and even I as the host of legacy wouldn’t be able to stay safe from it.
“May his soul rest in peace,” I said.
“We have to reach the city as soon as possible; the carriage is too slow.” He spoke. I nodded.
“Driver, stop the carriage,” I said and turned to Lola. “I will be riding to the city with Sir Schegan,” I informed her.
“I am coming with you,” she said, and I opened my mouth, but stopped, seeing her taking out clothes from her bag and a second later, something incredible happened.
The beautiful dress she was wearing disappeared and appeared in her hand, while the clothes she had in her hands appeared on her body.
Riding Clothes; that fit perfectly to her body.
The skill is rare, and I didn’t know she had it. It is an incredible skill, that I wish I could have, but I couldn’t, even with the Copy Skill. 
She is higher level than me.
The carriage stopped, and we got out. 
A minute later, eighteen of us rode toward the city, with skills covering us one after another. Making our journey faster.
Still, I wasn’t prepared for the last skill. Just feeling its effect, I know it is from Sir Schegan. He is a Knight and a conventional one at that, with horse and all.
His information said he had Equestrian Skills but didn’t say, they were group type, which are rare among the imperial knights.
The night turned blurry. I had to use everything, I had to be on horse and glad. That gymnast's grace and a few other skills that others added are helping me.
Others are doing well. Lola seemed to be enjoying the speed, and it was at much ease than me. So is the little monster, sitting on top of its head.
Fang has come, and since morning, is unwilling to leave even for a second. Thankfully, the horse I am riding is used to Nero and isn’t spooked.
Some horses get spooked by him. This isn’t surprising, seeing he is a monster, while they only have a monster's blood in them.
Minutes passed and turned into an hour, and I could already see the silhouette of the city. 
In the carriage, we would have needed over four hours, but with horses and powerful skill. We had crossed the distance in the time's fourth.
In a few minutes, we reached the distance, where the boat was already waiting for us.
We went inside without saying anything and it took us to the other side.
“It seemed like the news hadn’t spread,” I said as we stepped out on the other side. Everything is silent. If the news of the emperor's death had spread, the port wouldn’t be so silent.
“By dawn, it will,” replied the old man, and we sat in the carriage waiting for us.
We would have ridden to the city, but that would be suspicious, and it is the last thing we want.
Still, the carriage moved fast, and we were able to reach the Count's mansion in record time.
“My lord,” 
Sir Schegan and I greeted as I entered the Count’s office and was quite surprised. Seeing there only Robin and Atticus are present, aside from Lancel, York, and Beaumont.
I had thought all the advisers and advisory council would be present.
“In the morning, we will announce the death of the emperor and swear our loyalty to His Imperial Majesty Grelt, Emperor of Harsoth,” he said, and there was barely any change in anyone’s expression.
Till yesterday, the Count had addressed his nephew as His Highness, but from today he is His Majesty, not a Prince, but an emperor.
Every city and region that is loyal to him will swear their allegiance to him.
I wonder how many princes would proclaim themselves as the Emperor. Three are set in stone. Crown Prince, Prince Grelt, and Princess Orlene, but I am sure there will be more.
While my loyalty lies with Prince Grelt, due to my association with the city and the Count, I would have liked the Crown Prince to become the emperor, unopposed or any prince or princess.
It would have continued with the stability that the empire has, but it is wishful thinking.
It won’t have happened. There will be no stability in the empire. If things went far, there wouldn’t be an empire any empire. The empire isn’t as strong as it used to be, but still strong enough to defend against any threat, if united, but sadly, it isn’t.
Still, understanding this, I had kept the hope in me alive.
“Remus, you will be responsible for the message, while Robin, you will make the arrangements,” ordered the Count.
“Yes, my lord,” we replied with the bow.
“My lord, I will be leaving immediately. Hope, you will make the arrangement,” said Sir Schegan surprising me, before a hint of despair hit me.
The little bit of relief I had vanished. I thought the old man would be staying and with someone like him with me, I would be much safer, but now he said, he is leaving.
“The discreet ship had already been prepared for you.” Said the Count. The old man bowed and turned to me.
“It was a pleasure knowing you, Lord Silver. I wished I could stay and train you more, but alas, it is time for this old knight to return to his liege,” said the old man with a shake of his head.
“Thank you for everything, Sir Schegan. I hope we will meet again,” I said, feeling quite emotional.
It had been a month since the old man had been training me, but what he taught me was impactful. So, much so that he had transformed my fighting style.
The old man smiled and turned to leave when he stopped and turned to me as I raised my hand a little to stop him.
“I hope, you didn’t need to use it,” I said and handed the old man a box. It is a tiny wooden box. For one little thing of immense value, it was a gift from Synod, that Ophelia had given to me.
The help provided by the old man is so much that I wouldn’t feel good. If I let him leave, without giving anything in return.
The old didn’t reject the box and took it.
“Thank you, Lord Silver,” said the old man and left, while I turned to Count and Lancel, both of them had curiosity in their eyes but didn’t ask openly and I didn’t volunteer. 
Instead, I said the thing for which I had returned to the city.
“My lord, thank you for saving Valentina and her friend. Priest Harold had targeted them for their hate for me and my business.” I thanked.
He is the only person in the city who hasn’t come to the establishment despite being invited. He had even opposed the party and the celebration, writing letters to all those who had been invited to the celebration.
He is also constantly opposing, every change, I bring to the establishment, including me bringing the people of other races into the city.
“These bastards of the church, are abusing their powers quite a lot in the past year,” he said with anger flashing in his eyes.
He is angry, not only because of what they are doing here, but also because of the things they are doing in the territory of his house.
“I hope you will release Valentina and Miss Lena as soon as possible, my lord. They are not only respectful citizens but also powerhouses. Our city will be needing their help more than ever,” I said, and he nodded.
“I will,” he said, and I wanted to curse that bastard.
I didn’t miss the glint in his eyes. The bastard will release them, but it won't be quick and without incentive.
I didn’t ask him when. Instead, I bowed. I need to be careful about it and put him in a good mood and then offer incentives to release them.
For that, I will need to finish the task he had handed me.
Twenty minutes later, Robin and I walked out the door with our commands. 
I immediately went out of the mansion and began my work. Which is familiar to me. I have done this many times, but this time, the situation is much bigger and needs to be handled with extreme care.
I didn’t even tell the callers' guild about it and only asked to call their people and placed a few mages there, with an anti-message spell active to be cautious.
The news shouldn’t spread until it is time.
It was a little over two hours before I got back to the Count's office. There was only Count and Beaumont, Lancel, Atticus, and York seemed to have disappeared.
“All done?” he asked. “Yes, my lord. I only need to send the message and the callers will announce it throughout the entire city,” I replied.
The man nodded and opened his mouth to speak when suddenly Beaumont shook with alarm and horror on her face. 
Seeing the expressions, even the Count got alarmed, and I felt a sinking feeling in my gut.
“Beaumont, what happened?” asked the Count with worry written all over his face.
“The undead arma

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