City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 298: Inheritance

Chapter 298: Inheritance

“Master Silver, your grandfather waiting for you in your office,” said Caena as I stepped out of the carriage.
I couldn’t help but get surprised. I was supposed to go to him, but now he is here. He didn’t even inform me before coming, which he always does.
“When did he arrive?” I asked as I walked toward the establishment. “An hour, ago,” she replied.
“You should have sent me a message,” I said to her. “He asked me not to,” she replied. Which again surprised me; the man is punctual and didn’t like wasting a minute, much less an hour.
“He has checked out the entire establishment, but had good words about it,” she added and that couldn’t help but a smile on my face.
Soon, I reached my office.
“Grandfather,” I greeted as I entered my office. He was sitting in my chair, looking at the portrait of his son on the wall.
“Remus,” he said, still looking portrait.
“You should have informed me. I would have come sooner,” I said, and he shook his head. “There was no need. It gave me the time to check out your legacy,” he replied, turning to me.
“I hope you, you liked it,” I said, and he smiled. A smile filled with pride, but it had remained on his face for a second, before his expressions became serious.
“Is this place safe?” he asked as I felt his powerful Privacy Skill covering the entire office. “It is now,” I replied as I activated the isolation.
A surprise flashed in his eyes, while I became even more confused. First is his unannounced visit and now this privacy skill.
He seemed to feel that, as he took out a metallic box from his bag and slid it toward me.
“What is it?” I asked. 
“Your inheritance,” he replied, with a sigh. 
It would be an understatement to say his words didn’t surprise me and I looked at him in question and didn’t receive any answer, so I opened the box.
I am surprised.
There is another box inside, but it is not what surprised me. Not what surprised me, is the string of charms attached to it.
Those are clearly witches' charms, and they felt very powerful.
“You might feel wronged by your father and family, seeing you have got barely anything in inheritance, but you shouldn’t. Your father had left the best thing for you.”
“Before his death, your father had given me this for safekeeping. He felt his life was in danger and wanted me to give you this when you become capable,” he said.
“He was quite sure, that one day you would become capable,” he added.
“Am I become capable?” I asked, looking at the box. “You have, but you are not ready for that thing. Wait till you become powerful enough before opening that box,” he replied.
“In what sense?” I asked, but he just smiled.
I know, I wouldn’t get an answer from him, and seeing the charms, I don’t want to open it. There must be something important in there for them to protect it with the charms, and since he said, I am not ready, I will not open it immediately.
The box disappeared, and with it, the heaviness and anger in my heart.
I was angry at my father for not leaving me anything in inheritance. Those clauses were intentional on his part. He knew his other children would use it against me.
The box made me feel better. 
It didn’t matter, even if the box contained nothing. What matters is that he had been thinking about me and that is enough for me.
However, it also produced many questions.
“Do you know who killed my father?” I asked, and the old man nodded, with grief and anger welling up in his eyes.
I may have lost my father, but he had lost his son. 
“They are very powerful people. That even the house of Silver couldn’t do anything against.” He said, and this didn’t surprise me. If they weren’t powerful, Grandfather wouldn’t have stayed so silent.
“Names, Grandfather?” I asked.
“I will tell you after, after you open the box,” he replied.
I wanted to take out the box and tear open those charms, but I controlled my emotions. Once I know it, I will not unknown it, and sometimes, it is better to not know about those things.
The legacy may have given me the power, but I am still not powerful enough. I am not even as powerful as the House of Silver.
So, until I do, I won’t be opening that box.
They will pay for what they did. The memory of my father’s death is vivid in my heart, and I will make sure, they will a price worse than that.
“Girls, you should be ashamed. You are adults, but are fighting like children,” I said to the two teen girls sitting in front of me.
“Headmistress, it is Alu’s fault. She is the one, who took my headband without my permission. It is my favorite headband,” said the blond-haired girl, glaring at the raven-haired girl, sitting beside her.
“I did because you lost my earrings.” Replied the raven-haired girl, glaring back.
“And I told you, I will pay you back for it after I get this month’s salary,” said the blond.
“Girls!” I said loudly. Stopping them immediately from fighting any further.
“Alu, you shouldn’t have taken Nera’s headband without her permission, and Alu, you should pay for Nera’s earrings, as soon as you receive your salary,”
“Now, go back to your room and I hope there won’t be any fighting or both of you won’t like what happens next,” I said strictly. Both teens nodded and walked out of my office.
“Sometimes, these girls behave like children,” I said, messaging my head. “This place gives them freedom to do that,” said Della from the side.
I smiled hearing that, before turning to the things in front of me.
I finished them quickly and with it, my work was finished, and I could finally do what I wanted to do. In this past month, I had been quite busy; I wasn’t able to practice as much as I liked.
I walked out of my office and could hear the work they were doing. There are two more floors building above me. Valentina had said, they would be finished by the end of the month.
I took the elevator down to the ground floor before walking into the tunnel. 
It didn’t take me even a minute to leave the boundary of the circle. I knew it, the moment I did it. The effects of the legacy are too powerful not to feel them.
I took the familiar way, which was only accessible to the girls, and reached the turn, which would take me out of the basement. 
A few seconds later, I was out of the basement and saw the kitchen staff moving, holding different trays and carts. They nodded at me respectfully, before going to their ways. 
I look at the restaurant, and it is full. There is not a single table that is empty. 
Saying the establishment is full is a big understatement. 
There is a huge waiting line, that stretches for years and increases by the day. There is not a single empty place, and people are willing to pay a massive amount of money for the spa.
Carla had told me, that a person for merchant stages offered an absolutely massive figure for the rent of the whole spa for a week. It is for the treatment of her and her bridal party.
I was shocked when I saw the number. It was really huge. She was not the only one. There were other people, who were offering the massive money.
Of course, Master Silver rejected the offer, but the bridal party was coming in four days for the treatment. They were offering a massive amount of money that even Master Silver couldn’t reject.
They got those VIP slots.
The third of the slots are kept for the VIPs; the same is for private hosting rooms and floors above. The establishment needs to earn the money, and those slots are a good way to do that.
With the establishment turning into a legacy, the earnings of the girls and the staff have skyrocketed. The payment of the staff had reached equal to what the legacies of the same level offer.
Most new legacies take three months to a year to adjust to the new payment standard. Master Silver, did it from the first month.
As for the earnings of girls. I will not say much, but will say, it has reached the sky. If I hadn’t received a raise with the rest of the staff, I might have thought about returning to the business.
I walked out of the establishment and entered the back garden.
Meria had performed the miracle; the garden looked like a piece of heaven. Many girls are sitting on the benches there, enjoying the beautiful night.
The garden is restricted to the patrons. Only girls and staff could come here. Many quieted down seeing me, but soon resumed their activities, seeing I had not come here for them.
Soon, I walked into the area where the mist was exceptionally dense before stepping inside. The mist parted under my control before returning to its place.
It took me a while to get a hang of it, but now I could control it like my own body parts. It is amazing; it is unlike anything I had sensed before.
It is a thing a very few people have the privilege of controlling. Sometimes, I have a hard time believing that a whore like me is doing that.
It all feels like a dream.
I stopped, and in front of me was a stone disk covered in a mist of calmness. I looked at it, before sitting on it.
I close my eyes and let the calmness affect me.
A few minutes later, I opened my eyes and took out a small practice wand from my bag. 
Taking a deep breath, I begin to chant the spell.
The sparks appeared in the air in front of me and hope lit up in my heart, but a second later, the sparks frizzled, and the spell collapsed.
It had been over a month since I had been trying to cast the spell, but it was difficult, but I had to succeed. The other girls are quite close to succeeding and I want to succeed it first.
This emotion of competitiveness is quite foreign to me.
I was never competitive as far as I remember, but I started to feel it since Master Silver came here.
I don’t like this feeling much. It can be overwhelming.
I tried again and once again, the sparks lit, before frizzling out. So, I tried again and again, and every time, the sparks would light up, before they would frizzle out.
I am a little surprised, not by the failures, but by the sparks.
In my earlier tries, they wouldn’t always come out and here the sparks lit up at my every attempt.
Feeling tired, I took a small break and laid down on the disk, and looked at the twinkling stars. They are shining extra brightly today.
Seeing them, I couldn’t help, but think about my star. I miss her a lot and wish I could go to her, and I could, but I won’t.
Not until I feel I am worthy, and I am not.
I wiped the tears away and sat back on the disc before I began chanting again.
“Maen vord...”
As I begin to chant, the sparks begin to light up again, but this time, the sparks don’t collapse instead, they grow.
Seeing that, my eyes lit up and my heart started to beat with excitement, but I controlled my emotions and kept chanting.
With each word coming out of my mouth, more and more sparks kept appearing before they lit up and burst into the fireball.
Seeing that, my eyes widened, and tears started to come out of my eyes.
“I succeeded,” I said, tasting my own tears.
I had dreamed about this moment, since the day I had discovered the mana, but never thought I would be able to do it, but I did.
Now, I could proudly go to my daughter and tell her that the mage talent she inherited was from me. It is from me, she got it, and not from a man who came to the brothel to vent his lust.
{Class Gained: Novice Mage}

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