What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1057 They Talk

1057 They Talk

(Lian Li POV)

It was time.

We could already see the mass of tentacles speeding towards us from far off in the distance, no doubt heading straight towards our most beloved Master.

Although there was no proof of it, I'm pretty sure that demented stalker of Master's had a hand in making them speed up their advance towards us.

I have a feeling she must have realised that we were gaining on her and she instigated these freaks to try and impede us from saving Master.

She thinks just because Master created her first meant that she is a really big deal huh?!

Ok, it really is a big deal but that's not the point! What gave her the right to decide how Master should act?!

It's obvious that our version of Master is the most superior! That's why if we can just change Master a little to be more assertive and also more in line with our ideals… Then He would be the most perfect Master in existence! Why can't she understand that?

Hmph, once we've thwarted this plan of hers, if she still can't accept it then we'll force her to see reason! We'll show her that she's the one who is wrong!

The tentacled monsters started getting closer and all of us prepared ourselves to meet them, only to be surprised when they stopped a good distance away from us.

Even then, I could feel an immense pressure pushing down on me, reminding me of that time where Master actually got angry.

No, scratch that, the pressure from Master's anger definitely felt even worse. Compared to that, this was nothing.

The eyes on those things looked at us, each one seemed to be focused on a different being in front of them while a number of them remained fixed looking into the distance.

"Why are you here?" One of them asked, its voice similar to the sound of scratching a chalkboard. "We have no quarrel with you."

Oh? That's weird? I remember the last time we heard it speak its voice was a garbled mess. Maybe because I'm a Goddess now I could understand it? Or is it because this is its real body and no longer confined to the Abyss?

Whatever is the case, it certainly doesn't make them any less annoying.

Lilith scowled at the one who spoke, "You are aiming to make trouble with Daddy aren't you? Do you think we would just sit by and let you do whatever you want?"

A number of its eyes focused on Lilith, "You are one of his creations. Do you believe you have the power to stand in our way? We will return this Universe to its End and that is a fate that is inevitable."

"Perhaps, but it most definitely won't be happening today if we have a say about that. So why don't you do us all a favour and go back to the Abyss and maybe only return like, oh I don't know, never?"

"The End has called and we have answered. We will bring forth the End of all things and return him to his Origin."

I knew it!! That bitch definitely did something!! Saying that she doesn't control them was obviously a bold faced lie!! I'm so going to slap her the next time I see her!!

Oh wait… Did she ever claim that she cannot control them?

Ugh, who cares, I'm still going to slap her for making trouble for us!

Apparently, Lilith was just as surprised as I was to hear that but for a different reason.

"Mother was the one who instructed you to do this?!"

"Instructed is not the correct word," The monster's disembodied voice echoed, though I don't even know how that is happening since we're in space. "We sense its desire and we respond in kind."

"What are you talking about? Mother has never wanted this!"

"Incorrect. The End has always wished for everything else to End ever since its origin. We are but its instruments to bring about that End."

I couldn't help but butt into the conversation, "Why do you act so differently now? I remember the others of your kind weren't this calm and they were also full of rage and hate too."

A few eyes on the monster shifted to me, "Those were the inner personalities of the ones who summoned us or whose bodies we had taken over. For the real us, we do not possess such emotions."

Huh… I suppose considering how that bitch is like, I shouldn't be surprised about this small fact.

Another thing I'm really curious about is the fact that these things even bothered to stop and start conversing with us, was there something that was driving them to do so?

The good thing is that this benefits us quite a bit since we are only here to stall for time and the longer we can keep them here, the better it is for us. That was why I did not point this fact out to them.

In fact, if we could just keep them here through dialogue alone, that would already be a huge boon for us, especially since we have not heard from Cai Hong for quite a while.

Unfortunately, one of the Parallel Universe's versions of Eris did not have the same thought I had.

"Why are you even talking to us then?"

I readied myself to receive an attack from that tentacled thing but the unexpected thing was that a few of its eyes shifted to look at Manami, Kiyomi, Eris and myself simultaneously.

"That's because The End does not wish for certain beings here to End."

Really now?

That stalker bitch dared to make so much trouble for us and also stole Master from us! Yet she still has the audacity to think that we are not even worth her time to get rid of?

No, no, you can't expect me to believe that she has some kind of feelings towards us that made her reluctant to erase us, our relationship while she was around Master was most definitely not great. We barely even spoke to one another!

Wait! We can make use of this, can't we?! If the four of us don't move from here and just block their way, then we don't even need to fight them! Ahahaha! This is perfect!

"However… If you were to still continue barring our way, we will still End you."

Tsk… So much for that.

Oh well, it can't be helped, it's not like I was planning to get along with these things anyway!

If it's a fight they want then it's a fight they will get! This is all for Master!!!

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