What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1056 Space Battle Preparation

(Elaria POV)

I checked all the monitors inside my 'war room' which was simply a room I had set up all my equipment in.

I did everything I could to prepare for the battle ahead, even though we had to move things ahead of schedule. The only annoying thing was that my Stars of Death wouldn't be in position in time and I needed my sisters to help me buy some time.

Naturally, I also had a specific group prepared to record the entire thing as well just so that I could show Onii-sama how cool his little sister is!

Once he does, he'll definitely say that I'm the best imouto in the entire Universe!

Heh heh heh, then we'll see what that wannabe will do after that! She will have no choice but to admit defeat as well! The position is as good as mine!

That is… If nothing else goes wrong for this fight of course…

One of the console panels started beeping and I pressed the button to accept the communication request.

Immediately, the screen to my right flickered on and the admiral I assigned to be in charge of the Onii-sama's Space Navy fleet saluted me.

"Supreme Admiral! Our scouts report that the monsters are almost inside our firing range. There's just one problem…"

Curses… Me and my big mouth.

"What is it?"

"The scouts who had gone to check on those monsters have… Well… Gone insane…"

Ugh… I was hoping that the madness thing doesn't affect people viewing it through a monitor but it seems like it does, how vexing.

"Are all of them affected?"

"No, those that were using direct imaging and saw their actual forms had gone mad, but the ones who located them using radar scans were still fine."

So it's just their physical form that will cause the madness, good to know.

"Give the order then, all systems that require visual targeting are not to be used at all, we'll make use of the satellite probes we've laid out to relay targeting coordinates for fire orders!"

"What about the scouts, Ma'am?"

"Send the recovery teams to get them back, I'm sure Onii-sama or even one of my sisters should be able to fix them."

"Understood. Sending the recovery teams right now."

"Oh! Also make sure the recording teams use the radar to position the cameras and avoid looking at the camera feed at any point of time!"

"Roger. I will let them know that if any of them were to see it, they should be contained and recovered."

"Unn… What about my sisters who have gone there?"

The admiral looked towards one of his screens, "They are waiting in the agreed area where those monsters will engage them just outside our firing range. If those things manage to push past them, we'll commence bombardment on your order."

"Good, link me the camera feed to the area."

He looked a little hesitant, "Supreme Admiral?"

"It's fine, I have precautions against those things. I will be fine."

"Understood, sending the link now."

His screen flickered off and the rest on my monitors were filled with a live feed of the battlefield from various different angles. Right now they are only showing an empty space with Lian Li, Manami, Kiyomi, Eris and all her Parallel Universe selves gathered there.

I picked up the bottle of Origin Liquid that I got from brother Brendan and chugged it down without hesitation.

With this, it should grant me temporary divinity that will allow me to watch the battlefield without losing my mind.

I admit, the temptation to make myself a full Divine right there almost overtook me but I managed to hold back. But just in case, if things really do end up going south, I have an additional bottle of it that would allow me to ascend immediately if I require it.

I could feel the changes in my body almost immediately and everything around me seemed to become a little brighter and clearer than before.

It seems like that's one of the side effects.

Right then, I saw movement on my monitors and I realised Lilith had appeared with an entire army of Gods and Goddesses.

Eh? That's Sylphy among the crowd isn't it?

Oh yeah… My sisters did say that she was actually a Goddess of our World, I almost forgot about that. She definitely didn't act like one while she was with us, that's for sure.

I wonder if she's still trying to get Brendan?

Looks like they're talking to my sisters right now but I can't hear them since they are in space after all.

Ugh… That reminds me… I'm going to have to add in the sound effects for the recording of the fight too since there wouldn't be any sound… Whatever, I'm sure I can make up better sounds than the real thing anyway!

Still, I'd like to at least know what they're talking about so I called the communicator I gave to sister Manami.

She must have realised what I wanted since a telepathic call came through and I was allowed to see through her eyes and hear what she heard.

"You're saying that even with this many people, our victory is still not guaranteed?" Sister Lian Li asked.

Lilith nodded, "I can only get up to the World Gods and Goddesses who would be hard pressed to even stand against one with our numbers, much less two… If only I could get a hold of several Realm Gods or Goddesses, then we might still stand a chance…"

"Why couldn't you?"

The demoness made a face at her, "I don't know what kind of impression you have of me, but I'm not exactly that high up in the hierarchy so it's not like I know where everyone is at all times… Besides, they have their own duties given to them by Daddy too so if they were to abandon that it would cause more problems down the road as well."

I'm sure if she had told them Onii-sama was in trouble they would have gladly rushed here to help but what do I know?

Sister Kiyomi floated in front, "It's fine, we just need to buy time for the others to help Master regain His senses. That should be enough for us to do, right?"

"Yes, but it'll probably be quite a close call if anything… You said your sister also prepared some backup?"

"Yes, she has a fleet of ships and a very powerful weapon that she insists on letting it remain a secret for now. But according to her, it should be enough to at least deal with them with our support somehow ."

"That doesn't really sound too reassuring…"

"Again, we're not really in a position to complain either, unless you can get more people?" Sister Kiyomi pointed out.

Lilith frowned but shrugged her shoulders eventually, giving orders to the other Gods who had followed her.

I did some final checks on everything, including the backup plans I prepared in case this one fails and the other backup plans of my backup plans too. You can never be too sure about these things after all!

Alright, now everything is in place, we just need to wait for them to show up and we'll be all set!

Get all the cameras rolling! We're recording the space battle of the century!

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