Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 124: We have to help him fulfill it

Chapter 124: We have to help him fulfill it

Chapter 124: We have to help him fulfill it

Logan’s room was in the ICU.

Ethan and Abigaile walked down the hallway together. She had put on sunglasses and a mask, still looking like a high-profile actress despite her recent dip in popularity.

“Abby, I noticed Mr. Felix seemed pretty anxious earlier. Something urgent?” Ethan asked, his curiosity piqued. He had a hunch that there was some trouble brewing between Abigaile and Felix.

Ethan didn’t have any particular thoughts about Abigaile, but this stunning beauty had been the unwitting recipient of his “Void Dick” skill, which had brushed against the inside of her thigh for quite a while. He was worried it might have been noticed.

“Yeah.” Abigaile didn’t hide it, seemingly also in need of someone to talk to. “I guess he was confessing his feelings to me.”

Ethan leaned back, surprised. “You’re just gonna drop that bombshell casually?”

Noticing his baffled expression, Abigaile quickly realized they were just friends and a flicker of embarrassment crossed her eyes: “Let’s keep moving. I only came because you promised it’d be fun.”

“I’m on a mission here, not just for fun. Can’t you show a little social responsibility?” Ethan replied, half-jokingly, as they reached the hospital room.

Logan wasn’t in a VIP room, so they could just walk in without knocking.

The room was fairly spacious with four beds lined up. The bed by the entrance was empty, and the next two were occupied by patients with their families around them—after all, this was the ICU, where conditions could deteriorate at any moment.

Logan was lying in the bed by the window, alone.

This gave Ethan a chance to take a good look at him. Logan was about forty, with an untrimmed beard, not overweight, just an average build. There were wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and bags that spoke of irregular sleep patterns.

He was staring out the window, lost in thought, until Ethan and Abigaile stopped by his bed. He then turned, frowning. “Are you here to see me?”

Logan’s eyes were cloudy, his voice hoarse, and he seemed on guard.

“Yes, Mr. Logan, hello.” Ethan pulled up a chair and sat down in front of him. “My name is Ethan, I’m a patient in room 0023 and also a volunteer here, offering help to other patients for free.”

He gestured towards Abigaile, “And this is my assistant, Abby.”

Logan’s wariness seemed to lessen a bit—another patient, a volunteer, and a pretty lady by his side. It was hard to remain guarded with that combination.

Logan shook his head, “Thanks, but I don’t need any help.”

“Mr. Logan, our concern isn’t just superficial. We’re here to genuinely fulfill your wishes,” Ethan said, his expression serious as he leaned forward, hands clasped over his thighs. “I want to talk about the false accusations made against you by a minor.”

Logan’s face went pale, his hand clutching his chest, his expression turning sour. “That’s none of your business.”

“It is my business,” Ethan insisted firmly. “I won’t allow any patient in this hospital to be wronged. That’s my mission!”

His voice rose suddenly, his face set like a warrior ready to face the flames.

“Huh?” Logan’s angry expression froze, and he turned to look at Abigaile, his eyes seeming to ask, “Is he from the psych ward?”

Abigaile was equally embarrassed.

She hadn’t expected Ethan to pull such a stunt. Thankfully, her sunglasses and mask spared her the need to literally dig a hole and crawl into it.

“Mr. Logan, you know the state of your health,” Ethan continued, accustomed to navigating awkward situations.

“As long as I’m not embarrassed, then it’s someone else’s problem,” he thought. “You wouldn’t want your colleagues and family to find out about the false accusations, to leave this world disgraced amid rumors and slander.”

Logan was silent for a long time before he finally spoke, his voice low, “I don’t have any family left.”

Ethan fell silent.

Abigaile turned her head away, covering her face with her hand.

“Do you really want to leave it at that?” Ethan tried to push a bit harder. “Leaving behind a reputation as the guy who harassed a high school girl and then died under everyone’s scornful eyes?”

“I didn’t harass anyone! We were boyfriend and girlfriend!” Logan suddenly roared, his voice filled with anger. “We both agreed to be together forever!”

Abigaile frowned from the side. The idea of a middle-aged man and a high school girl together just didn’t sit right with her. She could already imagine all sorts of scenarios where the girl was taking advantage of him.

“I believe you,” Ethan said, dismissing the complexities. This was all part of an important mission for him.

He needed to find and fulfill a dying wish within a week to exchange for a healing potion.

Logan’s expression changed several times, and after a long silence, he finally spoke, his gaze drifting out the window. “Their name is Lily Scott. I first met them a year ago when they started working at our convenience store.”

“Wait… hold on!” Ethan quickly interrupted. “Why did you say ‘they’? What’s going on? I thought this was about a high school girl?”

“Well, they were ‘he’ back then,” Logan replied. “They worked at the store, and I was their senior. They were very polite and shy. Are you prejudiced against transgender people?”

“Uh, sorry, please continue,” Ethan said, massaging his temples, signaling Logan to go on.

“They looked fragile but were really hardworking,” Logan continued, his eyes clouding over with memories, a faint smile playing on his lips.

“I often helped them, and we got to know each other better. They would share their school troubles with me.”

Logan paused, his tone changing slightly. “Then one day, they told me they felt like a girl and wanted to use the money they earned to buy medication, but they were afraid of being seen as a freak. They were also being bullied and mocked by the boys in their class.”

“I encouraged them to be themselves and promised to follow them after school to protect them.”

“Our relationship grew stronger, and, well, I felt like it was meant to be.”

“They stopped working at the store eventually, but I still followed them after school every day to protect them.”

“We talked occasionally, but as our love grew deeper, I gathered the courage to confess my feelings to them.”

“Alright, Mr. Logan, I understand now,” Ethan stood up. “I’ll go out and investigate the situation further.”

He nodded at Abigaile as he spoke.

After saying goodbye to Logan, they left the hospital room together.

Once in the hallway, Abigaile pulled down her mask, her expression perplexed. “This sounds like a delusion, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, although the world is always full of surprises, this situation…” Ethan nodded, and just at that moment, a panel popped up in front of him.

“Dying Wish: Logan hopes Lily will truly admit to loving him.”

“Mission Reward: 1000 points, random skill +1.”

“But we can’t generalize,” Ethan said, his expression darkening. “After all, it’s Mr. Logan’s last wish. We have to help him fulfill it.”

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