Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 123: Is it really that fun?

Chapter 123: Is it really that fun?

Chapter 123: Is it really that fun?

“Come over here.” Jessica glanced around, trying to pull him into a corner.

“How about we go to my hospital room?” Ethan suggested, his gaze sweeping over the middle-aged man in the bed through the window.

Yes, Jessica had just come out of that hospital room.

That patient was exactly the type of client he was targeting.

As for touching Ethan’s… well, you know.

He wasn’t scared at all,his… was now as hard as a rock, not afraid of Jessica doing anything inappropriate.

“Oh?” Jessica saw he wasn’t flustered and her expression turned playful, then she smiled, “Alright then.”

“This way.” Ethan led the way, equally eager to get some information out of Jessica.

They walked side by side.

Abigaile walked around the lawn, didn’t see him, checked the time—it was only early afternoon—and decided to head back to her apartment.

Just as she was about to step away, thoughts of work, her agent, Felix, all meshed into a complex web in her mind.

Abigaile clutched at her chest, suddenly feeling suffocated.

She hesitated, then turned around, deciding to check the hospital room.

After Ethan and Jessica entered the hospital room, they locked the door behind them.

“Officer Jessica, even though you’re a friend of my aunt, I don’t want to keep leaving myself at your mercy. How about we strike a deal and have an open and honest talk?”

His relationship with his aunt had evolved beyond just familial ties.

After he came into a significant sum of $100,000, his standing in the family had risen, and Scarlett started considering his opinions more seriously instead of just seeing him as a child to look after.

He was willing to talk to Jessica, mainly to extract some crucial information from her.

Jessica took off her police cap, her gaze playful, “You’re making it less fun for me to bully you, kid.”

Ethan twitched a smile, looking at her badge, “Could you repeat that with your badge in hand?”

Jessica, with a twinkle in her eye, walked over and ran her hand up his thigh, slipping her hand inside his pants.

Her fingers were long and easily grasped him.

Ethan remained silent, activating his skill, Hard as a Rock LV4.

Her eyes lit up, “Can you perform that trick for me? The one where you smash a bottle with your… you know?”

“I want to know who that man was earlier,” Ethan whispered, “If it’s too confidential, never mind.”

Jessica looked at him sideways, a smirk forming, “Five minutes.”

“Okay.” Ethan felt weird about letting his aunt’s best friend play with his… well, you know, but he needed firsthand information.

He had memorized the layout and details of the hospital departments to facilitate his mission.

The man from earlier was in the intensive care unit, a place for those who might pass away at any moment.

Plus, with the police involved, it definitely related to some case.

About to die and still involved in a case—this was exactly the kind of high-value client he was looking for.

“This isn’t classified information,” Jessica said, intrigued, “His name is Logan Gray. A minor reported him for indecent behavior, which triggered his heart attack. He’s past the critical phase now, but according to the doctors, his heart could fail at any moment.”

“Indecent behavior?” The first thing Ethan thought of was a subway pervert.

Such incidents were not uncommon in this city.

Seeing him deep in thought, Jessica added, “But he insists he was framed, claiming that he and the girl were mutually in love.”

“Given his current condition, I’m just here to get the basic facts clear. I’m also afraid of further agitating him.”

“Any other information?” Ethan felt there was more to the story.

It was simple reasoning—he was nearly dead, hardly a reason to lie now.

Jessica put a finger to her lips, signaling silence, “That’s all I can tell you, honey. After all, I am a police officer.”

“Hey, when you’re claiming to be a cop, can you take your hand off first?” Ethan said, exasperated.

“Can’t do that~ According to our deal, we still have five minutes.” Jessica gave a mischievous grin. “Ethan, your… is about to be devoured by me soon~”

“Hurry up.” Ethan turned his head away. It was just five minutes, and with his Hard as a Rock LV4 skill, he wasn’t worried about her.

He turned back to look out the window and froze. The curtains weren’t completely closed, leaving a small gap, and there was a silhouette of a person there.

Since Jessica was facing away from the window, her body shielded what she was doing from any potential prying eyes.

Ethan, however, felt incredibly awkward. It was just weird.

Abigaile stood outside the window, equally embarrassed. She hadn’t found Ethan outside, so she decided to head back to the hospital room.

Then she saw a uniformed police officer grabbing Ethan and entering the room.

Abigaile, being a public figure, decided to wait outside, and then saw the two enter the room and casually close the door behind them.

This all-too-familiar scenario made her instantly conclude that something adult was about to happen inside.

She moved closer to the window and, as she suspected, her view was blocked by the police officer.

But from Ethan’s expression, she could tell what was happening inside.

Seeing the officer fully dressed, mainly her hands were busy.

“Is it really that fun?” Abigaile felt a stir of interest, images from adult videos popping into her mind.

Her heart thudded wildly.

Women can be very lustful too.

Time ticked by, second by second.

Jessica, being a cop, stuck to her punctual principles. Five minutes meant exactly five minutes.

“Feels good, huh? Too bad time’s up.”

Ethan twitched a smile, “How about you extend the time, give me a bit more info?”

“Can’t do that~” Jessica chuckled as she straightened his pants and winked at him. “I am a cop, after all!”

Ethan didn’t know what kind of expression to make.

Jessica waved at him and left, as if she really just came in to play for five minutes and then leave.

“What is she even thinking?” Ethan felt it was odd, but he didn’t have any more clues.

About ten minutes after she left.

Abigaile walked in nonchalantly, pretending she hadn’t been there long: “The hospital lawn is really nice. It’s been a while since I’ve enjoyed this kind of peace.”

“Yeah, you should come out more often to enjoy the sun.” Ethan played along, already guessing that the peeper was Abigaile.

Though she was an actress, her overacting had always been criticized.

This time, he’d seen it firsthand.

But in the adult world, even if you see something, you’re supposed to act like you didn’t.

“Abby, I’m planning to look into some things, want to join me?” Ethan extended the invitation, seeing her as a useful ally.

“Sure!” Abigaile, curious about Ethan after the Michael Morgan incident, was eager to join.

“Let’s go, I think there’s something fishy about this.” Ethan stepped out of the hospital room.

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