Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 117: Relieved that it was finally over

Chapter 117: Relieved that it was finally over

Chapter 117: Relieved that it was finally over

“Wait… hold on.” Michael was confused. “Why would I want my wife to wear a blindfold when we make love?”

“No, Mr. Michael, not your wife,” Ethan shook his head. “After you divorce Victoria and she gets together with Joseph, you’ll be sleeping with your brother’s wife.”

Clearly, Michael was dizzy with the convoluted scenario.

“Think about it, Mr. Michael,” Ethan’s voice lowered. “You could sleep with Joseph’s wife as revenge for his betrayal, and he would even raise your child. You want a child, don’t you?”

Michael’s face went through several expressions, his fists clenched and then relaxed as he wrestled with his thoughts.

“Joseph has already agreed,” Ethan dropped another bombshell. “He’s willing to raise your child.”

Michael sat up sharply, disbelief etched on his face, then slumped back onto the bed. “He agreed…”

“I guess Joseph is trying to atone,” Ethan said softly. “After all, he seduced your wife and betrayed your love.”

Michael was silent for a long time before finally nodding.

Ethan left the hospital room.

Joseph came around the corner, anxious. “Mr. Ethan, do you really have a way for my brother to forgive me?”

“Yes, and Mr. Michael has agreed,” Ethan saw the anxiety and tension in his eyes. “I can now tell you the way to make everyone happy.”

Clearly, Joseph’s love for his brother outweighed his feelings for his sister-in-law.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have let Victoria go off with male escorts for group activities without a care.

“Please, tell me.” Joseph hesitated, not quite believing in a solution that would make everyone happy, but with his brother’s agreement, hope was kindled.

Ethan repeated the plan he had told Michael.

“I marry Victoria and then let her have my brother’s child?” Joseph was baffled.

Their relationships were already complicated enough.

But Ethan’s plan was even more explosive.

“Yes, that way everyone can be happy,” Ethan explained earnestly. “You said you and Victoria are in love, right? Hoping to live together, all three of you.”

“You can have a normal marriage, and Mr. Michael leaves behind a child. You claim to love Mr. Michael, but wouldn’t you want to raise his child?”

Joseph looked troubled, shaking his head. “No, if it’s my brother’s child, I… I think I could.”

“Hmm,” Ethan nodded. “See, in the end, you get Mr. Michael’s forgiveness, love, a child, and even an inheritance. Everyone can be happy.”

“I’m not in it for the inheritance,” Joseph quickly said.

“I know, it’s all about providing for the child,” Ethan said sincerely.

After a brief silence, Michael asked, “What… what do I do next?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll find a professional to help you,” Ethan patted his shoulder. “You should go see your brother first,he’s already forgiven you.”

Michael paused, then nodded and ran off towards the hospital room.

Ethan watched him go, exhaling deeply. Now for the final step.

Later that afternoon, at a fast-food restaurant not far from the hospital.

Ethan waited in a booth, tapping his fingers on the table, then saw a stylishly dressed woman enter.

“Miss Victoria, over here.”

He waved with a smile.

After Victoria sat down, her expression surprised, “Coach Biggie, I didn’t expect you to ask me out alone.”

“Hmm, because there’s something important I need to discuss with you,” Ethan picked up a glass of water. He had previously interacted with her at the gentlemen’s club under the alias Coach Biggie.

Getting her to come out was unexpectedly easy.

It’s rare for a married woman to refuse an invitation from a 10-inch Dick.

“Really? What’s this about?” Victoria was curious, her eyes flashing with caution. She didn’t think there could be any serious business with the young man in front of her—if there was, her first thought would be a scam.

Scams were a daily occurrence in this city.

“Don’t worry, I’m not here to borrow money,” Ethan noticed her suspicion and looked into her eyes. “Let me reintroduce myself. My name is Ethan, and I’m actually a detective. Coach Biggie is just a side gig.”

Victoria looked at the handsome young man in front of her, a question mark practically forming above her head.

“Your husband hired me to investigate you. You should know, after what happened, he wants a divorce,” Ethan’s voice was serious.

“Michael, Joseph, and you, Miss Victoria, I’ve investigated everything about your situation.”

Victoria’s body shivered, fully aware of the outrageous situation between her husband and brother-in-law.

Now that Ethan had bluntly laid it out, she visibly panicked.

“Let me cut to the chase. I proposed a plan to Mr. Michael that could make all three of you happy.” Ethan repeated the plan he had shared with Michael and Joseph.

Victoria’s face was a mix of shock and disbelief, a whirlwind of emotions.

After a long pause, she shook her head frantically: “Impossible, this is absurd.”

“You love Joseph, don’t you?” Ethan stared into her eyes, his gaze piercing as if seeing into her soul.

“I…” Victoria tried to deny it, opened her mouth, but said nothing.

“If you reject this proposal, then he will surely have instructed his lawyer to divorce you before he dies. You frequent the gentlemen’s club and have inappropriate relations with many men. As the party at fault in the marriage, you’d get at most 30% of the assets,” Ethan stated decisively. “And knowing your husband is seriously ill, you immediately went to the gentlemen’s club. If that gets spun a bit more, not only will you get even less, but I think your reputation will be destroyed too.”

“You wouldn’t want your friends and family to see what those reporters, desperate for a scoop, might write without any limits.”

“It’s their fault, not mine!” Victoria was frantic.

“But you have no proof,” Ethan shook his head. “Michael can afford lawyers, can pay for PR, can control the narrative. Can you?”

Victoria felt as if her soul had been drained, taking a moment to gather herself: “Why are you telling me all this?”

“Because I believe a mother should have the right to choose for her child,” Ethan spoke softly. “If you don’t want to carry Michael’s child, then use contraception after the masked encounter. Later, have Joseph’s child.”

“You’ll marry the man you love, raise a child with him, and secure a worry-free inheritance.”

“In this plan, Michael will also pass away peacefully.”

“That way, everyone can be happy.”

Victoria was silent for a full half-hour.

Ethan waited patiently.

She finally looked up: “What do you want out of this?”

“After you secure the inheritance, I’ll need a payment of $50,000,” Ethan said.

“Okay,” Victoria nodded.

The two reached an agreement.

Ethan watched her leave, exhaling deeply, relieved that it was finally over.

So, is this person a hero of true love or a cuckold?

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