Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 116: Choose one

Chapter 116: Choose one

Chapter 116: Choose one

“Something smells funky in here.” Blair walked back into the hospital room, casually tossing her handbag onto the bed as her eyes swept over it, her expression playful.

“Cough, don’t worry about it, just open the window and it’ll clear up,” Ethan replied, turning his head away, although it was aimed at the aunt’s high heels where some semen had been accidentally shot.

There’s always a bit that ends up outside.

“Did mom come by?” Blair asked, taking off her sports jacket to reveal a sailor suit and a plaid skirt underneath.

“I rarely see you in this outfit.” Ethan’s gaze lingered on her thighs,Emily always wore a sailor suit and plaid skirt whenever she came.

Her slightly protruding chest accentuated the cuteness of a young girl.

But this uniform on Blair was a far cry from cute,she leaned more towards a cool, handsome, older sister vibe.

On her, the uniform looked like a cool, mature woman trying to look younger.

Unexpectedly, it had its own charm.

“Yeah, the school recently banned casual clothes,” Blair said nonchalantly, unbuttoning her collar and slipping out of the uniform.

Being naked was only uncomfortable the first time.

But once you try it, you realize how truly comfortable it is in the summer.

Blair quickly finished changing and picked up her pajamas to go wash up in the bathroom.

Ethan kept watching her from behind. Ever since that drunken night, Blair had stopped wearing underwear around him.

It was as if a layer of cling film had been punctured between them.

Blair was completely uninhibited around him now, doing whatever felt comfortable.

As Blair entered the bathroom, Ethan opened the system panel.

“Last wish generated: Michael hopes his property won’t be inherited by his wife after his death.”

“Task reward: 1000 points, double exchangeable skills, add skill recycling feature.”

He carefully read the task description and went over the details of completing it in his mind.

He needed to ensure legally that Victoria wouldn’t inherit any property, while all parties could still have a bright future.

“Come on, just stick to the plan, and you can do it,” Ethan encouraged himself.

While he was thinking.

Blair came out of the bathroom after her shower, completely naked, just holding a towel to dry her hair, with droplets of water clinging to her pale skin.

Ethan suddenly realized how fair Blair’s skin was, the water droplets trailing down her chest, along her flat stomach, down to her pubic bone.

“Are you planning to marry my mom?” Blair asked casually as she grabbed a beer from the mini-fridge and took a big gulp.

“Ah, why bring that up all of a sudden?” Ethan, looking at her figure, suddenly felt that Blair was quite feminine when undressed.

Though her bust was less than a B, she had nice curves, and her hips were perky in a healthy way, not large.

“Just curious,” Blair said with a towel draped over her shoulders, turning her head with a smile at the corner of her mouth: “Lately, you’ve been giving off a real sense of security.”

“Hmm, I’ll take that as your approval of me as a brother for now,” Ethan was surprised, rarely hearing such direct comments from Blair.

After the water droplets on her skin had air-dried, Blair put on a nightgown, her healthy body now covered by fabric.

She brushed her long hair from her forehead with a particularly cool gesture: “My mom hasn’t been this relaxed in many years.”

“Oh, so does that mean you’ll have to start calling me ‘dad’?” Ethan joked. “You seem pretty keen on me marrying aunt.”

“Yeah.” Blair lay back on the bed, propping up her legs: “That way, the three of us could always be together.”

“Oh, but even if I marry aunt,” Ethan looked at Blair, “you’ll have to get married and leave someday.”

“Hmm, let’s worry about the future when it comes,” Blair said, lying back and closing her eyes.

Seeing this, Ethan decided not to say more.

The evening breeze wafted in through the window, gently caressing Blair’s cheeks as she snuggled into the warm blankets.

That night, she slept soundly.

The next day arrived.

After Blair left for school, Ethan called Joseph, asking him to come over to his hospital room.

Joseph, having some free time, arrived in less than an hour.

“Mr. Joseph, I’ve thought of a way for everyone to be happy,” Ethan said, his expression serious.

“Ah?” Joseph looked puzzled. With his beloved brother on his deathbed, how could everyone possibly be happy?

“I want you to pursue Victoria and then marry her,” Ethan stated earnestly.

Joseph’s face showed a question mark, and he immediately waved his hands, “Absolutely not. My brother has been upset and even his illness worsened because of issues with his wife.”

“What if he agrees?” Ethan squinted. “I’ll convince him. You love Victoria, right? She’s wasting away in gentlemen’s clubs every night, sleeping with different men. Can you really stand by and watch? Shouldn’t a man protect the woman he loves?”

Hearing about Victoria sleeping with other men made Joseph shudder.

Clearly, whether a normal man or one with a cuckold complex, discovering such a fact would be unsettling.

“Is that… true?” Joseph’s voice trembled.

“You can verify it anytime. I’ll convince Mr. Michael to accept it, don’t worry,” Ethan said with unwavering confidence.

Joseph’s expression fluctuated, but he eventually nodded.

“Trust me, Mr. Joseph,” Ethan said seriously. “I will make everyone happy.”

Joseph then hid around the corner to wait.

Ethan entered Michael’s hospital room.

Michael looked surprised to see him,in his mind, this matter was already settled.

“Mr. Michael,” Ethan began softly, “I promised to help you fulfill your last wish.”

“Ah?” Michael was confused.

“You truly wish for Victoria not to inherit your estate, which is legally impossible,” Ethan stated bluntly, “unless she voluntarily renounces it.”

“And then?” Michael asked calmly, already aware of this but also knowing it was unlikely to happen.

“I hope you can bless Victoria and Joseph, let them be together,” Ethan observed his reaction closely. As he finished, Michael’s expression darkened, clearly about to get angry.

“Mr. Michael, your anger stems mainly from your brother Joseph betraying you by falling for your wife.”

“So, just switch it up. Let Joseph marry Victoria, and then you sleep with her. It’s like getting even, and that should be enough for you to forgive Joseph.”

Michael’s expression went from stunned to livid, his eyes darting to a fruit knife on a nearby table.

“Wait, Mr. Michael, don’t get worked up,” Ethan said quickly, seeing he was seriously angry. “Back in the day, you won Victoria’s heart. Now, you can pursue her in Joseph’s name.”

“Help Joseph win your wife, then whether it’s blindfolded or some other kinky way, let Victoria conceive your child.”

“Then make a will leaving everything to the child in her womb, with Joseph managing it.”

“Victoria will think the child is Joseph’s, afraid to arouse your suspicions. Then let Joseph propose to Victoria, and she won’t object.”

Michael looked utterly baffled.

“Mr. Michael, think about it. This way, you get back at your brother for his betrayal, make his wife pregnant, and have Joseph raise your child. Plus, all your money goes to your child, and Victoria gets nothing. It’s a triple win.”

Michael massaged his temples. The cancer was causing him pain, his head buzzing. Ethan’s convoluted plan left him utterly blank.

“Mr. Michael,” Ethan lowered his voice again, “after you pass away, would you rather she squanders your estate or raises your child? Choose one.”

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