The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 500: I am waiting for you

Chapter 500: I am waiting for you

One morning passed when the two were in the same space like this, but rarely communicated without feeling awkward.

Ill take you to dinner. Jiang Mosheng told Yu Jinli.

Okay. Yu Jinli responded with a smile.

In the past, the military did not have a cafeteria. After all, everyone was eating nutritional supplements, and they brought some with them, and they could be poured directly at the meal.

However, since the military department learned that Yu Jinlis cooking is very good and the food is particularly delicious, he asked him to train a few chefs for the military personnel, so that those hard-working soldiers in the military department can also taste delicious food. The wonderful taste of the military department cafeteria was born.

However, there are only a few dishes that the chefs in the canteens of the military can cook. They were taken by Yu Jinli for a while, and the rest were all learned from Yu Jinlis previous live video, although the taste was not Authentic, but still very much loved by the military. Every time I go to a meal, the cafeteria is the most crowded place.

Jiang Mosheng naturally knew this, so he brought Yu Jinli to the cafeteria in advance, so he didnt have to be crowded with other people.

Jiang Mosheng originally wanted to cook for Yu Jinli himself. Unfortunately, he did nt have a small kitchen in his office, and he did nt have enough time to return home, so he had to eat in the cafeteria. It happened to be the kind that Yu Jinli taught herself before, which was the signature dish in the cafeteria.

Yu Jinli looked at the braised fish, prawns in oil sauce, and sweet and sour pork ribs in front of him, all of which he liked to eat. Although the taste was not as delicious as that made by Jiang Mosheng, he was also satisfied.

Sure enough, the charm of Chinese cuisine is infinite. If it is not for the limited capacity of human stomachs, I really want to keep eating.

When Yu Jinli and Jiang Mosheng finished eating, they had arrived at the canteen prescribed by the cafeteria, and then saw countless soldiers scrambling to come to the cafeteria as quickly as possible, lest they be slower than they could catch their desire Eating meals.

Yu Jinli was the first time to see such a scene, and could not help but stand aside to make way for others.

Although everyones actions seemed rude, they were very disciplined. The team was neatly arranged, and none of them cut in line to compete, and it was indeed the most disciplined military department.

Lets go. Jiang Mosheng has been standing next to Yu Jinli, using his body to protect people in his arms, to avoid being hit by those rushing soldiers, and then intending to return to the office with him.

However, Yu Jinli suddenly said, I will go to the First Military Academy in the afternoon. Ah Ye and they contact me to ask me something.

Jiang Mosheng made a move. Although he really wanted the little guy to continue to accompany himself, he also had his own things to do, so he said, Ill send you over.

Okay. Yu Jinli looked up and showed a bright smile.

Yu Jinli returned to school again, and had a long-lost feeling. Although he graduated from school only half a year ago, his mentality and feeling were different.

He used to come to the military academy as a student, but now he is already a graduate alumni, and he is also a very famous graduate alumni.

Therefore, when Yu Jinli was walking on the campus, almost all eyes fell on him, apparently recognizing this genius who had caused a sensation throughout the campus.

Facing the eyes of others or looking upright or secretly, Yu Jinli accepted it kindly and smiled back.

Its Yu Jinli, and really it is Yu Jinli. He came back. I was so happy to be able to see him so close.

I was admitted to the First Military Academy only for the senior Yu Jinli. I thought I could be with him for five or six years. As a result, who knows that his talents and efforts are beyond my imagination. He graduated within a year. I ca nt reach such a level, I can only worship. I really want to see the seniors often. A girl said sighingly.

Hey, I was in the same grade as him, and I had been in the same school for three years with happiness. The other girl couldnt help showing off, and immediately got the envious eyes of the people around her.

For this kind of praise, Yu Jinli has become accustomed. He came to the teaching building where he had been staying for three years, and found the students in class F.

The students in class F were very excited to see Yu Jinli, and hurriedly gathered around, just like before.

Little chestnut, how are you doing recently? How is working life different from student life?

Little chestnut, where have you been with your instructor for your honeymoon, and I will play next time.

Little chestnut

The last time you saw Yu Jinli was at their wedding. It took more than a month to pass by. In spite of the short time, you always feel that you havent seen little chestnuts for a long time and miss them.

Yu Jinli patiently answered everyones questions one by one, and then asked everyones recent status, so she said the topic.

Did you guys have any problems in mental strength training? Yu Jinli thought of this after receiving Yuan Huis communication. After all, Class F was the first batch of the entire federal system to use the Spiritual Strength Training Method. Master Card, and this cheat was provided by him, naturally he will be responsible to class F to the end.

The F classmates heard the words, and looked at each other suddenly, with a subtle smile on their faces.

Little chestnut, please come and see. Ge Yitian took Yu Jinlis hand, took him to a simple instrument dedicated to testing mental strength, and then released his mental strength and carried out the instrument. After the attack, the mental strength level of the detected person is displayed on the instrument.

The simple instrument for measuring mental strength is relatively small, easy to operate, and suitable for personal use, but the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, the mental strength level of the person can only be detected in general, and the precise mental strength testing center is required. Go for testing.

And this simple mental strength tester is for the convenience of class F students to detect their mental strength changes at any time. After they began to practice the Mental Strength Training Method, they felt that their mental strength was indeed not small.

The mental strength detected by the simple mental strength tester is divided by color. The five levels of ABcDF correspond to the five colors of red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. The mental strength test result of Ge Ge just one day is orange, indicating his mental strength. The level is already B.

Although the orange light is relatively light, it proves that he has just entered the ranks of B class, but it is enough

Everyone was pleasantly surprised.

After all, the mental potential that everyone has previously detected is level C. They thought that this is the highest in their lives, but they did not expect that one day they could break through to level B.

And this is just the beginning. Maybe they can break through to the A level, and truly become a genius!

When the mental strength of the first student in class F really increased to B, everyone s excitement could nt be expressed in words, just like someone who had entered the state of despair really saw hope, As long as they work hard, as long as they do not give up, they may seize this hope and regain a new life.

This is the feeling of all the students in Class F at this moment. Even if there are still many people who have not been promoted to B grade, they are not as anxious as before. After all, the truth is in front of them. All they need to do is to work hard, hard, and then Work hard!

Youve reached Class B? Yu Jinli said in surprise, looking at the color on the simple detector.

He gave the class F class mental tempering method in less than a year, but he did not expect that Ge Yitian could upgrade so quickly.

But think about it, Ge Yitian doesnt look young, but in the F class, the talents and qualifications are relatively good. It is expected that he will enter the B level in the first batch.

It was just that Yu Jinli did not expect that the students in Class F actually upgraded from C to B in just one year. It is enough to see how talented and hardworking they are.

Huh. Ge Tianyis cute little face showed a sweet smile, obviously very happy.

He shared it with Yu Jinli the first time he upgraded. After all, it was the hope brought to them by the small chestnuts, so they also hoped to share all the joys with the small chestnuts.

Later, several classmates came forward to test, and all of them have been promoted to B grade. Other students who have not upgraded their mental strength are not too impatient. After all, they also work hard, but their talents are different. .

Moreover, compared to card makers who cannot upgrade in other classes, they are already very lucky and fortunate, so they are very content.

Little chestnut, we will finish the college course soon, and then graduate to find you. Meteor and others all solemnly promised.

They are not the immature sister-in-laws of the past. They now have very clear goals for the future, and they know what they should do and how they should do it. Therefore, the current class F students are almost completely reborn, even if the teachers meet. They all have to say the miracle of the First Military Academy.

Okay, Im waiting for you. Yu Jinli also responded with a smile, and then left some of the new Pokmon card designs that were newly researched and let them practice by themselves.

Class F students have been concealing everyones practice of the Spiritual Training Method. It is not that Yu Jinli did not intend to make it public. He originally gave this cheat to class F students. Hold the idea of being open and giving away to the Commonwealth.

However, before no one succeeded in cultivation, he was not sure whether this cheat would be effective for card makers, but there was absolutely no harm in it.

That s why Yu Jinli first practiced for her class F classmates. Once they ve improved their mental power levels, they will confirm that they re effective before sending them to the federation. The second reason is that they have to be close to their own people and wait for themselves. People s mental strength has been improved. They are a few steps ahead of other card makers, and they ca nt hide it before sending it out. Class F students can also get more and greater benefits.

However, Yu Jinli knows that this cheat book is not far from the time to send it out, because the class F classmates mental strength will sooner or later explode. I hope that before the explosion, everyone can improve a little more than others. Go further.

Because of the matter of Si Paohui, Jiang Zhentaos mood has not been high. Even at home, sometimes his brows are wrinkled, obviously very troubled and very worried.

The virus that can cause Si Paohui to mutate has not been detected. Everyone is worried that because the virus is too hidden, researchers will not find it. If this is the case, once the virus has spread, Then there will be an unprecedented disaster for humanity.

Although only one case of Si Paohui has been found at present, there is no guarantee that the second and third cases will not occur in the future. Therefore, they need to prepare in advance before finding a solution.

However, Jiang Zhentao couldnt directly tell the masses about the zombies, that would really cause panic, but without telling them, he couldnt get all the masses to prepare in advance, which was really a headache.

Yu Jinli watched his father worry, and knew why he was worried, but he could nt help anything. When he stayed at home, he kept changing the pattern to make something delicious for the family, hoping that they would eat. When it comes to food, I can feel better.

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