The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 499: Research on Zombies

Chapter 499: Research on Zombies

The earth has also experienced the last days, but he did nt see it with his own eyes, and he did nt know if the last days of the earth were the same as in the novel, and he only tried to try the methods of Si Paohui and others. Yes, I didnt expect it to be really useful.

Are these all zombies?

Just why are zombies here?

Zombie? Bai Hu repeated puzzledly.

Zombies are dead, said Yu Jinli.

When Bai Hu and others heard the words, they nodded one after another, and thought that this explanation was really good, but was nt it just that they lost all the corpses of Tianliang? They all turned into corpses. It is not enough to describe these monsters just to be exhausted.

Its just why are zombies here? And these people have been fighting with the boss before, how did they become zombies?

According to Xiao Xunzis explanation, zombies generally become zombies if they are infected with a certain virus. That is to say, these people, at least the boss of these people had been infected with some virus before, and then suddenly broke out after his death. So it turned into a zombie?

So what virus can make humans into zombies?

This question is very critical, we must find it out quickly, otherwise, if this virus spreads among humans, would humans have to go through the last days again?

Everyone at the scene has not experienced the last time of the earth, but as interstellar humans, they have heard of the last time of the earth, and they are very impressed, although they do not know how the end of the earth came. The specific details are also unclear, but knowing the dangers and consequences, and knowing that the coming of the last days is related to the survival of human beings, is a vital event.

No one dared to delay anymore, and confirmed that Si Paohui and the younger brothers were dead and could not die anymore, and they wanted to move all the corpses back to their other spacecraft and take them Return to Capital Star for research.

After all, this is the first-hand information of the zombies, and while no other zombies have been found, the reasons and viruses will be cracked first.

Cant bring back the Capital Star directly. Qinglong hurriedly stopped Bai Hu and others.

Why? Bai Hu looked at Qinglong puzzledly.

Bring these zombies back, if they are found, they will definitely cause panic, and if these viruses can really infect people, we will bring them back to Capital Star, where if accidentally researchers also infected the virus, they will suffer. The first is the Capital Star, Qinglong explained.

Others heard that they immediately felt very reasonable. Capital Star is the center and lifeline of their federation.

With a large population and many secrets, if the zombie tide really breaks out, starting with Capital Star is definitely a disaster and a devastating blow for their federation.

The research on zombies is best conducted in secret, and it is better to perform it on an unmanned planet, because it can be effectively controlled even if it is really infected. At least the zombies have no thinking, only instinct-driven, should not drive A spaceship, so it wo nt spread to other planets.

Several people subconsciously looked at the unmanned planet in front of them, because the first discovery point and the eruption point of zombies were here, and this is undoubtedly the most suitable place to study zombies, and it can also guarantee zombies.

The corpse will not be damaged during the relocation, which will cause humans to lose important research materials.

You stayed in charge of these zombies, and I went back to immediately call for researchers to stop anyone from stepping on this planet again, Jiang Mosheng said in a deep voice.

Yes! Bai Hu and others responded in unison, with a solemn attitude.

Because they also know that this matter is related to the survival of the entire human race. Even the m70 small warship that was discovered before and who actually sent these people to remove Jiang Mosheng were temporarily pushed back by them.

Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli returned to the Capital Star at the fastest speed. Members of the Divine Beast Team previously left the military department under the name of vacation, so they did not cause much suspicion.

It is only the return of Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli that let Jian Kangtai and Yuan Qizhang know that their plan failed this time. It would be difficult to have such an opportunity again, and what they have to do now is to hide their own Tail, dont let Jiang Mosheng catch it.

Jian Kangtai was the minion of Yuan Qizhang. When Jiang Mosheng returned, he was always in a state of fear, lest this incident be investigated by Jiang Mosheng, and then investigate into his body and destroy it. He ruined the entire Jian family.

Until this time, Kang Kangtai was really afraid. However, Jiang Mosheng had no time to ignore Jian Kangtai and Yuan Qizhang at this moment. He had more important things to do.

After returning to the Jiang family, Jiang Mofei informed Jiang Zhentao about the incident and asked him to choose a reliable and powerful researcher to study on the unmanned planet.

What you said is true? Jiang Zhentaos expression was the same as that of Jiang Mosheng. Looking at Jiang Zhentaos appearance, he can imagine Jiang Moshengs middle-aged appearance.

Yes, it is not certain what way they were infected, but those who have been beaten will become the same monster. Jiang Mosheng said lightly.

I know, I will do this as soon as possible, you dont care about it first. Jiang Zhentao waved his hand at Jiang Mokun, signaled that he could go out first, and then pinched the bridge of his nose with a headache, his face showed The color of exhaustion.

This human being has settled down for thousands of years, how can we face such a big crisis? This time, there are no Long Sizis and King Wang to help mankind through difficulties.

Alas Jiang Zhentao sighed deeply in sorrow.

However, fortunately, human beings are much stronger than thousands of years ago, and there are many psionicists and card makers. If the end time really comes again, human beings will not be as surviving as before. Its possible.

I wish he had thought about all this, and what was in the last days would not come.

After Jiang Zhentao took over the things studied by Si Paohui and others, Jiang Mosheng turned to investigating the incident of Si Paohuis sniper, because it must have something to do with how Si Paohui would become a zombie. Regardless of whether the relationship is large or small, this matter must be investigated thoroughly.

As soon as Jiang Mosheng started his investigation, Yuan Qizhang and Jian Kangtai began to panic.

However, Jiang Mosheng hadnt had time to investigate, but Jiang Zhentaos side had preliminary results first.

Ability enhancement fluid? Jiang Mosheng repeated with a faint voice, not surprised by this result, or that he had guessed this result before.

After all, the contrast between the strength of Si Paohui before and after is really too great, and the strength behind it has jumped a

Large level, in addition to the ability to improve fluid, he really can not think of anything else that can increase a persons ability level by one level.

But how did a kidnapper get something like power booster?

The power-enhancing fluid is the greatest contribution that the current federal president Yuan Qizhang has made to the federation, and because of this, he continued to be re-elected as a president and received the support of the masses.

However, the power-up liquid is difficult to produce due to the rare materials and methods. It has not been circulated in the market so far. Most of it has been given priority to the militarys contributing abilities. The rest are basically in the hands of Marshal of the military and President Yuan Qizhang are rarely even on the black market.

Even if they are fired at sky-high prices, that is not something a kidnapper can get.

Then why does the kidnapper have a power-up booster? This has to be doubted.

Although it is not known that there is a direct relationship between the president and the kidnappers, at least it is a clue, and it will be much easier to investigate.

Coupled with the m70 small warships developed by the Federation, the background of those who can provide these warships is certainly not small, and it is also a useful clue.

The abductors body contains a lot of components of the power-enhancing fluid. In addition, no other virus that can cause human mutation has been found. Jiang Zhentao informed the researcher that his test results had been repeated to Jiang Mosheng, but his brows were frowned. Wrinkled tightly.

If no other virus or component that can cause human mutation can be detected in Si Paohuis body,

Then it will be very difficult to study zombies and prevent them from being effectively prevented. This is not good news.

What about the results of other peoples inspections? Jiang Mosheng asked.

At present, only one of the kidnappers has been checked. The others have not had time to check, so I will come and inform you of the result. Jiang Zhentao said that he wanted to provide Jiang Mokun with the clue of power boosting fluid, so he would advance. Tell him the results, and other peoples inspections are also in progress.


The two fathers and sons sat face to face, but they were speechless, eyes widened and eyes narrowed. Eventually, Jiang Zhentao broke the quiet scene and said, Ill go down and see what your mom has done. Dont be too busy these days. , Come back to spend more time with little chestnuts.

Since Jiang Mosheng returned from his honeymoon, he has to go to the military to report daily, handle daily affairs, train recruits, and the incident of kidnappers. There are enough things to keep him busy, and naturally he has less time to accompany Yu Jinli A lot.

After all, the young couple had just gotten newly married, and Jiang Zhentao was not so good at squeezing his eldest son, so he told him

Um. Jiang Mosheng nodded.

In fact, he also wanted to spend time with the little guy all the time. However, as a soldier, his duties did not let him lose the affairs of the military department, and he could only find a balance in the middle.

Fortunately, Yu Jinli is also a member of the military. Although you can usually go to work without going to the military, it is also possible to go and see occasionally. In this way, Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli spend much more time together, and also Will not delay the affairs of the military, kill two birds with one stone.

Regardless of this, the single dogs of the military department received huge crit, and they were stuffed with dog food all day, especially members of the beast army directly under Jiang Mosheng. Ruthless

Satisfied you, see if there is any legion that has so many exclusive cardmakers like us? If you dont have a sister-in-law, where do you go to find these talented and powerful cardmakers? Bai Hu stood in the beast The members of the Legion reprimanded.

Today he came to guide everyone in training. Hearing the following people complained that they have been stuffed with dog food all day long, and they are almost ruthless. Even though Bai Hu thinks so, he still has to do something on the surface. .

Hey lets just talk about it. In fact, when we see that the boss and the sister-in-law are so good, we cant wait for the boss to be always nice to the sister-in-law. Dont lose the sister-in-law, otherwise we will follow the boss. Unlucky together. Said the people of the God Beasts.

Everyone instantly laughed and formed a group. In fact, they saw that Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli had a better relationship. They were happier than anyone else. After all, their army could be firmly tied to those cardmakers.

Every time I saw other members of the legion look at their envious, envious hate, they were very proud. Who asked their boss to give them such a good little bitch? This is something everyone else cannot envy.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law remembered by his legions were in Jiang Moshengs office at the moment, one was dealing with daily military affairs, and the other was opening a personal terminal and was enjoying it. There was no trace of communication in the entire office, but the atmosphere was unexpectedly harmonious. warm.

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