The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1014

Chapter 1014: Independent Kingdoms

“Second part, majesty, please, I’m intrigued.”

“Speaking of intrigue, do you know how a sword is kept at bay?”

“The physical object or an analogy?”

“Physical object.”

The goddess’ step slowed to a thoughtful march. The decorated walls passed by as did the chaos of unexpected guests. Come at a crosswalk, Eira and éclair shot past and rattled words, “-restraining a sword; break the blade or block the sheath.”

“Simple and effective,” they turned left for the grand hall, “-see, there’s a simpler method. Why not take out the swordsman.”



“Don’t look at me like that.”

“You didn’t specify.”

“Nor did the world,” he answered, taking her frown, “-decisions are made on assumptions, the worse of which fail. The reason, why I bring up the sword, is to put in mind the image of Wracia as a swordsman and the associated nations as his weapon. Picture it now, Wracia as a tall buff warrior and you a puny recruit, what are the odds?”

“I’d blast him with a spell or conjure my weapons.”

“This is fun for you, isn’t it,” he stopped, the grand hall held many o’ guests. Midne was spotted drowning in the booming crowd, “-ignoring my analogies and focusing literally.”

“Can’t help it,” she leaned and tapped with her shoulder, “-tell me, what’s the second part?”

“The act in where Hidros shows might. Juvey and Ezel came to our doorstep – kingdoms known for their violence. Recruiting Ezel couldn’t have been any simpler. They showed their hands and I acted upon the weakness. As for how, the key to our success, is Order of the Nightwalkers. Blessing of the Primo Progenitor and the united front. I had units move north and investigate the Empire, they pulled the strings linking the noble faction to Alphia and had Greenwhoot slowly become shunned. Nasty rumors, lack of prestige, affiliation to the devil – and the paperwork to support said claims. We struck at the core belief; their religion and doctrine. Once sowed, we but waited and they came to us with the alliance. Of course,” he side-glanced, “-manipulation is one of my many talents,” passed the grand hall, larger hallways carried into multiple directions, “-Juvey’s discovery was on luck. One of the nightwalkers, unfortunately, found themselves on the wrong shipment to Melida. There, were rumors of the king yet lives perked interest, wasn’t difficult to track the man for he’d returned himself to a farm and lived a modest life. We spoke over the phone. I could tell there was fear and regret in his voice. We struck a contract – immortality in exchange for loyalty and rulership over the provinces. That’s how they came to us. As for Wracia, the die was in motion. Thus, today,” they arrived at the palace’s entrance and looked down the marble stairs, “-the culmination of my many years of work.”

“Hate to say it, but I don’t believe so.”

“Ah,” he grabbed her shoulder, “-I didn’t ask for approval nor your belief, dearest Athena. I said so on a whim, I wanted someone to know what happened.”

Light footsteps scurried up the stairs, “-Uncle!” narrowed Hanna with her arms akimbo.

“Why is the palace filled with guests,” fired Anna, “-what about our deal? Father’s not been home since yesterday, we missed his birthday.”

“I do apologize, Hanna, Anna, as you’ve heard, Hidros’ declared war. Today’s only the second day, and don’t worry, we’ll host Cousin’s birthday later this evening. Have your dresses readied and expect more guests to come,” he smiled, “-the bigger the better. I’ll happily stamp the royal seal if I’m forgiven, yes?”

“Uncle,” the discontent turned smiles, “-we know about the war, and it’s alright.”

“We came to ask lady Midne if the party could be moved someplace else.”

“No need to concern yourselves, the ballroom is untouched. Rosespire castle is bigger than you think,” they calmly exchanged handshakes and carried on their merry lives.

“A party?”

“My lady,” panted a disheveled Medusa, “-emergency council, the military, and navy.”

“Right, well, majesty,” she spun and saluted, “-time for us to shine, thank you for cracking the barrier, allow us, your sword, to slash through.”

“Incorrect,” he narrowed suspense, “-you’re no sword, thou art firearms!”

“Better,” she bowed and darted for the courtyard. ‘-I’ve really done it,’ turned for the palace, airships hovered and played news of the war. Julius’ birthday was one to remember for it was the start of the World War.

Mild glimmer lit the office, the door pushed ajar with, “-Igna?” muffling through.

“Syhton,” he said over the desk, “-I’m here, lock the door behind.”

High-heels clopped, her outfit wasn’t one to ignore as it reflected her prestige and status, “-thank you very much for the help.”

“Words don’t suffice,” she crawled over the desk and straddled his legs, “-I’ve come for more,” her hair swept to one side and sharped canines dug into his neck, he casually patted her back and continued working, “-Syhton, seriously, I’m thankful for all you’ve done. I wouldn’t have asked for anyone else.” She eased on the drinking and grabbed his chin, “-are you sure,” her large blue eyes shimmered, “-are you sure you want to say that?”

“Yeah,” no other time for words, they locked lips passionately; the interface dimmed and minutes turned into hours. 12:49 tiptoed into 14:16, “-honestly, Syhton, I rather not do this again in the office.”

“Why not?” she freshened her makeup, “-seemed you enjoyed the little escapade.”

“Ha, ha,” he regained his seat, “-about the report?”

“Here,” she dropped three files, “-details on the independent kingdoms. Why the sudden interest?”

“You don’t know?”

“Know what?”

‘Suppose her flight was long.’

“Know what?” she pulled his tie, “-Igna?”

“War, Hidros’ headed to war.”

“Great news.”

“Yes, good news indeed.”

“Igna,” she grabbed his cheeks and pulled, “-there’s something bothering you, tell me, what’s the matter?”

“Something to do with the heavenly realm,” he exhaled, “-I rather not involve you in that mess.”

“Tell me.”

“No,” he brushed off her hands, “-never again.”

“If this is about Gophy,” she pulled his chair and grabbed his chin, “-look at me right this instance, Igna Haggard, Devil of Marinda, Watcher of the Shadow Realm, Inheritor of Death, Time and Origin, if not for my intervention, you wouldn’t be in such a good place. I’m shoving my kindness down your throat, you know why?” she leaned forth, “-it’s because I’ve learned everything there is to know about you and those around you. I’m a goddess, one worshiped by more people than there are living beings in this realm. I willingly gave myself to you,” she narrowed, “-I’m no longer chaste. You, Igna, have to take responsibility, do I make myself clear?”


“Stop playing games, do you think I harbor feelings for Qhildir?”

“Don’t you?”

“Fuck no. Don’t ever test me like that again.”

“Scary,” he smiled, “-wasn’t my intention to test, Syhton. We’re indebted to each other, there’s no arguing said fact. I feel bad for playing around and taking advantage of your affection... doesn’t feel right if I keep up the selfishness.”

“Drop the morality,” she laughed, “-stop the sentimental speech. You know as well as I do, our relation transcends the mortal definition of amour. We’re tied by a contract,” she smiled, “-my personal devil, drop the fa?ade and tell me, am I to be used in a ploy against the gods?”


“No reaction, a strong poker face,” she smiled and leaned on the desk, “-Igna, I don’t say this with ill intent, however, there comes a point where the poker face is bigger tell than a slight glimpse of emotions.”

“Seriously, you’re worse than me, so much for the gallant virtuous goddess everyone admires.”

“I’m no light,” she laughed, “-the stars no longer mean faith or persevere, as Rosespire’s nightlife shrouds the starry beauty; corruption and truth have muddied my perception. It’s a nice feeling and I wouldn’t change it for the world for I’m the Daeirq Empress of Luna.”

“Okay, you made yourself clear. Syhton, I’d like for you to destroy Qhildir.”

“A chain’s as strong as its weakest link. Good idea, leave the destruction to me,” said a seductive wink, “-any time limits?”

“No time limit,” he smiled, “-keep an eye on them. Miira’s with the Eipea Empire – should be easy to make contact with. Just don’t go overboard, I know there’s a score to settle.”

“I’m not tied by revenge,” she stood, “-unlike someone I know and love.”

“Ha, ha,” he remarked sarcastically, “-just for the record, it was part of a bigger plan.”

“Sure, it was. Anyway, you best not do anything stupid too – many lives depend on your smarts, Igna.”

“And my sanity depends on you.”

“Yeah, yeah, your heart and all that.”

“Someone’s dismissive, come on, Syhton, I only helped around with the torture.”

“No more,” she arrived at the door, “-go to hell,” she pulled her tongue and slammed the door.

‘A troublesome goddess,’ the subconscious smile faded, ‘-reports on the independent nations,’ he grabbed the file named Konak and read, “-Konak, located in the northeast part of Iqeavea, is home to the continent’s taller mountain ranges. Due to geographical difficulties, Konak’s access to the sea is hampered by land from Yian Dho, directly east, and Emria, directly north. Currently, Konak’s invasion of Emria following the fall of King Juvey’s kingdom has expanded their realm and access to the sea. The economy is based on illegal money, the capital, Miok, is correctly named the Murder Capital of the world. A government riped with crime, corruption and the underworld carries the economy. Abject poverty has birthed slums which spread from town to villages – the taller buildings are drowned with countless shacks. The leader of the Nation is Snow, who behind the shadows, is controlled by Cimier,” the interface updated the information, “-Yian Dho,” he opened another, “-Yian Dho, a xenophobic nation of skilled merchants that came to power in the olden days. Blessed with an abundance of natural resources, including precious gems and spice – Yian Dho’s economy has remained strong. Reports suggest most of the Empire’s annual income is generated from Yian Dho’s clever marketing. Life is mundane, a dictatorial leadership undermines freedom of choice. Yian-Dhonians are born for one purpose, to serve their country. Military strength is mostly reliant on mercenary nations such as Sadia and Estral,” he lifted another file, “-Estral,” read the title, “-a country of mercenary and culture of bravery. If Old Cray was the Empire’s sword, then Estral is the Empire’s shield. Forged by a history of peerless victory, no other invasion of Estral has ever been successful. Despite the lack of attention to basic necessities, Estral’s culture of fighting and strength has given rise to the prominent adventurer. Contrary to Yian Dho’s reluctant of learning about the world, Estral youth often set sail for Alphia or Hidros – many prominent adventurers of Tier 4 and higher are Estralian by birth,” he closed the files and lit a cigarette, ‘-the reason why the Empire’s been a pain to deal with for so long. Each kingdom has a strength and a weakness, alone, they don’t mean anything, together, the kingdoms are strong. Compensating for the other would have been impossible to strike, alas, time’s changing. Estral’s no longer as resilient as the report says, striking from the outside won’t amount to much, striking from within, now that’s the way forward.’

“Urgent Report,” read the interface, “-Estral, Yian Dho, and Konak have announced the creation of a new alliance. The Desok Allied Kingdoms were headed by prominent members of each faction. They’ve taken arms to reclaim the empire and have declared war against anyone who invades the kingdom.”

“Another puzzle fits,” he puffed, “-was a matter of time. They’ll take Emria first and establish a hold over the northern and eastern seas. Thereon, lead a direct attack against the revolutionist factions – I’m sure the Desok Allied Kingdom’s in talks with Alphia. The major players are here. Welcome to the battlefield, gentleman, welcome.”

Such was the emergency Minerva faced, ‘-he’s insane,’ she sighed, reading a message from Igna, “-here we start.”

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