The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1013

Chapter 1013: Road to Damnation

“World War I,” read loud announcements, “-earlier in a press conference, the king of Hidros ordered for war,” and similarly, interviews and open debates circled the new stations. Opposition came loudly and openly, a retort the castle simply shrugged as unimportant. Once the king decreed, there was an argument.

Hours after the display; Igna found himself in the company of Emperor Essin, “-king Igna, I’m deeply indebted.”

“No time for thanks yet,” he narrowed over a dim-lit desk, “-war’s no easy business. We will start by sanctioning sales of weapons and ammunition to the north. Reinforcements of our borders and the safety of trade routes come second. How we lead will dictate how we win.”

‘The king does not doubt the victory... what an amazingly terrifying man.’

Thus, over the deep blue ocean, at the coast of the Wracian empire – battles broke loose. The rebelling factions gathered around critical towns – the military, back in the protection of the imperial palace – were short on force. Hidros’ declaration added fuel to an already waging fire.

“Instead of selling to the rebellion, we sell to the revolutionist. Minerva, the war effort will be thy responsibility. Hidros’ goal isn’t the capture of the Wracian empire, no, we’re after Elendor.”

“Going after the weakest link, but how?”


“Ready the military for an air-bound invasion. Send the naval units, we’ll strike during the fog.”

“Entering the airspace won’t be an easy task.”

“And whoever said that?” he smugly paused, “-listen here, Minerva, my previous actions and stances haven’t been very kingly. The leader of a nation has responsibilities to provide and care for, a nation is like a babe, tis the father’s duty to tend to her every need. I focused my attention on our economic and industrial growth with ultimate goals of self-sustainability. I vouched for the objective’s been met. What most might not realize is war,” he smiled, “-rather, the greatest obstacle in our path, the empire.” The meeting room changed plenty o’ times after the conference. Personal meetings of trivial matters eventually ended with Igna and Minerva sharing a small room – previous storage, as a, respace from the roaring palace.

“But Igna, if the empire truly was that big of a deal, what then?”

“Listen here,” the tone deepened, “-I’ll let you in on a secret. Don’t tell anybody else,” he leaned on the door and clicked its lock, “-the fool, else the jester. As Fran?ois de La Rochefoucauld best put it;” ” C’est une grande habileté que de savoir cacher son habileté ”

‘I knew this person was no ordinary soul. Before I realized it, I became engrossed in his life, turning from a goddess to a humble servant of his designs,’ as the shady lighting hid the king’s expression, ‘-I’m scared.’

“To said end,” the bicolored pupils pierced, “-I became the fool. My plans for the Wracian Empire’s downfall began the day I entered Elendor and destroyed Old Cray. The house of cards crumbled. Isn’t it convenient how Hidros exited from the alliance, isn’t it tough to believe us to yield on such a profitable arrangement? My dear, everything was planned. The fall of Elendor led to the Empire’s search for another sword. Likely candidates were the Church, Alphia, and the Sadia people. The Discovery of the new continent was lucky – the empire had more to worry about. Making Hidros a greyman to the world was a challenge, we ruled without drawing too much attention. Leads us to the sword – from the three, depending on who they choose, we’d have more or less a chance to strike. Elendor was supposed to have gone to Sadia... keyword, supposed. Killing major government officials and creating that scandal on the Empire’s sword would lower their prestige if the news were to get out. Instead, they hushed the situation and. we continued. From there, Alphia fought against the Empire during the invasion of Whuotan. A perfect opportunity to show the back-then unknown potential of Maicite. Worked like a charm, but Whuotan suffered major blows – the war stopped and a deal was struck. My move was made – greed and power, a sword needs raw strength. Afterward, the world launched into a frenzy about fully-funding research of the material. Too bad we’d already monopolized the market. Time passes, and the holy crusade hampered much of the development. Here’s the funny thing, I didn’t expect the pieces to move so simply into my net. Remember Count Qua, vassal to King Ezel’s visit?”

“Yes. We didn’t act upon their warning; how does it relate?”

“It does relate. Merely coming here was the definitive proof I needed. They warned us about Riaz, a blatant tell of dissatisfaction. I agree the gamble was reckless, even so, I played the part everyone expected and showed some semblance of knowledge. With a multi-faced attack, the pieces came together as a sprawling flower. An unlikely alliance between King Ezel and I. Free lords to have access to Maicite. Of course, the alliance wouldn’t have been possible if Ezel was happy with the Empire. Too bad for them, Elendor was going nowhere, and the emperor’s troubled noble’s opposition was inflated by a little bribery. Who better to kill a ruler than poison – Alphia, despite appearances, unknowingly did my bidding. Odgawoan, the influence of the underworld... man it feels amazing when a long plan comes to an end.”

“Why tell me all of this?”

“You will see soon enough,” another click, and the king disappeared.

‘What does he mean?’ she followed, ‘-the plan’s over, did our king already conquer Wracia?’

To the astonishment of the palace, little after lunch – foreign royals arrived at Rosespire. Leading the march, the King of Greenwhoot, “-majesty, the king has arrived.”

“I’ll be there soon,” he replied, “-treat the king with the utmost respect. Have éclair and sister Eira entertain other royals. We’re ready to make our stand.”

“Understood, majesty.”

A mirror blankly reflected the suit, two shadows hovered on each shoulder, “-the fool, a great tactic. Putting significant attention on my leadership was a great move.”

“I had to show the legendary status of Staxius Haggard. Only doing my rightful duty as your nephew.”

“Ha, tell me about it.”

“Enough, I’m feeling left out.”

“Of course, you do, Lord Alfred.”

“No matter,” he brushed off the spirits, ‘-it’s time to put an end to this mess. King Ezel’s here as planned, I’ve won,’ the tie straightened, and he marched straight for the throne room. Tall, well-built, and strong in presence, the king of Ezel had more appearance to high-level adventurers compared to nobles.

“King Ezel, a pleasure.”

“My dear comrade, Igna,” he opened his arms warmly, “-a pleasure to see you again.”

“Majesty, the pleasure is mine.”

“This won’t do,” he rose his index, “-no, it won’t do, we’re comrades.”

“Ezel it is,” they laughed, “-shall we?”

To Minerva’s awe, both kings entertained a trip to the private lounge where strong alcohol and good food flowed freely.

‘What is the meaning of this?’ she stopped steps from the lounge – laughter and pleasant conversation fired akin to bullets. Cold hands suddenly pressed against her nape, “-ish,” she jumped, “-what’s WRONG... with you?”

Igna met her gaze and nodded, she returned in kind and shuffled out of sight, “-ELIXIA!”

“A goddess shouldn’t eavesdrop.”

“Well, what am I to do?” she spoke in a hushed tone, “-King of Greenwhoot walks in as if he’s a long-time friend. We only signed an alliance to benefit the rest of the world – how’s this camaraderie warranted?”

“You don’t get it?” they came onto the outer walkway, “-best he explains.”

Strong alcohol rose, “-the war announcement was rather brave.”

“Going to war against a rebellious faction is nothing more than calming a petty squabble.”

“Fighting for Essin goes against our agreed proposal. If he regains power, what will happen of us, you did promise.”

“I know,” he sipped, “-Dreqai and the neighboring land will be transferred to the Kingdom of Greenwhoot. As for us, we only want Elendor, a small province in comparison to the land Greenwhoot’s about to inherit.”

“Dividing up the land before a victory, are you certain?”

“No, I’m not certain. I’d be a fool to consider a battle won until the white flag is raised. Ezel, the independent kingdom will rebel; Konak, Yian-Dho, and Estral won’t sit idly. It’s a battle between the east and the west for scraps in the middle. Smaller realms like the kingdoms of Lime, and Thie have already fallen under backlash. War is definitely assured, thus my worry about those three. Elendor as a whole is defenseless, ruler less, and in a state of chaos. Sure Greenwhoot’ military power can help quell the inner-fighting, it’s going to take more than raw power to contain those powerhouses.”

“I understand that much,” added the king, “-still, what about the empire itself? Any idea of the status?”

“To early to tell.”

A strong presence halted the conversation. A rough man of olden age limped, “-just who I wanted to see.”

Ezel stood, “-King Juvey.”

“Yes, yes, I know,” he asked for them to settle, “-I know I’m in rough shape,” the trio settled, “-bring this old man the strongest booze you got.”

“I’m confused, King Igna, why is King Juvey here?”

“Well, the king’s an essential part in the coming war. I’m sure the details will become apparent as we continue. Before that, I would ask one simple question, do you accept a partnership with the Devil?”

“Wouldn’t have come if I had doubts,” returned Juvey, “-getting old in years, consider this my mark in history.”

“Surely you jest, Old Cray, you’re name and infamy has been burnt in the eyes of countless dying souls and disgraced nation. You’re as infamous and fearsome as they come.”

“Compliments from the devil feels a little wrong,” he gulped, “-what about you, Ezel? Care to join this old man in battle?”

“I- I don’t know.”

“Listen, Ezel, I understand working with one’s old enemy leaves a bad taste. Even still, the world moves regardless of one’s feelings. Think clearly Ezel, would you prefer an alliance with us or change side to the East.”

“As if that’s an option,” he sipped, “-without Hidros, our country’s technology would yet be in the magical age. I’m in, what’s your plan?”

“King Ezel, King Juvey, I’d like for our kingdoms to lead the assault over land, sea, and air. Hidros will have command over the air force and military considering we’re sending more than fifty-thousand troops. King Ezel and King Juvey, I want your kingdoms to take control of Alphia. Whuotan should be a simple affair. We will coordinate our actions through the military office.”

“Right, it’s not just the empire, we have to be content with Alphia. Pardon my asking, Igna, are you sure you’ll be able to take over the empire?”

“That’s not my objective,” he smiled, “-Malida, King Juvey’s land, is strategically beneficial for battle against the empire. Seeing the battle will be done mostly on land, my kingdom takes the lead. Of course, reinforcements will be welcomed.”

“Konak’s already taken one-third of Emria. The natural mountain range provides ample cover against a full-blown invasion.”

“Simple matter of timing,” he smiled, “-King Ezel and King Juvey, I’m grateful for the help.”

“Greenwhoot knows war best,” added Juvey, “-it’s the only thing we can do.”

“Same for Malida, this old man wants to relive the old days of the war. I prove myself worthy of Nike’s blessing.”

World War I, a battle for the Empire or what remained of it, from a coup d’état to a full-blown rebellion. War truly ravaged Iqeavea. Dormant kingdoms such as Konak, Yian-Dho, and Estral, holders of considerable military and economic means were on road to damnation. At the center of battle sat a single man, the Devil, cloaked in a lavish suit and bearing a non-expressive mien.

“King Ezel and king Juvey, please stay for my brother’s birthday party. We must celebrate whilst we can.”

“As you wish,” three war-mongering factions allied, ‘-the power of intrigue.’


“Ah, Minerva, interested in the second part?”

“Yes please.”

“Follow me.”

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