The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 215 - Conference Part Two

The gods turned around and looked at Hilderhab with question marks on their faces.

"Explain yourself, Hilderhab" Said Asteus.

"Yes… as you all know, we sealed the powers of 'that' with the chains of destiny, ergo, she shouldn't be able to use them no matter what…. What's more" Said HIlderhab while signaling to the south.

"I was on the forbidden zone not long ago, If, by any chance, there was even the slightest fluctuation of the power of time, I would have notice, and I can say, with firm conviction, that I didn't felt anything" Said Hilderhab.

All of them looked at each other and murmured.

"I have some questions for you, Hilderhab" Said Ignitus.

"What is it?"

"What were you doing in the forbidden zone in the first place, its called the forbidden zone for a reason" Said Ignitus.

"And it shouldn't be, that place is the place where the great war took place, is filled with ancestral knolegde that we could benefit, however, you insist in calling it the forbidden zone, that isn't to protect us"

"That is a sign of weakness and fear" Said Hilderhab.

"HOW DARE YOU!?" Said Ignitus.


Ignitus shouted once again with some fear.

"Hilderhab, what you are saying can be consider insubordination and rebellion…you should know the punishment for that right?" Said Asteus.

"Of course I know it, however, I still remain true to my words, we are showing weakness and 'that' knows it!" Said Hilderhab.

"We are afraid of a shadow of the past that hunt us like a bug, how many years shall pass until we get right of that fear and face that monster, the forbidden zone has the knowledge of our ancestors, we could become stronger and stronger! However, we are chained to this place, debating or not we shall destroy a little human that, with a breath of our, won't even know how he die! " Said Hilderhab.

The gods looked at Hilderhab and some of them nodded in agreement while others were deep in though.

"Hilderhab, leaving if we approve or not the entrance to the forbidden zone, why do you said that the human in question is not a follower of 'that'?" Asked Asteus.

"Is simple actually, we all remember the powers of 'that', true, she control the power of time, however, that isn't the only power that she controls, including the power of time, 'that' had three other major powers, including, time, space, reality and life, this human that we talked about… isn't he a crippled? How come, the supposed successor of 'that', is a crippled even though 'that' had the power of life? If he indeed had that power, then, his body should be perfect, even more perfect that us, gods, not even talk that he seemed to be only able to use a little bit of the power of time, not even five percent of it" Said HIlderhab.

"Then, what explanation do you have? I don't have to remember you that the power of time was exiled from the mortal world right?" Said Asteus.

"If you ask me, I think that human encounter one of the relics that 'that' let behind in the human world, in fact, he is using one of them right in front of our noses" Said Hilderhab.

Asteus took out the pearl and put the image once again.

"Where?" Said Asteus.

"Right there, on his hand, that black cane" Said Hilderhab.

Everyone looked at the cane and nodded.

"Indeed, is that infamous cane, how come that human has is?" Said Asteus.

"I don't know about that, but is a fact that he has it" Said HIlderhab.

Asteus looked at the picture for some time before nodding.

"It seems that my sigh is getting old, how could I miss that detail?" Though Asteus.

"I understand your point now, Hilderhab, however, I still think that this is still a problem, we shall observe this human and see if he is treat to us" Said Asteus.

"For that, from now onwards, you and Jibril shall take the responsibility to look after this human, use whatever method you have, if he, by any chance, seems like it could be a tread, let me know inmediatly"

"As you wish" Said HIlderhab.

"Jibril, I want you to accompany Hilderhab, since you know each other, the job won't be too difficult" Said Asteus.

"I got it" Said Jibril.

"Ignitus, how is the search for the sisters of destiny?" Said Asteus.

"Same as always, since a year ago, one of the three sister disappear without a trace, although, those three never really interacted with anyone, at least, we knew where they were, but know, the little sister is missing and the other two flee just like that" Said Ignitus.

"This is indeed strange, what could had happened to the little sister?" Asked Asteus.

"Those three were always messing with the fragile order of the great being, it wouldn't be a surprise that they did something so grave that the great being decided to eliminate them" Said Iginitus.

"Nevertheless, keep the research, I don't like to being in the dark, if she is dead, so be it, but, until I see the corpse myself, the research won't stop, you got it?" Said Asteus.

"Got it" Said Ignitus.

"Everyone, this conference will come to an end here, however, you must stay vigilant, the resurrection of 'that' is something that we feared since the end of the great war, we make a lot of sacrifices back in the day just to defeat it, we cannot permit even the slightest possibility that 'that' regain even 1 percent of it strength, anyone who had any kind of information, no matter if is only a clue, must bring it to me, those who hide information shall be treated as traitors and will wish that they were death!" Said Asteus.

With that, the forty tree gods stood up and bowed towards Asteus who lived the place with a fraction of a second.

After that, one by one, the gods when on their way to do their things, except for Hilderhab and Jibril.

"Jibril, go tell your champions that take a good look at Alfonso, we will see each other and the forbidden zone in one year" Said Hilderhab.

"Why the forbidden zone?" Asked Jibril.

"It is said that one of the relics fell in the forbidden zone, is an object that permits the user to see the future, I want to find it" Said Hilderhab.

"Are you talking about the Sinner crown? , I thought that it was destroyed in the great war?" Said Jibril.

"Not exactly… what was destroyed in the great war wasn't the original one… it was a replica!" Said Hilderhab.

Jibril was stunned when she heard this.

"How… how do you know that?" Said Jibril.

"I have my means, when we get to the forbidden zone, I will tell you how do I know that, for now… this isn't a good place to talk" Said Hilderhab.

He turned around and saw some gods that were going on their way.

Jibril looked at them and then saw Hilderhab, she nodded and when on her way towards the north.

Hilderhab looked at her silhouette disappearing and then made a small sigh.

He also disappeared from the place.


In a dark place, where the objects floated and the air was dense, a silhouette appeared.

It was Hilderhab.

He was inside the forbidden zone, looking at some of the relics and engraves from the great war.

"I was not in the main battlefield, however, it seems that the battle against 'that' was more terrifying than I originally though" Murmured Hilderhab.

He turned around and saw what it seems to be a shadow engraved in a wall.

The shadow didn't had an specific form, however, one could clearly distinct a huge pair of remarked eyes in the shadow.

HIlderhab looked at the shadow for some time before.

Slowly but surely


He lifted his head and his eyes turned as red as blood.

From the shadow, a huge pair of red eyes appeared in it.

They looked back at Hilderhab, who was still kneeling.

"There will be no interference, everything is going according to the plan" Said Hilderhab with a dull voice.

The red eyes looked at Hilderhab and make a small gesture, in that instant the eyes disappeared.

Hilderhab closed his eyes once more and re-opened once more, however, his eyes were back to normal.

"Mmm? What happen? How come I am kneeling?" Said Hilderhab.

He stood up and saw in front of him, he saw a wall without anything interesting in particular.

"Strange… I thought that I saw a shadow in there… maybe it was my imagination?" Though Hilderhab.

He looked around for some more time to make sure that he didn't miss anything.

After that, he concentrated the soul power on him and went on his way to other parts of the forbidden zone.

Leaving the place in the solitude of darkness once again.

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