The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 214 - Conference- Part One

Leitol was, slowly but surely, changing.

All the powers of Leitol when to their houses and formed alliance in secret and conferences to discuss what would be the course of actions to take since Alfonso Lockheart, the fallen prince, was a new and unexpected player that have join the fields.

If he was known by the masses like the 'crippled madman', then, the powers of Leitol known him as the 'joker'.

This 'joker' has unbalanced the already fragile structure of power in Leitol.

No matter in where the dragon families or the star families, they all pondered what their course of actions would be from now on.

Even the distance enemy of Leitol, Greycastle, was surprised by this notice, of course, this means that their plans needed to be altered as well.

This goes for the king, and for the crown prince, Marvin Laplace.

However, the impact of Alfonso showing his new colors, wasn't even a minuscule speck compared to what was going on a very, very far away place.

[Glorious Mountain]

Mount Glorious was for Leitol like Mount Olympus was for earth, basically, the place were gods lived in.

Usually, this place is empty, why? Because the only who live here was Asteus, the maximum god of all Leitol, the other gods usually were doing their own business or just lazing around; whatever is the case, Mount Glorious hadn't have any other god besides Asteus since the great war that killed more than fifteen gods.

Today however, was different.

Today, all the gods were reunited, even those who usually never show themselves, are here.

The place was a huge round table with forty three sits, not more, not less.

All the sits were already occupied.

Sitting in one of the furthest sits was a young man with white hair and an elegant appearance, he was currently looking anxiously at the sit beside him, he was known as Hilderhab, the god of winds.

"Jibril", you know why did Asteus called us?" Asked Hilderhab to the lady next to him.

The girl was tanned skinned and had yellow hair, she was tall and had a pair of wings on her back, one was yellow and the other one was blue.

She was known as Jibril, the goddess of thunder.

"No idea, I was looking at my cute subjects when I received a message from Pelpeter, saying that we were needed in Mount Glorious, I wanted to refuse, however, It was an order from Asteus, so I had to come, what about you, HIlderhab?"Asked Jibril.

"More or less the same, I was reading a new book that I found on the forbidden zone when I was surprised by Pelpeter, I thought that he was going to make a fuss about why I was on the forbidden zone, however, he didn't even mention it, he just told me that we needed to come, asap" Said Hilderhab.

"Maybe is the birth of a new king?" Said Jibril.

"Don't think so, usually, when a new king is born, we will get invitations to come to the ceremony, but, its that, an invitation, not an obligation" Said Hilderhab.

"You don't think… that a new emperor was born right!?" Asked Jibril.

"… Don't think so…If that was the case, the god in question would have already bragged about it, after all, it's a huge honor for a god to have their subject become an emperor, until know, I haven't heard anyone talking about this" Said Hilderhab.

"Of course, some of them aren't like that"

This last sentence, however, wasn't mention it by Hilderhab.

He was confident that the next emperor would be his subject.

"Allison, I known that you are going to be the next emperor" Though Hilderhab.

The other gods were also talking among each other about this and that, in general, although they were pondering why they were summoned, there was a pretty relaxed atmosphere.

It didn't last much longer though.


The whole mountain moved and trumpets could be heard, all the gods were surprised for an instant before returning to normality, they knew that the 'host' had arrived.

"Asteus, as always, you like to be the center of attention" Though Hilderhab.

Asteus, with his elegant appearance walked towards the table, everyone stood up to received him.

However, Asteus looked indifferent, he walked towards the front without looking at anybody and sat on his sit.

He looked at everyone and nodded.

"Sat down" Said Asteus.

Everyone do as they were said and sat down.

"Hello, everyone, it's been too long since we last saw each other like this, maybe, it was since the Great War" Said Asteus.

Everyone nodded.

Asteus looked at everyone and took a deep breath.

"All of you were the survivors of the last war, all of you, know the reason why the last war started… right?

Everyone nodded once again.

"The great war almost destroyed everything as we know it, beast, animal, humans… even us, gods, couldn't escape death is 'that' wasn't defeated… all of you should know who I am talking about… right?"

Everyone become agitated when Asteus mention the word… 'That'.

"Asteus" Someone from the crow talked.

"Ignitus, what is it?" Said Asteus.

Ignitus was one of the most powerful gods in Mount Glorious, the god of fire.

"Asteus, according to our pact so long ago, we wouldn't mention 'that' under any circumstances, why are you suddenly mention it?" Said Ignitus.


Asteus didn't answer immediately, he waited until all of the eyes were looking at him, and, with a grave expression, said to everyone.

" 'That'… one of 'that' powers, the power of time, has appeared once again!" Said Asteus.

Eveyrone was stunned to their core.

Some gods even began to shake.

Hilderhab also shake a little, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Is…just a bad…joke right?" Said Jibril with sweat on her forehead.

"ASTEUS!" Ignitus slammed the table and shouted to Asteus.


"YES, I DO!"

Asteus stood up and looked at Ignitus while his aura slipped a little.

"SIT DOWN!" Shouted Asteus.

Ignitus looked at Asteus with anger, however, the aura of Asteus was overwhelming, he didn't had any other choice but to sat down.

"I know that all of you must be stunned by this notice, even I, couldn't help but shake a little when I heard the notice, however, there is no doubt about it, that horrendous power, that power that we thought we had obliterated long ago, has come once again" Said Asteus.

All the gods couldn't said anything, they didn't accept this reality yet.

"Where… where has it appear?" Asked one god.

"In Leitol, in Dragon City to be precise, six months ago, a young man with black and gold hair who goes by the name of Alfonso Lockheart, use the power of time, here is a record of what happen"

Asteus took out a small pearl like object from his pocket, the pearl like object emitted a light and an image could be seen, in the image a young man with a cane and an eye patch was making an insane smile while signaling at the heavens.


The gods looked at the madman with a stunned expression.

This man was actually challenged the gods!

This has never happened!


The man ended with that phrase and the video ended there.

Asteus put aside the pearl and looked at the gods.

"This man used the power of in its primary stages, however, it's a treat that we shall not ignore, this man must die! Not matter what!" Said Asteus.

The other gods looked at each other.

"Asteus, I understand your point and I agree with it, however, what can we do, since the Great War, our connection with the mortal world was severed up, we can go there and kill him" Said one god.

"I know that, that's why, we won't interfere, we will use some champions to kill him for us" Said Asteus.

"Asteus, since the creation of this council, the first rule that we settle was that we won't use humans, they will life their lives as they see fit without us intervening." Said Jibril.

"Are you saying that we should let this potential treat to us, live without a care in the world!? Choose your words wise, JIBRIL!" Shouted one god to Jibril.

"You won't talk to me like, Gastru! I will kill you!" Shouted Jibril.

"SILENCE!" Shouted Asteus.

Gastru and Jibril looked at each other before nodding.

"Jibril, it's true that, under any other circumstances, this will be put on debate, however, giving the current circumstances, this isn't a suggestion… this is an order" Said Asteus.

"I… understand" Said Jibril.

"Excuse me" Hilderhab rise his hand and stood up.

"I think that we shall think about this once more, although the power of time was unleashed, that doesn't necessarily means that 'that' has something to do with it" Said HIlderhab.

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