The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 2: Chapter 12

Book 2: Chapter 12

Yosh, its done!

After a bit of time passed after she started choosing the clothes, Rokuna expressed a satisfied-looking smile.

First, Vermudol was still in Ichikas coordinated outfit, a western Majin-style outfit.

And then, Ichika was in sharp attire that was somehow similar to knight clothes. Her usual long sword was hung on her waist, but her hairstyle wasnt long and straight but gathered into a ponytail.

As for Nino, she had leather armor on top of rough cloth clothes, leather pants and leather shoes. In place of her usual curved swords, both of her hands were placed in leather gloves.

The theme is a senpai guiding their kouhai around the castle town on a day off, and an associate that joined up for some reason or another, I guess.

Orel, who was nodding things like Ho and Fumu, kept distant while listening to her to ensure his safety.


Seeing Nino point at herself as she said that, Rokuna shook her head sideways.

Cant agree to this.

Its fine. Its because my selection is perfect. Rightwait, arya, and Orel isnt here.

Vermudol thought Well, what she says is true.

For Vermudol and Nino who were absent for a while and are unfamiliar with the castle town, having Ichika guide them to a certain extent would give him a peace of mind, and there wouldnt be any unnaturalness to their attitudes.

Well, isnt this fine? It is true that Nino and I dont know about the recent castle town after all.

Nino made a dissatisfied-looking face at Vermudols words butin the end, she sank into silence without saying anything.

Now then, let us get going.

Ah, Ichika. Although I think you know this.

Yes, of course. So please proceed with your own work as well.

After she and Rokuna nodded to one another, Ichika stood at the Throne Room entrance so that she could guide Vermudol and Nino.

Nino, lets go.


Vermudol and Nino caught up to her, and then the three of them and headed to the stairway that headed down just like that.

Dont forget my souvenir.

After leaving the words that Rokuna said at the corner of his mind for the moment, Vermudol casually threw a question at Ichika.

Come to think of it, Ichika.

Yes, what would you like to know?

It was about what Rokuna and Ichika were talking about earlier.

About what she knows about.

That is a simple story.

Ichika nodded and answered.

To pass through the rear entrance, and show Demon King-samas great figure to Gordythat is all.

Ahh, now that you mention it, that guy does protect outside after all.

Yes, he is usually at the back.

Walking while having that conversation, the three of them arrived at the rear entrance of the Demon King Castle.

Although it was called a rear entrance, it was something quite splendid.

Acknowledging the figures of Vermudols group, a Magic Operated Armor started to open the door.

After making a simple greeting to the Magic Operated Armor that completely finished opening the door and had taken a bowing posture, Vermudols group came to the outside of the Demon King Castle.

Beneath the usual unchanging gray sky, the Demon King Castles rear garden spread out.

It was once the place that Ichikas kitchen garden was at, but nowadays, it had been changed completely.

It is a farmisnt it.

Yes, I had believed that it was no longer necessary butI came to learn that it had a popularity that went beyond expectations as given goods.

What was there wasnt on the level of a potato field and kitchen garden, but a splendid plantation that used roughly half of the wide rear garden that was spread out.

There was a focus on raising things that could be preserved, and since they were carefully produced by the Demon King Castle, it seems that they are treated as top quality products.

This is surely Demon King-samas natural virtue.

In response to Ichika who said that sounding a bit boastful, Vermudol tilted his head wondering if that really was the case.

How are things going around there, Gordy.

Vermudol talked to the gigantic stone statue that took up a position at the center of the remaining half of the rear garden.

Well, the point that they are crops that Ichika-dono is looking after is surely greatly taken into account -no dearimashou na.

The stone statue answered like that.

Wearing full-body armor, the statue of a knight with wings was made with a material that had a black luster to it.

That figure of being down on one knee, gripping the hilt of a sword that was thrust into the ground, and offering a prayer, this place being what it was, it brought about even a divine atmosphere.

However, in this place called the Demon King Castle, it had nothing but a strange intimidating air.

Wearing a full-face helmet, that appearance where not even its expression could be seen spurred that intimidating air on.

However, with a red magical power light fired from the part where the eyes would be, it was very clear that it wasnt just a simple stone statue.

This stone statueOr more accurately, this Golem was Gordy, the worldly-wise man that, although reluctantly, had assumed the position of the Central General, which was the position that Orel and Rokuna completely refused to take on.

Incidentally, he was called a Golem, but his abilities cant be contained on being of the level of the simply stone statue type Mazoku. He is a Majin that Vermudol created as the guardian of the Demon King Castle, and possessed a strength that surpassed even the Ancient Golems of the south.

Therefore, Gordys race ended up being the Master Golem where he was the sole member of at the present time.

He was a powerful person worthy of being the Demon King Castles guardian, but fortunately, things have not fallen into a situation where he would have to release that power so far.

It is because Ichika-dono is quite popular even among the Majin after all. They were personally raised by her, and furthermore, with the place they are being grown at being this place where Demon King-sama lives, it cannot be helped that its value makes it the best in the Zadark Kingdom.

Is it something like that.

It is something like that -degozaimasu. Well, there is no mistake in Ichika-donos words that it is because your, the supreme one, the Demon Kings existence.

After saying that, Gordy once again sank into silence, but after a bit of silence, he spoke once again.

At any rate, Vermudol-sama. I have been awaiting your grand return.

Yeah, thank you, Gordy.

As a MajinNo, as a Mazoku, Gordy was a special existence in a different way from Rokuna.

He showed no interest in the the top or strength that almost all Mazoku sought after, nor did he hold any interest in anything that could generally be called amusement.

Even for the typical Golem, they would have an interest in something, and there were cases where they would change into their Majin form and go to a town.

However, Gordy didnt do any of that.

Even for Vermudol, the only time that he saw Gordys Majin form was after his creation, when he had no choice but to change into it in order to pass through the Demon King Castle.

For the usual Gordy, quietly standing still in the rear garden and working hard at the security like this was his normal state.

Though, since he would be covered in moss if left alone as he had no need to even move since there were no scoundrels, Ichika would occasionally polish Gordy.

How about it, Gordy. Would you like to come with us to the castle town?

What grateful words. However, seeing as how we would stand out if I were to accompany you all, I believe that it would not be a good idea for travelling incognito.

I dont think that would be the case though. Well, thats fine. Lets go another time.

At your will.

Hearing Vermudols reply, Gordy answered while letting out a slightly delighted-sounding sound.

Seeing Gordy once again sink into silence like that, Ichika and Nino started to peek at him from below with somewhat questioning-looking faces.

Whats wrong, you two.

No, it is nothing important but.

Gordys Majin form, I havent seen it.

Thats right, Vermudol was the only one that knew about Gordys Majin form.

Since the person himself didnt feel any meaning to turning into his Majin form, it couldnt be helped.

After all, if he stayed in his Golem form, there wasnt even a need to eat things.

As far as Gordy, who was proud of his duty as guardian, was concerned, staying like that was idealThat was probably how it was.

That doesnt matter, right? More importantly, lets hurry up and get going.



Ichika and Nino chased after Verumodol who urged them on.

After sending his gaze after their leaving figures for only an instant, Gordy once again entered a long silence.

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