The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 2: Chapter 11

Book 2: Chapter 11

Ah, hey, hey, Ver-cchi.

Rokuna, who was facing-off against Nino, suddenly made a complete change in expression and smiled.

You might as well go to the castle town. You might be able to discover various things, you know?

The castle town huh

Vermudol went Fumu and nodded at Rokunas proposal.

Certainly, he hasnt seen the castle town after having come back. There was also the need to ascertain the degree of the countrys development, and above all, he could discover various things like gossip.

Yosh, then why dont we go immediately.


Rokuna put one hand out and stopped Vermudol who got up from his throne and Nino who tried to go with him as if it were only the natural thing to do.

Wait, wait. Ver-cchi, although I find your Human Magician-like appearance to be rather questionable, Nino, do you also plan on going with that appearance?

Is there some sort of problem?

Of course there is. To go with a grouping of a Magician and a Maid Knight. Thats like advertising this is the Demon King party.

When Vermudol first visited the land near the castle, that was when he put the Goblin settlement under his control.

At that time, the Demon King Vermudol appeared bringing alone Ichika the Maid Knight, but that story has been handed down in the castle town as the origin of the Demon King legend.

After Rokuna gave a rough explanation of the story that was told amongst the people, she added that nowadays, the Goblin settlement of those days is preserved as a commemoration.



Then, where did Agur and the others that were living there go?

They are employed as part of the management of the Demon Kings Advent museum.

That being said, since the Goblins including Agur werent suited for organizational management, it seemed that there was a section where Beastia workers were managing various things.

How fearsome.

Thats why I said that things have changed.

Seeing Rokuna have a look of amazement, Vermudol said Thats true and nodded.

At any rate, things changed too much.

Well, although it looks like I got Ver-cchi to understand. It means that we need an appearance where it wont be immediately found out that hes the Demon King with just a glance. Ichikaa, youre pretty much listening in, arent you?

Of course.

At the same time as Rokunas words, Ichika appeared together with Magic Operated Armors that were carrying what looked to be mountains of clothes.

H, has the matter of the pieces already been finished?

Yes, everything has gone smoothly. All that is left is to wait for the completion.

While thinking Nevertheless, that was way too fast, wasnt it, Vermudol looked at the Magic Operated Armors carrying mountains of clothes in their arms.

The male oneswere surely for Vermudols use, but there were clearly more than just those.

Those clothes are

Nino and I will be accompanying you after all.

Eh, what about me?

You have a job given to you by Demon King-sama.

Next to Rokuna who went *Tsk* and clicked her tongue, Nino whisperingly grumbled.

Even though Ichika isnt needed.

It is because the purpose is to guide Demon King-sama. Normally, you would be one that isnt needed, you know?

Vermudol loudly clapped his hands at the two who surpassed just glaring at each other and made glares that could kill at each other.

Alright, thats far enough. Well then, Ichika, I would like to choose an outfit but. What kind of look would be appropriate?

Lets seeFirst, Demon King-sama, erasing your impression as a Magician should take priority.

What Ichika took out while saying that were thick clothes and pants.

Attire in the western Majin-style that doesnt appear much in the central area would be goodIn that case

What was chosen next was a dull steel blue breast plate and boots.

Furthermore, a single long sword was picked out, and after drawing it halfway, they ascertained a red brilliance.

ThatsIs it, Red Iron?

Red Iron was an indication for metal where iron and Blood Metal was mixed at a fixed ratio.

To begin with, Blood Metal was a hard-to-handle metal, and was a product that was difficult to process.

Since its affinity to magical power was a bit too high, it would be useless unless something was mixed in with itbut if it were mixed in an unskillful way, it would completely lose its special characteristics as Blood Metal, causing it to be considered something extremely troublesome.

The first precedent of being able to skillfully use that was Red Iron, and arms that were produced with this were used by many Majin, and it has now become the standard metal to use.

That being said, it was also fairly high priced though.

Yes, among the western Majin, even if they are not affiliated with military affairs, they are clad in Red Iron equipment. The minimum preparationIt could be considered as such.

Research on arms and armor made with Holy Silver that was mined from a recently discovered mine was also progressing, but as expected, the main thing now was Red Iron.

Holy Silver was a material that was also in the Human Heros equipment. There was a feeling of avoidance due to that fact, but above all, there were few mines that produced it, creating a small supply of it.

As supplies for military affairs, having a steady supply of it was important.

I see, I get the general gist of things. So, Ichika, what about your group?

Getting consolidated into a group, Nino made a somewhat dissatisfied-looking face, but Vermudol didnt notice at all.

Lets seeThere is a need to gather a guise different from normal so that the fact that we are Maid Knights does not get exposed.

The Maid Knights equipment was special, and even the outward appearances of them really stood out.

Ichika and Nino wore maid outfits with breast armor, with Ichika having black and Nino having green as the basic themes for them.

If they were to walk around the castle town like this, that would be equivalent to going around advertising we are Maid Knights directly under the Demon King.

In other words, attire to remove this impressionTo put it simpler, it had to be something other than maid clothes.

Ah, then Ill pick for you

It was there that Rokuna raise her hand while saying me, m~e.

Youre going with the western Majin-style, right? Just leave it to me. Ill put something together with a totally cool feel to it!

He thought Im uneasy about this, but surely Vermudol wasnt the only one.

Unrelated to the atmosphere of that spot, Rokuna jumped at the mountain of clothes looking delighted.

Volume 2, Chapter 12

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