The Royal Contract

Chapter 1060 - 1060 Something horrible

1060 Something horrible

She still had a few minutes to spare when she arrived at the hospital. Luckily, traffic was light today, and she did not encounter many red lights on her way. But she could still be earlier if her father did not stop her.

Now, she waited outside the clinic with the other pregnant patients for her turn. The other couple who went before her were taking some sweet time with the doctor. But that was fine. They must have many questions that need clarification, just like she had.

She could not help but feel alone since two of the other patients had their partners with them. But, at least another was on her own, just like her. She wondered why the other patient was not with anyone, but that was not her concern. Still, it was a good distraction while she waited.

“Ms. Rosley. The doctor will see you now.” The woman at the desk called her attention when she saw the couple leave the office with cheerful smiles on their lips.

She quickly made her way inside as she remembered her friend who also recently had her baby. She remembered that her friend and her baby might be going home today.

She mentally noted to drop by their room before going home. She could also use that as a cover-up story as to why she was in the hospital in the first place if somebody would see her.

She was not ashamed of her condition or for having a child without a father. But she would like to reveal her situation when ready, not before. Besides, in the deep recesses of her mind and heart, she still hoped that Gerald would have a change of heart.

“What brought you in here, Ms. Haley?” The woman in her white gown faced her. It was her first instance meeting the doctor, but she heard she was one of the best in her field.

“I think I am pregnant. At least the kit said it was positive.” She told the doctor, slightly feeling nervous.


She could have made a mistake. Did she perform the test correctly? But she used five different test kits. They all gave her the same result. It was positive. She was pregnant.

“The kit is most likely correct. But for us to be on the safe side. I suggest we do a blood test. And we will know more about your condition after we have the result. Is that alright with you?” The doctor asked.

Of course, she would like more concrete proof of her pregnancy and the current condition of her child. But the doctor also checked her physically for any body changes.

“Do you feel any changes in your body?” The doctor asked her all sorts of questions. She answered all of them, hoping that it would help her condition.

“From my observation, I believe you might be pregnant. But we know more after we get the results.” The doctor informed her.

She could not wait for the result, but the doctor informed her that it might take a few days before they would know. Unlike the urine test, it took longer to test the blood because they also had to determine a few other things, like her child’s health condition.

She did not mind waiting since the doctor assured her that she had not seen anything that would indicate anything was wrong with her pregnancy.

“I hate to ask, but these are just standard questions. Will the father be helping you with this pregnancy?” The doctor asked.

She had been expecting the doctor would ask about the father, but thinking about it and voicing it out loud was not the same. “I...” She could not even say that he was out of the picture.

“I am only asking this because pregnancy is a complicated health condition.” The doctor probably noticed her discomfort about the question. “I will suggest that you have a support system that could help you through this pregnancy.”

She could understand her concern. She had read that pregnancy was not just giving birth to another life. It was rearing a life in her womb for nine months, guaranteeing that the baby was safe and healthy. But it was also risking her life as well in the process.

Pregnancy could take a tremendous toll on her body, both physically and mentally. Without someone to help her through this condition, she might find it harder to get through the entire nine months.

“I understand.” She finally said, without going through any details.

She would try to figure this out. But today, she had to focus on her baby and what was needed. Tomorrow, she would plan for her next steps. At least she had money and friends who would stand by her through this ordeal. She knew she would not be alone even if he had left her.

She left the clinic hopeful and happy. But, of course, she would know more when the results returned. For now, she had to visit her friend. But she wondered if she should inform her or hold on to her secret for just a few more days until she had figured out her plans.

She had walked passed the lobby on her way to the other wing of the hospital when she heard a commotion on the other side. She intended to ignore it when she heard something that did not seem right.

“I need to see my friend.” She heard a familiar voice, but that was not what had caught her attention. “Gerald Brown.” The man was frantically shouting at the woman behind the information desk. “Somebody called me... He was...” The voice paused, then, “An ambulance brought him here this morning.”

Quickly, she moved toward the man, who looked very agitated as he stood before the counter while waiting. On the other hand, she could feel her heartbeat going through the roof with every step she took closer to him.

But she still tried to calm herself down. She had no idea of what was happening here. She could have heard it wrong. But she would find out soon enough as she faced her ex-boyfriend’s bestfriend.

“Mike, what is going on here?” She asked as she waited for him to look at her. When their eyes met, something told her that her assumption was correct.

He just confirmed her fear. Something happened to Gerald. Something horrible.

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