The Royal Contract

Chapter 1059 - 1059 Nothing else would come first

1059 Nothing else would come first

She barely slept last night after leaving his apartment. She immediately locked herself in her room, not wanting anyone to see her. She could not stop the tears from falling from her eyes, knowing it was over between them.

“He doesn’t love you.” Her mind kept reminding her. She wanted to believe that, but a small portion of her heart still hoped she was mistaken.

A deep part of her wanted to return to his apartment and begged him to reconsider. But what good with it do if he did not love her? And when he did not want to have anything to do with their child.

She would only force him into this relationship that had no future in the very end. It was a lost cause no matter where she looked at it. He would never love her the way she loved him.

He was gone, and she had to find a way to accept it. Then, life should move on for her and her child, even without him. She could already predict it would be hard. But she would do her best.

Even though she still had to get tested, she already felt a new life growing inside her. And she needed to be strong for her baby, even if she could feel her heart shattering into a million pieces.


She wanted to shout, but she kept her frustration to herself, knowing that stressing herself would not be advisable for the baby. She had already cried enough for her lost love. Now, she had to focus on her child.

She did not want to get up, but she had an appointment with the doctor. She could not neglect that. If she was pregnant, she had to consider her condition, meaning taking care of her unborn child at all costs.


She quickly took a hot shower, wanting the fatigue from the lack of sleep to dissipate with the water. She did not need the others to notice her condition until she was ready to tell them about her child.

Slowly, she made her way downstairs, avoiding the dining area where she believed her father was taking his breakfast. She did not want any company and the conversation that came with it.

But, “Haley.” She heard her father call her when she passed by their living area. She did not expect him to be there. But alas, it was not her lucky day. If she had known, she would have taken the back exit.

“Hi! Dad.” She had no choice but to greet back. “I am sorry, but I need to run because I have an early appointment.” She was not lying but just omitting some details. Besides, she did not feel like talking to her father.

She noticed her father was entertaining two guests that she did not recognize. But it could be new clients or old friends she had not met before. Whoever it was, she could not ignore them. She had to meet them, even if it was the last thing she wanted to do.

“I am glad that you are up. Come and join us. It would only take a few minutes before you leave.” Her father waved to her, insisting she should welcome their guests.

She walked over to them, plastering a fake smile on her face. Then, she politely greeted their unknown visitors. “I want you to meet my only daughter, Haley.” She heard her father introduce her to the two men.

The older man was the first to stand and shook her hand. “This is Mr. Don Lorenzo.” She heard her father mention his name. Then, the much younger man followed behind, also taking her hand.

“I am Michael Prescot. Mr. Lorenzo’s partner.” He introduced himself. But instead of shaking her hand, he took it to his lips and mildly grazed her knuckles with a gentle kiss before letting her go. “It is a privilege to meet you, Ms. Haley Rosley. I heard great things about your work.”

She could not remember seeing them anywhere, but it seemed they had done some research about her work. She could only conclude that they might be new clients who needed their services.

“It is both nice to meet you.” She gracefully answered, forcing another smile on her lips. Then, she looked at her father as if asking permission to leave. “I am sorry, Dad, Mr. Lorenzo, and Mr. Prescot, but my previous engagement prevents me from staying.”

She did not want to be rude to their guests, but she was not in the mood to entertain them and their possible questions. Under any other circumstance, she welcomed new clients, but not today.

“Can’t you reschedule your appointment for another time?” Her father asked her, silently telling her that it was not a request but a command. “I will need you here since Mr. Lorenzo has some big projects he would like you to work on.”

It was what she thought, but as she had decided earlier. Her child was her priority. She was not postponing determining the condition of her pregnancy, but she was not telling her father that.

Instead, “I am sorry, but I already made a promise. I can’t break it. But it is nice to meet you both. I am sure that if you set a schedule with my assistant, I will get back to you as soon as I can.”

She did not allow her father to bully her into staying even for another second. She could discuss business when they had set an appointment with her secretary, but not today. She had already instructed her assistant not to bother her for the entire day.

“That is ok. Mr. Rosley. I am sure the project could wait until your daughter is available.” Mr. Prescot responded with a nod in her direction. “We will see you until then.”

Quickly, she excused herself, leaving the three men in the living room, and proceeded to her car. She had to get to the hospital before she missed her appointment. She was already running late.

From now on, she decided that the baby and nothing else would come first.

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