The Messenger of Death

Chapter 279: crisis in the capital city

Chapter 279: crisis in the capital city

A day after the illegal activities of the Kawataro family was reported to the government.

The news about the Kawataro family operating illegal businesses spread throughout the capital city and cities closest to the capital city.

A class-3 bloodline family playing tyrant, kidnapping and enslaving the weak and less privileged. Those affected by their evil, directly, and their families, resented them to the core.

Many of the people turned against the Kawataro family in fear that they or someone close to them might have been a victim of their wickedness.

A large protest was brewing in the capital city against the tyrannical family. In other cities where the Kawataro family-controlled legal businesses, there were protesters there, obstructing their businesses.

All this, in turn, infuriated the Kawataro family and increased the flames of hate in their hearts the Avanti family had become an enemy they couldn't reconcile with until they cause equal damage to them or crush them completely

Meanwhile, the Avanti family was receiving accolades and the love of the people of the Western continent. They were responsible for the exposure of the inhumane acts of the Kawataro family, or so they thought.

This increased the sale of their businesses by 10% percent within hours of the information being released to the public.

Lawrence had been invited by the Prime Minister to come to the House of Representatives and attend a meeting concerning the livelihood of the capital city. Before he left the Avanti manor, Alex asked him to urge the government to keep its focus on the Kawataro family.

Even if anything happens, he told Lawrence to tell them that the issues would be taken care of by the Seraphim team.

Just before it was noon, a part of the city where a protest was being held, the market square, went up in flames.

Protesters began screaming and running for their lives. Heads fell to the floor, arms ripped away from shoulders. Blood splashed on the walls of buildings, on other people, and also on the ground; creating little puddles of blood.


Women, children, men, screaming for help.

"Kill them, kill them, kill them all!!!! Jaahahaha!!" A bald monk shrouded in a brown robe of different shades, a gold staff in his hands, and the symbol of the syndicate of exiled soldiers tattooed on his forehead; kept on screaming as he killed innocent people.

Beside this monk was another monk in a grey robe. This monk didn't have the tattoo of the syndicate on his forehead, but he did have a lot of piercings. In each of the piercings, a silver ring had been inserted.

4 piercings on his nose, 6 on each of his ears, 2 on each side of his eyebrows, and a small one in the middle of his lower lips. He held a silver staff that also a lot of rings on it.

Even with these distinctive features of the monks, they were quite good-looking.

"I condemn all of you sinners to hell!!!" The monk bellowed and then proceeded to bite all five of his fingers on his right hand, till they started bleeding.

With his blood as a catalyst, the crazy monk started inscribing runic alphabets on the air. "Amitabh!!!" The crazy monk shouted and what he inscribed on the air turned into a bright wall of a destructive, blinding light that was 12 meters tall and 3 meters wide.


The monk's golden staff created a loud but subtle echo. Following that, the bright wall of light shot in the direction of people running for their lives.

This light shaved the skin, meat, and tendons of everyone that it touched. What remained of the victims that got covered in the light were bones.

The walls and structures that also got touched by the light didn't get affected.

"Amitabha." The monk with piercing smiled as he watched his companion cause destruction.

"Shi Li is really going at it." A woman's voice reached the ears of the monk that had piercings.

In a second she appeared beside the monk with piercings. This woman's whole body had been wrapped in white tapes, except her face and long azure hair.

Dressed in only tapes, this woman's figure wasn't hiding behind much fabric.

She had green, deep eyes and pale skin. This woman had a Morningstar in her hands.

Not long after her appearance, 7 more individuals with distinctive features appeared at the center of the storm that the crazy monk had been creating.

"Brother Shi Li is adamant on expelling sinners from the face of this realm. It is his dream and hope, Sister Desire." The monk with piercings replied the woman whose neck to feet had been covered in white tapes.

"Calling me sister makes me feel old, stop calling me that, Saram." The woman in tapes, Desire, complained.

"Finally, it's our turn to return to the lands of the living. Rotting in the shadows for over 2 years, letting the world think that we had died who came up with that rotting suggestion!!"


An obese middle-aged man that looked like he weighed over a thousand pounds, screamed out before creating a deep crater on the spot that he was standing on by increasing his body weight.

"When last did I feast like a king! I had to eat like a peasant, I have lost a lot of fat in course of 2 years."

"Shut the fuck up Pam, and reduce your size. The sight of your obese form"


"is repulsive and disgusting." A dark-skinned man, with hardened muscles and dreadlocks, felt the urge to vomit after seeing the sight of the obese man, Pam.

Pam scoffed at the dark-skinned man. "The moment you let your guard down Irimm, I will eat your meat."

"Carnivorous pig." A female dwarf commented and threw saliva to the ground.

"We better get to work. The aim is to destroy at least half of a quarter of the capital city." Desire mentioned with a wicked smile on her face

Meanwhile, not far away from where the destruction was taking place, the Seraphim team and the Avanti siblings were on their way towards the growing flames.

Camron's mother refused to let Camron out of the Manor unless he went carried a few guards along with him.

To save time and alleviate Lady Ivy's worry, Camron had no choice but to comply with his mother's condition.

"Alex, will we really be okay? I can feel several strong presences coming from over there." Gustavo revealed and pointed in the direction that they were heading for.

"There are strong people ahead, but they shouldn't be hard to deal with, I think," Alex replied.

"Can you tell what cultivation level they're in from here?" Emma questioned.

"No, they are too far for my consciousness to prove that deep. But I don't sense much danger from them. Only 4 of them."

"Only 4!? I can sense 10 individuals." Gustavo frowned. He hardly ever doubts his intuition and knack for sensing danger, it has kept him alive even when passing through storms of danger.

"Tell me who in this world is going to take your words over Alex's." Drake mocked.

"Even I find it hard to believe, but it is what I sense and I don't doubt myself," Gustavo stated.

['Why do I feel uneasy hearing that?'] Alex thought.

['Stay at alert.'] Xander cautioned.

['Milo, on stand by.'] Alex ordered.

Within minutes, Alex and the rest arrived in the market square. The sight of bones, people crying and shaking in a corner, and blood made the blood of everyone present churl everyone but Alex.

He out of all of them is used to a sight like this.

Emma closed her mouth with her hands and held the contents of her stomach within. Katherine patted her back, trying to soothe her friend while also trying to soothe herself.

"They just let them run rampant in the capital city, those Kawataro people are despicable!" Camron said in anger.

Unknowingly to him, he started doing what he did to Alex while they were in the carriage on their way back to the capital city, from the Poduct village.

He began absorbing every negative emotion within 2km.

"Saram, why do I still see sinners alive?" Shi Li's voice reached everyone's ears.

"Because they just arrived here Shi Li," Saram responded calmly with a smile on his face.

"Some people run to their deaths like a moth to fire, or in this case, suicide to fire" Pam commented as he placed a hand on his chin, contemplating his words.

"Please do not speak even when you're being spoken to. Nothing smart comes out of that hole you call a mouth." Irimm shook his head, feeling embarrassed for Pam that doesn't seem to know what shame is.

"Who are you guys?" Adrian asked. He had already instinctively taken a battle stance. Most of them did.

['Just as Gustavo said, there are 10 of them.'] Alex thought in surprise.

He turned and looked at Gustavo for few seconds, giving him a questioning look.

['This Gustavo he is more than what meets the eye.'] Xander commented.

['I will have to make inquiries on him later.']

['Good, what you should focus on is if you're going to check it their cultivation prowess by probing or just begin battling?'] Lex mentioned.

Before Alex could decide on which he should do first, he saw a wall of light forming in front of them. His instincts told him that the light should be taken lightly.

"Amitabh!!" Shi Li bellowed and the wall of light shot in the direction of where Alex and the rest were

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